Hart--Irving Harlow (Extension Faculty and Archivist)
Displaying 301 - 350 of 728 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
301 | Hart and Fuller will broadcast over WOI College Eye 27:30, p.3 |
Will speak on support of public education. | |
302 | Hart leads forum over station WOI College Eye 27:27, p.4 |
On state support of public education. | |
303 | Faculty members to address social science teachers College Eye 27:27, p.1 |
Many will participate in conference. | |
304 | Iowa teachers of social science will gather at the Teachers College on Saturday Public Relations News Release 1935:424, p.1 |
Schedule of events. | |
305 | I. H. Hart will preside at the panel discussion of the social science conference Public Relations News Release 1935:391, p.2 |
Schedule of events. | |
306 | Faculty members among Who's Who on 1934-35 list College Eye 27:26, p.1 |
President Latham and Professors Luse, Hart, Buffum, and Thompson recognized. | |
307 | I. H. Hart led a forum discussion on state support of public education Public Relations News Release 1935:367, p.1 |
The discussion was conducted over the radio station WOI. | |
308 | The campus this week College Eye 27:24, p.4 |
Campus news notes. | |
309 | Sixteen new members will be formally initiated into Kappa Delta Pi Public Relations News Release 1935:302, p.1 |
New members. | |
310 | Judge Wood to lead Armistice Day gathering College Eye 27:19, p.1 |
George W. Wood will speak. | |
311 | Judge George W. Wood will deliver the Armistice day address Public Relations News Release 1935:175, p.1 |
Program for the event. | |
312 | Hart declares that salaries of most teachers are inadequate; amount of salary needed for necessities is too high College Eye 27:16, p.1 |
Professor Hart shows why he believes that teachers' salaries are inadequate. | |
313 | Letter from poet Longfellow found College Eye 27:16, p.1 |
Professor Hart has a letter the Longfellow sent to his father, A. C. Hart. | |
314 | "Educators have long known that teachers' salaries are too low..." Public Relations News Release 1935:79, p.2 |
The committee made four recommendations for determining appropriate salary levels. | |
315 | Industrial Art conference to be here Oct. 5; seven hundred invitations mailed to town teachers College Eye 27:14, p.5 |
Program highlights. | |
316 | Dean M. Schweickhard has been selected as principal speaker Public Relations News Release 1935:12, p.1 |
Schedule of events for the teaching of industrial arts in junior and senior high school conference. | |
317 | Hart will lead education meet College Eye 27:45, p.1 |
On rural education. | |
318 | Kappa Theta Psi Old Gold 0:0, p.222 |
Established in 1906; purpose, advisor, honorary members, officers, and members; photos. | |
319 | Extension Division Old Gold 0:0, p.36 |
Description of services; photos. | |
320 | Sixteen Iowa public school bills passed College Eye 26:43, p.1 |
Professor Hart reviews the important measures. | |
321 | Ministers seek greater virility in church work College Eye 26:43, p.1 |
Ministerial association meets on campus. | |
322 | Faculty instructors to deliver addresses to Iowa graduates College Eye 26:42, p.1 |
Many faculty will participate in high school graduation ceremonies. | |
323 | Untitled College Eye 26:40, p.3 |
The Dickinsons have a new daughter. | |
324 | Elsie P. Sindt will replace Charles A. Kittrell on the program of the first annual conference for teachers of arithmetic Public Relations News Release 1934:964, p.1 |
Schedule for the event. | |
325 | Arithmetic teachers have been invited to attend the third of four conferences Public Relations News Release 1934:947, p.1 |
Conference schedule. | |
326 | Further school funds required; group urges continuance of federal aid to education College Eye 26:19, p.1 |
Professors Hart and Cram attend meeting. | |
327 | Faculty to attend state convention College Eye 26:18, p.1 |
Many faculty will attend the ISTA meeting. | |
328 | Seventeen staff members are scheduled for a part in the seventy-ninth annual Iowa State Teachers Association convention Public Relations News Release 1934:653, p.2 |
Program for the event. | |
329 | Frances Perkins will be the principal speaker at the seventy-ninth annual convention of the Iowa State Teachers Association Public Relations News Release 1934:652, p.3 |
Program for the event. | |
330 | Hart appointed to state educational committee position College Eye 26:16, p.1 |
Will be coordinator of the education committee of the Iowa State Planning Board. | |
331 | News briefs College Eye 26:5, p.3 |
Information on students, alumni, and faculty. | |
332 | Branch briefs College Eye 26:3, p.4 |
News from the branch summer school. | |
333 | Extension Division Old Gold 0:0, p.56 |
Four major phases of the service; description; photos. | |
334 | Kappa Theta Psi Old Gold 0:0, p.228 |
Established in 1906; officers and members; photos. | |
335 | Dr. Latham is named on new planning group College Eye 25:43, p.1 |
Will join Irving Hart on State Planning Board. | |
336 | Eight faculty men to speak; eighteen high schools ask T.C. professors for addresses College Eye 25:43, p.1 |
For high school Commencement ceremonies. | |
337 | Professors will soon be in high demand as speakers for high school commencement programs Public Relations News Release 1934:485, p.1 |
Eight professors are scheduled for a total of eighteen talks. | |
338 | Herring names Hart on state committee College Eye 25:42, p.1 |
Irving Hart will be member of Iowa State Planning Committee on Education. | |
339 | Three students are new Theta Alpha's College Eye 25:42, p.3 |
340 | Appointment of I. H. Hart was made this week Public Relations News Release 1934:469, p.1 |
Has been appointed to the Iowa State Planning Committee on Education. Education is project number seven of twelve planned for the first six months of this year. | |
341 | Hart and Pike to speak at forums College Eye 25:37, p.1 |
On community expectations of colleges. | |
342 | Meet the fourth and final faculty group . . . . Alumnus 18:2, p.1 |
Profile of Extension Division and its head, I. H. Hart; photo. | |
343 | News briefs College Eye 25:35, p.3 |
Information on students, alumni, and faculty. | |
344 | Parker to talk before A. A. U. W. members Feb. 27 College Eye 25:32, p.1 |
Will discuss rural schools. | |
345 | Rural ministers will gather here Feb. 28 College Eye 25:30, p.4 |
346 | Ball for F. R. to take place here Jan. 30th College Eye 25:26, p.1 |
Will raise money for polio. | |
347 | Alumni issue book Alumnus 18:1, p.19 |
Professor Shepherd and Elizabeth Hart Bennett will publish book on reading. | |
348 | Members of Teachers College faculty attend convention; Sadie B. Campbell elected president of Iowa Deans College Eye 25:20, p.1 |
Many faculty appear on program. | |
349 | Corning is selected as 1934 location of T. C. summer school College Eye 25:18, p.1 |
Will include staff of eleven. | |
350 | Extension director, faculty trio, appear on WOI October 28 College Eye 25:16, p.1 |
On PTA program. |