Hart--Irving Harlow (Extension Faculty and Archivist)
Displaying 101 - 150 of 728 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
101 | Branch summer school staffs named Public Relations News Release 1946:171, p.1 |
Sessions will be held in Spencer, Carroll, and Creston. Faculty members from other colleges and schools may serve. | |
102 | Engelman and Anderson on college radio College Eye 36:43, p.1 |
103 | Howard discusses 6-weeks art work at Thursday exhibit College Eye 36:41, p.3 |
Panel discussion features student work. | |
104 | Holst-Hill radio program planned for station KXEL College Eye 36:40, p.4 |
A look at other programming as well. | |
105 | Summer students exhibit art work Thursday, Friday College Eye 36:40, p.1 |
Will also hold panel discussion. | |
106 | Esther Howard was the instructor of art during the six week summer session Public Relations News Release 1945:187, p.1 |
Students Ms. Howard displayed their art in the college Vocational Building. | |
107 | KXEL studios observe third year College Eye 36:39, p.1 |
A look at the celebratory programming. | |
108 | Faculty has long-time record of service Alumnus 29:3, p.13 |
Average term of service of faculty member is eighteen years; roster of those with long service records. | |
109 | Modern teachers problems complex College Eye 36:37, p.3 |
Professor Hart hopes to address problems with Extension Service. | |
110 | Algona, Missouri Valley, Red Oak have varied activity program College Eye 36:36, p.3 |
A look at branch summer school activities. | |
111 | I. H. Hart, Extension Director Old Gold 0:0, p.25 |
The responsibilities of the Extension Director; photo. | |
112 | Dr Selmer C. Larson named director of Algona site Public Relations News Release 1945:109, p.1 |
I. H. Hart announced the Algona director and faculty for the Branch Summer School of the Teachers College. | |
113 | Dr. J. B. Paul named director of Missouri Valley Summer School of the Teachers College Public Relations News Release 1945:108, p.1 |
Faculty members named to Missouri Valley site for summer school. | |
114 | Paintings of Clifford (Bud) West on display Public Relations News Release 1945:102, p.1 |
Colorado painter's paintings reveal his intense concern for better human relationships. | |
115 | Branch summer schools to be located in Algona, Missouri Valley, and Red Oak Public Relations News Release 1945:98, p.1 |
I. H. Hart, director of extension services announces summer school locations. Members of the regular instructional staff in Cedar Falls will make up the staff of the branch schools. | |
116 | Alumni Quiz Kids have fun at Des Moines reunion Alumnus 29:1, p.4 |
Quiz show format allows officials to give facts about the college; presentation is recorded for later broadcast; photo. | |
117 | Hart 'rides' best-sellers for hobby College Eye 36:13, p.1 |
Mr. Hart talks about his work in compiling information about best-selling books. | |
118 | Teachers urged to support code College Eye 36:11, p.1 |
Professor Charles urges support of Iowa School Code Commission. | |
119 | Dial Dope 1540 College Eye 36:10, p.3 |
Announces upcoming broadcasts on KXEL. | |
120 | Hake, alumni quiz kids entertain at reunion College Eye 36:9, p.1 |
Will hold annual dinner and reunion in Des Moines; will be recorded and broadcast on radio. | |
121 | Faculty attend teachers convention College Eye 36:9, p.6 |
Several will take part in program. | |
122 | Extension Service expanded Alumnus 28:4, p.23 |
Sixteen faculty now engaged in extension work around state. | |
123 | Extension answers calls for help College Eye 36:3, p.3 |
A look at some of the work in which the Extension Service is involved; photo. | |
124 | Dial Dope 1540 College Eye 35:38, p.4 |
Announcements of upcoming broadcasts on KXEL. | |
125 | Emergency teachers want more courses College Eye 35:37, p.4 |
According to survey, teachers pressed into service by the war would like to take more classes. | |
126 | Deans and officials Old Gold 0:0, p.16 |
Summary of the duties of the deans and administrative officials; photo. | |
127 | A teachers college at war looks forward to peace. Old Gold 0:0, p.6 |
Display of letters and campus scenes; photo. | |
128 | Iowa post-war planning group discuss problems College Eye 35:28, p.1 |
Group considers certification, vocational education, and credit for returning veterans. | |
129 | Iowa schools make post-war plans; teachers college represented in state conference College Eye 35:27, p.1 |
DPI sponsors conference; several ISTC administrators make presentations on dealing with the post-war campus. | |
130 | Educational Policies Commission organized for college development College Eye 35:26, p.1 |
Will assist in utilizing new plans and ideas for ISTC; will consist of eleven members. | |
131 | Faculty discuss school issues; educators meet here to discuss new T. C. services College Eye 35:23, p.1 |
Conference brings together school administrators from around the state. | |
132 | Monthly drama program arouses interest, reading College Eye 35:17, p.6 |
Mr. Hake presents "New Plays in Old Ways". | |
133 | Radio for the classroom Alumnus 28:1, p.2 |
Brief history and description of ISTC radio programming; photo. | |
134 | Dial Dope College Eye 35:14, p.5 |
Announces upcoming broadcasts on KXEL. | |
135 | Dial Dope College Eye 35:13, p.4 |
Announces upcoming broadcasts on KXEL. | |
136 | Fagan, Hart climax argument on KXEL College Eye 35:11, p.6 |
Mr. Hart takes a conservative view and Mr. Fagan takes a liberal view on grammar and language. | |
137 | Theta Alpha Phi holds annual breakfast event College Eye 35:9, p.3 |
At the Harts' home. | |
138 | Dial Dope 1540 College Eye 35:5, p.3 |
Announces upcoming broadcasts on KXEL. | |
139 | Faculty members help broadcast drama productions College Eye 35:2, p.3 |
Produce "Rip Van Winkle". | |
140 | Correction College Eye 34:38, p.2 |
Many contribute to radio programming. | |
141 | Branch school at Corning visited by board member College Eye 34:38, p.4 |
News from the branch summer schools. | |
142 | Rotarians urge naming street for Pres. Seerley College Eye 34:38, p.1 |
Will present resolution to city to name 24th Street in honor of President Seerley. | |
143 | Branch schools completed six-week session July 13 College Eye 34:37, p.4 |
News from branch summer schools. | |
144 | 'Teachers College of the Air' ends first year on KXEL College Eye 34:37, p.1 |
Put on special anniversary program; description of the studio facilities. | |
145 | Branch School student art work shown at Sheldon this week College Eye 34:36, p.4 |
News from the branch summer schools. |
146 | Branch School now having new demonstration series College Eye 34:35, p.6 |
News from the branch summer schools. |
147 | Class in school laws has 40 per cent men College Eye 34:34, p.3 |
148 | Three faculty members to attend state meet College Eye 34:33, p.2 |
Meeting of county superintendents. | |
149 | Wartime service brings many faculty changes College Eye 34:31, p.1 |
Roster of changes. | |
150 | Theta Alpha Phi Old Gold 0:0, p.60 |
Closely-knit fraternity that is actively engaged in raising all levels of drama to their highes level, this organization is responsible for some of the social events on campus, such as the Homecoming Breakfast; photo. |