Hart--Irving Harlow (Extension Faculty and Archivist)
Displaying 451 - 500 of 728 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
451 | Fuller elected head of Teachers College Extension Association College Eye 22:21, p.1 |
Had served as president once before. | |
452 | A. C. Fuller, associate director of the extension division Public Relations News Release 1930:242, p.1 |
Elected president of Teachers College Extension Association. | |
453 | Professors to attend meeting of National Education Association College Eye 22:19, p.6 |
A number of faculty will attend meeting in Detroit. | |
454 | Iowa State Teachers College professors Public Relations News Release 1930:205, p.1 |
Faculty to attend the National Education Association's annual meeting of the Department of Superintendence in Detroit on February 21-26. | |
455 | A. C. Fuller, associate director of the extension division Public Relations News Release 1930:194, p.1 |
Professor Fuller and other faculty members to attend the Teachers College Extension Association conference in Ypsilanti, Michigan. | |
456 | Inter-sorority tea and college dance are the social events of the season College Eye 22:16, p.5 |
Campus social calendar. | |
457 | Alumni talk at state conference Alumnus 15:1, p.4 |
Roster of ISTC alumni and faculty participating in Iowa State Teachers Convention. | |
458 | One hundred Iowa educators attend fourteenth meet; unfavorable weather greatly reduced attendance at conference College Eye 22:13, p.1 |
Frank Clapp presented highlight presentation. | |
459 | Nineteen faculty members address teachers of state; Latham points out pitfalls in progressive education College Eye 22:10, p.1 |
Many faculty are on ISTA program. | |
460 | Nineteen faculty members of the Iowa State Teachers college Public Relations News Release 1930:79, p.1 |
Nineteen faculty members will travel to Des Moines for the 76th annual Iowa State Teachers Convention. | |
461 | Untitled College Eye 22:6, p.6 |
Professor Hart is doing ISTA work this week. | |
462 | Untitled College Eye 22:2, p.4 |
Professor Hart attended a state meeting. | |
463 | Professor and Mrs. Irving H. Hart College Eye 21:41, p.5 |
Will drive to Castine, Maine, to give a series of lectures on rural education. | |
464 | Dr. Anna Cordts and her niece, Gertrude College Eye 21:40, p.5 |
Visited friends and family in Cedar Falls. | |
465 | Dean visits extension schools College Eye 21:39, p.1 |
Dean Campbell visited Centerville, Spencer, and Shenandoah. | |
466 | Mayflower descendants meet at College Alumnus 14:3, p.17 |
Society meets on campus. | |
467 | Extension professor on child welfare program College Eye 21:36, p.2 |
Professor Hart will serve as chair of session. | |
468 | Extension Division Old Gold 0:0, p.40 |
Functions of the extension division; photos. | |
469 | Professors chosen for extension schools College Eye 21:31, p.2 |
To be held in Shenandoah, Centerville, and Spencer. | |
470 | Thirty-three prominent educators from Iowa and other states Public Relations News Release 1929:454, p.1 |
Faculty selected for branch summer schools. | |
471 | Iowa's contributions to literature, music, and relgion Public Relations News Release 1929:447, p.1 |
Iowa Club discusses fine arts. | |
472 | With the election of the officers for the ensuing year Public Relations News Release 1929:431, p.1 |
Society of Mayflower Descendants elect officers during their convention at ISTC; Irving Hart elected governor of state group. | |
473 | About fifty Iowa members of the Society of Mayflower Descendants Public Relations News Release 1929:422, p.1 |
Mayflower descendants hold annual convention at ISTC; Sons and Daughters of the Pilgrims hold convention same day. | |
474 | Mayflower descendants will meet next week College Eye 21:26, p.1 |
Irving Hart will present address. | |
475 | Educators including more than 350 Public Relations News Release 1929:366, p.1 |
ISTC hosts conference on problems in elementary education; roster of speakers. | |
476 | Education problems will be discussed at conference here College Eye 21:24, p.1 |
Outline of speakers and topics for elementary education conference. | |
477 | Iowans belonging to the Society of the Mayflower. Public Relations News Release 1929:327, p.1 |
Mayflower Descendants hold convention on campus. | |
478 | College will be host of educators College Eye 21:23, p.6 |
For thirteenth annual elementary education conference. | |
479 | Program committee plans for convention here this month College Eye 21:18, p.1 |
Planning for elementary education conferences. | |
480 | The program committee of the fourteenth annual Public Relations News Release 1929:197, p.1 |
The fourteenth annual convention on elementary school education will meet on campus February 3. | |
481 | Thirteenth annual education parley convenes in March; entertainment will be sponsored by members of local chapter of A. A. U. W. College Eye 21:15, p.1 |
Will discuss problems of elementary education. | |
482 | Preparations are under way Public Relations News Release 1929:139, p.1 |
The thirteenth annual Educational Conference will take place on campus in March to discuss elementary education; roster of organizing committee. | |
483 | Extension division will hold annual meeting here soon College Eye 21:12, p.1 |
Fifteen state teachers colleges are a part of the group. | |
484 | Iowa State Teachers college will be host Public Relations News Release 1929:86, p.1 |
ISTC will host the Teachers College Extension Association's national convention Jan. 3 and 4. | |
485 | Speakers from college faculty announce topics for convention College Eye 21:8, p.1 |
Speakers and topics for ISTA meeting. | |
486 | T. C. educators to appear on program at state convention; twelve faculty members will speak at Des Moines Nov. 7, 8, and 9 College Eye 21:7, p.1 |
Roster of those who will speak. | |
487 | Alpha Delta Alpha College Eye 21:7, p.5 |
Fraternity news. | |
488 | Teachers and patrons Public Relations News Release 1929:28, p.1 |
Extension Service annual report was published; provided statistical information on its work for the year. | |
489 | Iowa State Teacher College will be represented Public Relations News Release 1929:26, p.1 |
Fourteen faculty members will speak at the Iowa State Teachers convention in Des Moines. | |
490 | Extension Division serves many teachers is shown by report College Eye 21:6, p.1 |
Deliver service to about 25,000 teachers. | |
491 | Professor Hart speaks at farm life school, Maine College Eye 20:41, p.1 |
Will speak on economy. | |
492 | Extension Department Old Gold 0:0, p.35 |
Irving H. Hart praises the extension faculty members; photos. | |
493 | Alpha Delta Alpha news College Eye 20:3, p.8 |
Alumni visit, visits home, smoker, and political discussions. | |
494 | Professor Hart back from Sandy Lake College Eye 19:44, p.1 |
Enjoyed being away for two weeks. | |
495 | Prof. Hart and Fuller appear on program College Eye 19:41, p.1 |
At country school superintendents meeting. | |
496 | Members of faculty to attend N. E. A. College Eye 19:41, p.1 |
Ten faculty members will attend conference in Minneapolis. | |
497 | Extension Department Old Gold 0:0, p.38 |
Department roster; photos. | |
498 | Square and Compass Club Old Gold 0:0, p.197 |
Club officers; purpose; brief history; photo. |
499 | Alpha Delta Alpha Old Gold 0:0, p.274 |
Members; pledges; photo. | |
500 | Prof. Hart to speak at Rural Conference of Maine Teachers College Eye 18:51, p.2 |
Just returned from inspection of branch summer schools; will make Maine trip on behalf of the late Professor Campbell. |