Information Technology Services (ITS)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 138 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Blue safety phones to be removed
Northern Iowan 119:47, p.1
UNI is introducing the Rave Guardian app that will take place of the blue safety phones located sporadically on campus; photos.
2 Laptops versus desktops
Northern Iowan 119:29, p.4
Aubrey Schafbuch interviews students Emma Criswell, Macey Reed, Grant Wulfseng, and IT Director of Client Services Ben Arnold about the declining uses of campus PCs. More and more students are using their own laptops now that certain software and printing abilities can be used on personal devices; photo.
3 Changes expected for ITS
Northern Iowan 111:54, p.2
The ITS will be seeing changes to its student employment.
4 University releases new mobile app
Northern Iowan 110:28, p.1
UNI recently released a mobile application to help students connect to the university. The app provides a schedule of UNI events, menus for dining centers, maps, and emergency contact information. Students can access app this from any smartphone.
5 UNI offering updated literacy program
Northern Iowan 110:26, p.1
UNI is now offering an updated version of the literacy assistance software, Read&Write Gold 11. This helps students with disabilities to improve both their reading and writing skills, and is a free software for UNI students; photo.
6 Password requirements set to change for UNI students and staff
Northern Iowan 109:41, p.4
The password requirements for logging into UNI accounts will change in April. They will make things easier and more efficient; photo.
7 Changes made in student computer centers
Northern Iowan 109:3, p.3
ITS has closed the student computer centers in Bartlett Hall and Rod Library. A new lab has opened in Panther Village. Ninety-five new computers are located in various centers on campus. New Duplex printers were purchased to cut paper usage.
8 Infinite access to UNI email now available
Northern Iowan 108:27, p.1
Those who graduated in December 2010 or later will be allowed to keep their present university E-mail address. This is due to the lower cost of the new Gmail system.
9 Students and staff adjust to eLearning changes
Northern Iowan 108:2, p.1
WebCT has been purchased by Blackboard Learn 9. The changeover has not been simple. This is the first semester after the change. Growing pains will be evident to many.
10 Wi-Fi access planned for all residence halls
Northern Iowan 108:1, p.1
Wireless Internet access is expected to be completed by October 2011. Network switches were refreshed over the summer. Hagemann Hall was the testing pilot and will be the first to receive service.
11 Introduction to ITS
Northern Iowan 107:54, p.
Information Technology Services is responsible for all aspects of information support on campus. Computer Centers are located throughout campus with several open twenty-four hours a day.
12 NISG supports fee increase after debate
Northern Iowan 95:44, p.1
NISG passed a resolution supporting the increase of student computer fees by $30 per student per year; senior Scott Hunt proposed the increase.
13 Use your resources
Northern Iowan 107:11, p.8
Students urged to take advantage of several free activities on campus; Rod Library, ITS, athletic events, Career Services, and the Wellness and Recreation Center; photo.
14 Introduction to Information Technology Services
Northern Iowan 106:54, p.
Basic information concerning the purpose of services provided by the Information Technology Services Department.
15 Obstacles and opportunities experienced by women in IT to be the topic of next UNI "News Talk'
Public Relations News Release 2009:191, p.1
"Women in Information Technology Careers: Where Have They All Gone?" is the title of the final "News Talk" for the semester. The number of women in the information technology (IT) workforce continues to decline, yet demand for IT workers is increasing.
16 Introduction to ITS
Northern Iowan 106:1, p.16
Information Technology Services supports all aspects of information technology. Computer Centers are located on campus with several being open twenty-four hours a day. Free computer workshops are offered.
17 ITS provides computer workshops
Northern Iowan 106:1, p.4
Information Technology Services hosts free workshops for students, faculty, and staff. Topics include; eLearning, Microsoft Word, Google Tools, OneNote, Excel, and Power Point.
18 Intro to ITS
Northern Iowan 105:54, p.
Services of the Information Technology Services department explained.
19 Alert system put into action shortly after being implemented
Northern Iowan 104:43, p.
Newly installed Alert system works well; photo.
20 UNI graduates first statewide teaching class of 2+2 students
Public Relations News Release 2007:345, p.1
The 2+2 program allows students from across Iowa to graduate with a four-year degree after two years in the UNI program.
21 Anger over the UNI Ed. Department
Northern Iowan 104:15, p.9
Complains about length of education major, educational media course, high tuition and fees, health center service, and computer installation advice.
22 Technology takes over; prevalence of devices apparent campus-wide
Northern Iowan 104:7, p.7
Students are quick to adapt to new technology; photo.
23 Iowa veterinarians to get computer training at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
About thirty Iowa veterinarians will be participating in the Iowa Livestock Traceability Project computer training May 30.
24 Exterminating e-mail bugs will take time
Northern Iowan 103:48, p.1
The switch to a new web client has caused many problems for students, faculty, and staff. Known issues with Collaboration Suite Mail are provided. The process is explained; photo.
25 UNI computer server breached
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
During the holiday break, a breach was detected on a computer server in the Wellness/Recreation Center.
26 New e-mail service means fewer passwords
Northern Iowan 103:27, p.1
Collaboration Suite, a new e-mail system, will be in place by the end of December 2006 at UNI; photo.
27 UNI unveils first-in-the-nation online tool to make transferring easier that ever; 'Transfer Plan-it' takes guesswork out of transferring
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
Transfer Plan-It will aid prospective students, community college advisors, and high-school counselors.
28 UNI employees' W-2 forms exposed to virus; advised to proceed with caution
Northern Iowan 102:40, p.1
Information for six thousand UNI employees was subjected to corruption; photo.
29 Web CT an unappreciated tool; teacher and students can benefit from reliable program
Northern Iowan 102:23, p.5
Teachers urged to use WebCT for communication since UNI E-mail has been unreliable lately; photo.
30 Corrections
Northern Iowan 102:22, p.1
Public Safety website was created by Technology Systems and Services, and the 'High Five Rewards and Recognition' article is rewritten.
31 MailMan a 'mess,' say students
Northern Iowan 102:20, p.4
Students say that MailMan is unreliable; Information Technology Services recommends installing Thunderbird to meet your email needs.
32 UNI MailMan slow as snail
Northern Iowan 102:20, p.5
Decides that students should not be in charge of fixing recent E-mail problems.
33 UNI's Chem Wall creates gateway to chemistry
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
New interactive periodic table is informative and inviting.
34 UNI participates in WebCT's ePortfolio design group
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
A new branch of WebCT, called the ePortfolio, is being designed to help students preserve their work and keep records to be used in the future.
35 UNI Carver Institutes encourage innovative teaching in liberal arts core
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Institute program helps instructors to convey information to students; program began in May 2004 and will continue to May 2006.
36 ITS purchasing program helps students pick out "right computer"
Northern Iowan 101:28, p.1
Explanation of Information Technology Services computer sales below retail price; photo.
37 Schools 'legitimize' music downloads
Northern Iowan 101:2, p.1
Many universities in America look into instituting legitimate file-sharing programs to cut down on illegal music and software downloads; photo.
38 Mysterious e-mail messages help clean-up system
Northern Iowan 100:57, p.1
ITS-User Services tests new software to filter incoming E-mail in an effort to block viruses and unwanted messages.
39 Last chance to change User ID
Northern Iowan 100:53, p.4
Final amnesty period for changing UNI E-mail user names to end April 30.
40 ITS looks to bid out new computer contract soon
Northern Iowan 100:49, p.1
Spotlight on UNI's computer buying practices; photo.
41 ITS works to fix virus plague as students, faculty suffer
Northern Iowan 100:43, p.1
Recent crop of computer viruses slows down campus networks; photo.
42 East Gym renovation to start late spring
Northern Iowan 100:33, p.1
Capital improvements are planned for the East Gym and Physics Building; photo.
43 Graduate College goes online
Northern Iowan 100:27, p.1
Graduate College puts their classes on WebCT, which allows distance students to attend class from home; also eliminates paper shuffle.
44 Safety emphasized in UNI Web workshop for middle school students
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Students in the ECHOES program attend the "Creating Web Pages" workshop held on campus through July 24.
45 Middle school students completing band, Web workshops at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2002:579, p.1
The ECHOES Web page and Junior Band Camp summer programs come to completion.
46 New Web site offers valuable insights
Northern Iowan 99:47, p.9
ITS staff has created an updated Humanities Web site that provides useful information for UNI students.
47 UNI hosts technology symposium
Public Relations News Release 2002:418, p.1
April symposium schedule is announced by Information Technology Services.
48 Latest in educational technology showcased at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2001:326, p.1
"Spotlight on Educational Technology" will be hosted by ITS-Educational Technology.
49 ITS-Educational Technology conference
Campus News Network 12:13, p.2
Free mini-conference will be titled "Spotlight on Educational Technology".
50 Blasts from the past . . . Highlights from 2001
Campus News Network 12:11, p.1
Items highlighted include the College of Natural Sciences and the College of Education student teaching program.