Hart--Irving Harlow (Extension Faculty and Archivist)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 728 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Valuable lessons to be learned from UNI's historians
Northern Iowa Today 85:2, p.36
Gerald Peterson talks about what he has learned by studying those who have written about UNI; photo.
2 UNI beginning portrayed in Lang Hall; but restoration is needed to preserve artwork of school's birth
Northern Iowan 93:46, p.10
Bas-reliefs in Lang Hall date back to the beginning of UNI; photo.
3 The Educational Policies Commission
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.154
The foundation and role of the EPC; its early work; its relationship with college administrators; photo.
4 Curriculum and related matters, 1940-1950
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.132
Detailed coverage of curriculum change, especially the movement to reformulate general education.
5 A new president at the helm
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.103
Biographical sketch of Malcolm Price; President Price's initial views and objectives; photo.
6 Student and faculty life at ISTC
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.68
History of student publications, debate, drama, music, and athletics during the Latham administration; photo.
7 Setting new standards for faculty preparation, professorial rank, and retirement
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.12
President Latham takes initial steps to improve faculty credentials, regularize the system of faculty rank, and define the possibilities for faculty retirement; photo.
8 Expanded co- and extra-curricular activities
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.448
Survey of activities of literary societies, drama, athletics, Greeks, debate, oratory, and college student publications; photo.
9 New and expanded curricula and services (1913 through April, 1917); the Claxton Commission
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.318
The college expands its services to include extension, rural education, Bible study, student health, and dormitories; a close look at the Claxton Commission Report and the Inside Survey; photo.
10 George Holmes reminisces
Alumnus 56:3, p.7
Mr. Holmes recalls the UNI presidents with whom he has worked and the various challenges that UNI has faced; photo.
11 Archives preserves treasures of the past
Alumnus 53:3, p.11
Collections and services offered by University Archives; photo.
12 TC's school of the air begins on WOI
College Eye 50:2, p.7
Schedule of programming.
13 I. H. Hart dies after 44 years at T. C.
Alumnus 42:3, p.19
Died July 12, 1958; photo.
14 To establish memorial for Irving H. Hart
College Eye 49:37, p.1
Professor Hart died last week; was director of extension and first archivist.
15 Untitled
College Eye 48:29, p.2
Disagrees with statements made in the New York Times concerning American college students.
16 Library Science
Old Gold 0:0, p.98
Brief description of the department; photo.
17 Seventy third annual Alumni Reunion will present honors
College Eye 47:32, p.7
Brief profiles of those who will be honored.
18 Parsons provided first Homecoming foe for Panthers
College Eye 47:8, p.1
A look at some of ISTC's early Homecomings.
19 Hear Hart remember
Alumnus 39:3, p.4
Mr. Hart speaks to Chicago alumni.
20 Library Science Improves Facilities
Old Gold 0:0, p.86
Description of the improvements made to the library, such as the card catalogues and new subscriptions to periodicals; photos.
21 Drama Group initiates ten new members
College Eye 46:31, p.5
List of new Theta Alpha Phi members.
22 Scholarship donors like Hart's book
Alumnus 39:2, p.1
Letters from donors about the Hart history.
23 TC educational TV program wins national award
Alumnus 39:2, p.8
Landmarks of Iowa History wins award for school telecasts.
24 TC television show wins first place in national competition
College Eye 46:27, p.8
"Landmarks in Iowa History" honored; lengthy description of the way that Mr. Hake produces each show; photo.
25 Local ISEA members finish teacher appreciation drive
College Eye 46:16, p.6
Local faculty will be memorialized in Salisbury House fund drive.
26 Hake announces some changes in TV arrangement
College Eye 46:14, p.2
Walt Gohman will take on science series.
27 Irving H. Hart
Old Gold 0:0, p.21
Administration; photo.
28 Four of faculty at ISEA meet
College Eye 45:20, p.6
29 Representatives visit IFTA delegate assembly in Des Moines this weekend
College Eye 45:18, p.1
30 Bryn Mawr gets works on Seneca
College Eye 45:8, p.8
Professor Merchant's works on Seneca presented to Bryn Mawr College.
31 Radio programs aired over WOI
College Eye 45:5, p.3
Six programs will be broadcast weekly.
32 Teachers College archivists maintain permanent records
College Eye 44:42, p.3
Irving Hart and Fred Cram talk about their work and the archives collection; photo.
33 Administration
Old Gold 0:0, p.22
Administrators; photo.
34 TCAEFS meet scheduled in May
College Eye 44:28, p.8

Irving Hart will speak.

35 Do you remember?
Alumnus 37:1, p.4
Archivist seeking copy of The Stylus.
36 I. H. Hart writes article on Mississippi steamboating
Alumnus 36:3, p.3
Appears in Minnesota history magazine.
37 Teachers College receives Homerian Society mementos
Alumnus 36:2, p.8
Ida Rohlf presents gavel and photos.
38 Tea honors I. H. Hart
Alumnus 36:2, p.2
Marks beginning of sale of book.
39 Hart, TC author will be honored at tea in Commons
College Eye 43:25, p.1
Faculty and student leaders will honor Irving Hart; description of the writing of "The First 75 Years"; photo.
40 An informal author's tea honoring Irving H. Hart will be held in the Georgian Lounge of the Commons, April 16
Public Relations News Release 1951:611, p.1
Hart's book "The First 75 Years" is a history of ideas fundamental to the development of the college. Hart is college archivist and historian. Favors in the form of book marks will be presented to those attending.
41 Maude Gilchrist, 90, daughter of the first president, died Thursday in Ft. Dodge, according to word received at the college
Public Relations News Release 1952:553, p.1
Funeral services will be at Laurens, Monday. Gilchrist was a member of the first graduating class, then Iowa State Normal School, in 1878. Her father, the late James Cleland Gilchrist, served as head of the school from its founding in 1876 to 1886.
42 Attract 250 to Des Moines reunion
Alumnus 35:4, p.5
Program is series of historical flashbacks over college history; photo.
43 The ideas that built Teachers College
Alumnus 35:4, p.2
Professor Aitchison reviews Professor Hart's history of ISTC; photo.
44 Phi Delta Kappa to have dinner
College Eye 43:9, p.6
Several ISTC faculty will participate.
45 'Being a teacher' is general topic of Fall discussion
College Eye 43:5, p.3
Professors Hart and Lang will make presentations; a look at the program.
46 Annual discussion conference is open to all TC students
College Eye 43:4, p.1
Preview of the program.
47 The annual fall conference, sponsored by the speech activities club, will be held on campus, Tuesday and Wednesday, October 16 - 17
Public Relations News Release 1951:77, p.1
The conference will open in Gilchrist Hall Chapel with a symposium of three speakers, I. H. Hart, R. Bruce Hughes, and William Lang, who will present past and present problems in education.
48 Plan five celebrations for 75th anniversary
Alumnus 35:3, p.5
Events will include matriculation convocation, Homecoming, performance of "The Elijah", spring colloquium, and reunion; Mr. Hart's book will also be published.
49 Foreword
First 75 Years 0:0, p.0

Professor Aitchison introduces Professor Hart's history.

50 Introduction
First 75 Years 0:0, p.0

Professor Hart explains the organization of his history; presents the ideas that he chooses to treat.