Information Technology Services (ITS)

Displaying 51 - 100 of 138 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
51 UNI opens high-tech classroom
Public Relations News Release 2001:215, p.1
Information Technology Services will open StudioIT for faculty use on November 27.
52 StudioIT offers faculty and students new age, high-tech classroom
Campus News Network 12:7, p.2
Lang Hall 245 is the new home of ITS's "StudioIT". It is designed for faculty to learn new integrated technology.
53 CNN Profile
Campus News Network 12:7, p.2
Profile of ITS director, Tom Peterson; photo.
54 UNI to offer Web site development series Nov. 1, 8 & 15
Public Relations News Release 2001:180, p.1
Information Technology Services and the Regional Business Center will offer a three-session Web site development workshop.
55 Microsoft Excel Training for small area businesses to be offered Oct. 18
Public Relations News Release 2001:153, p.1
A Microsoft Excel training course will be offered by the UNI Regional Business Center on Oct. 18, for $75.
56 Profile
Campus News Network 11:24, p.3
Profile of Sam Barr; Information Technology Coordinator, Educational and Student Services.
57 UNI spearheads statewide collaborative pilot project to enhance learning in Iowa's middle school math students
Public Relations News Release 2000:249, p.1
List of schools and staff who are participating in the pilot project.
58 UNI unveils new online student portal Monday
Campus News Network 11:13, p.4
ITS has developed for students a location where they can build their own personalized Web page as a link to university resources.
59 Change of student user names a go
Northern Iowan 97:28, p.1
Current students will be assigned a new e-mail address beginning with the fall semester.
60 UNI receives recognition for innovative campus information systems
Campus News Network 11:7, p.4
UNI-NET received an honorable mention in the Educause Awards for Excellence in Campus Networking.
61 E-mail user names to remain the same
Northern Iowan 97:16, p.1
Because of student opposition, Information Technology Services will wait until the summer to make any potential changes.
62 University of Northern Iowa recognized for innovative campus information systems
Public Relations News Release 2000:123, p.1
Garry Bozylinsky explains what UNI-NET is, and how it works; program awarded an honorable mention in the Educause Awards for excellence in Campus Networking.
63 Online learning and teaching help
Campus News Network 11:6, p.3
ITS is offering educational workshops.
64 Netscape workshops
Campus News Network 11:5, p.2
Workshops for Netscape and other Internet features have been scheduled.
65 August/September computer workshops
Campus News Network 11:3, p.3
The ITS-Educational Technology computer workshop schedules are available online.
66 ITS offers free computer workshops
Northern Iowan 97:1, p.26
Schedule of computer workshops offered by Information Technology Services.
67 Transcripts movin' at light speed
Campus News Network 11:2, p.2
UNI has developed an electronic transmittal program for high school transcripts. It is the first public university to do so.
68 Courseware Camp 2000
Public Relations News Release 1999:444, p.1
Marilyn Drury explains what Summer Courseware Camps are offered by the Education Technology division of Information Technology Systems.
69 UNI certified to teach the latest in online teaching technology
Public Relations News Release 1999:414, p.1
Web Course Tools selects UNI as their only Iowa WebCT Institute.
70 UNI Information Technology Services selected as only WebCT Institute in Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1999:400, p.1
UNI will be the only institution in Iowa to train users of WebCT's products.
71 Free calendar accounts
Campus News Network 10:17, p.2
UNI faculty and staff may request an Electronic Calendar account from ITS.
72 www.ITS/offers online/learning/
Campus News Network 10:15, p.1
ITS will offer a four week mini-course in online learning from a student perspective.
73 ITS is ready for battle
Campus News Network 10:13, p.1
Ken Connelly, systems/operation manager of ITS, discusses recent Web site attacks and UNI's readiness to deal with them.
74 ITS offers free computer workshops
Northern Iowan 96:31, p.9
75 UNI escapes Y2K crisis thanks to early preparation
Northern Iowan 96:29, p.3
ITS began working on preparing UNI for the Year 2000 five years ago.
76 How did UNI fare in the Y2K transition?
Public Relations News Release 1999:173, p.1
Discussion with Gary Bozylinsky about the impact that Y2K had on UNI.
77 UNI is Y2K OK
Public Relations News Release 1999:172, p.1
Garry Bozylinsky, Associate Vice President for Information Technology, will discuss UNI's Y2K readiness.
78 I'm OK. You're OK. Y2K?
Campus News Network 10:9, p.1
There are few real worries regarding Y2K. However, a management team has been assembled to monitor computer systems on campus on New Year's Eve.
79 ITS workshops offer critical advantages
Northern Iowan 96:8, p.11
ITS offers a variety of free workshops every month to the UNI community; photo.
80 Computer fee increase will allow ITS to serve students
Northern Iowan 96:7, p.1
ITS struggles to provide adequate equipment and service with UNI's computer fee, lowest among the three Regents universities.
81 ITS offers Free Computer Workshops
Northern Iowan 96:1, p.30
August/September schedule given.
82 UniOnline debuts
Campus News Network 10:1, p.2
E-mail newsletter with information on UNI programs and events will be published twice a week.
83 Y2K Task Forces prepares University for millennium
Northern Iowan 95:61, p.6
Overview of the work the Y2K Task Force has completed to prepare for the year 2000.
84 ITS wiping out Y2K problems on UNI PCs
Campus News Network 9:19, p.1
ITS User Services staff are checking every personal computer on campus for Y2K compatibility.
85 What's Up
Northern Iowan 95:54, p.3
Activities and meetings.
86 What's Up
Northern Iowan 95:52, p.3
Activities and meetings.
87 What's Up
Northern Iowan 95:50, p.3
Activities and meetings
88 Center offers 'plethora of opportunities'
Northern Iowan 95:46, p.14
ITS Production Services and Training Services, located in the Center for Educational Technology, provide valuable services to the UNI community; photo.
89 What's Up
Northern Iowan 95:46, p.3
Activities and meetings.
90 What's Up
Northern Iowan 95:45, p.3
Activites and meetings.
91 Free computer training workshops
Northern Iowan 95:45, p.21
Workshop schedule for free computer training.
92 What's Up
Northern Iowan 95:43, p.3
Activities and meetings.
93 Proposal bids to reduce number of Macintosh campus computers
Northern Iowan 95:42, p.1
Student Computer Center Management team proposes to reduce number of Macintosh computers on campus from twenty-eight to fourteen after doing three semester research study.
94 Professor seeks to improve education for Iowa students
Northern Iowan 95:42, p.12
Richard Varn will leave his current position in ITS to become the Chief Information Officer for the State of Iowa beginning April 1; photo.
95 New rates make 'phoning home' cheaper, simpler
Northern Iowan 95:42, p.6
ICN will now provide cheaper long-distance rates for international calls; AT & T will still remain as a back-up.
96 What's Up
Northern Iowan 95:41, p.5
Activities and meetings.
97 Netscape Messenger becoming the campus e-mail program of choice
Campus News Network 9:13, p.1
New campus E-mail program will have a Graphical User Interface and will be bundled with Netscape Communicator.
98 ITS Training Services
Northern Iowan 95:35, p.3
Will host free computer training workshops.
99 ITS Training Services
Northern Iowan 95:31, p.3
To hold free comoputer training workshops.
100 Virus infects computers
Northern Iowan 95:21, p.1
ITS shut down campus computer labs to deal with CIH virus infection.