Latham--Orval Ray (President of ISTC)

Displaying 351 - 400 of 850 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
351 Y. W. C. A.
Old Gold 0:0, p.204
Began in 1887; description, board, cabinet, and council members; photo.
352 Kappa Delta Pi
Old Gold 0:0, p.177
The local Psi Chapter was established in 1923; officers, faculty members, and members; photo.
353 Summer term students face a full program of social events for the term
Public Relations News Release 1934:518, p.2
Schedule of events.
354 Dr. O. R. Latham
Old Gold 0:0, p.29
355 President O. R. Latham gives Commencement address
Public Relations News Release 1934:517, p.5
Abstract of Dr. Latham's address, "Education For A New Day".
356 Approximately 288 students will be candidates for graduation from the Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1934:515, p.5
Program for the fifty-eighth annual spring commencement.
357 Commencement week activities begin with a reception for graduates, alumni, and faculty
Public Relations News Release 1934:506, p.3
Programs for various events happening throughout the week.
358 Seniors will attend Lathams' reception
College Eye 25:44, p.3
359 Commencement activities will dominate society functions
College Eye 25:44, p.3
Campus social calendar.
360 Assembly held for honorary organizations; high seniors and members of fourteen societies are presented
College Eye 25:43, p.1
Description of ceremony honoring scholastic achievement.
361 Ihm is elected leader of Blue Key fraternity; president entertains men's honorary group at dinner
College Eye 25:43, p.1
President Latham holds dinner for the group.
362 Dr. Latham is named on new planning group
College Eye 25:43, p.1
Will join Irving Hart on State Planning Board.
363 Latham loans school banner to "Playboys"
College Eye 25:43, p.1
Richard Sucher and the Campus Playboys will sail on a Cunard line ship and entertain passengers.
364 Five Iowa State Teachers College fraternities and sororities had their annual spring dances
Public Relations News Release 1934:492, p.1
365 Marc Ihm will lead the Iowa State Teachers College chapter of Blue Key
Public Relations News Release 1934:487, p.1
New officers were also chosen.
366 Honor students in all departments will be presented at the second annual Recognition day assembly.
Public Relations News Release 1934:483, p.5
The assembly will be held on Wednesday morning.
367 Second annual Recognition Day will be May 16
College Eye 25:42, p.1
Description of program.
368 Mothers will be represented on the toast program at the Mother's Day luncheon
Public Relations News Release 1934:470, p.1
Registration will begin at 5:00 on Friday. The May fete will begin Saturday at 10:00. On Sunday there will be a special church service honoring the mothers. Students need to invite their parents, because the college will not be sending invitations.
369 Latham to be Commencement speaker June 4; reception for graduates to take place Sunday, May 27
College Eye 25:41, p.1
Commencement ceremony schedule.
370 Students at the Iowa State Teachers College will dance to the music of Floyd Halloway.
Public Relations News Release 1934:463, p.1
This is the first senior prom to be held in the Commons; names of couples that will lead the grand march; guests at the dance.
371 President Latham to give commencement address
Public Relations News Release 1934:461, p.1
Approximately 285 students will be receiving degrees and diplomas on Monday, June 4. Commencement activities will begin on the 27th of May.
372 Four Blue Key men honored; will represent college at national prep society
College Eye 25:40, p.1
Will go to Des Moines ceremony.
373 The first Recognition Day ceremonies for men and women
Public Relations News Release 1932:440, p.1
Men and Women honor students will be presented to the student body on May 16 in the first Recognition Day ceremonies for both men and women at the school. The first recognition day was in 1933 and for women only.
374 Latham, Finkenbinder attend convention
College Eye 25:39, p.4
Will attend North Central Association meeting.
375 News briefs
College Eye 25:39, p.3
Information on students, alumni, and faculty.
376 Symposium Club to hear speech tilts
College Eye 25:38, p.3
Forensics students will entertain.
377 College offices and bookstore to be rebuilt; tentative plans also cal for landscaping of Commons
College Eye 25:37, p.1
Will accommodate changes in administrative organization and beautification plans for Back Circle.
378 Reorganization announced in college administrative and instructional set-up; Nelson, Denny, Paul, Kurtz, Fuller, Lillehei figure in changes
College Eye 25:35, p.1
Description of President Latham's re-organizational plans; hopes to relieve faculty committees of administrative duties; will take effect July 1, 1934.
379 Dr. M. J. Nelson to become Dean of Faculty
Public Relations News Release 1932:396, p.1
The Board of Education approved an extensive reorganization of the administrative and instructional setup of the college this week. This change will do away with three departments of instruction.
380 Forty-two named for graduation; President Latham to confer honors at commencement exercises Thursday evening
College Eye 25:33, p.1
Description of Commencement program.
381 News briefs
College Eye 25:32, p.3
News on students, alumni, and faculty.
382 President Latham makes application for student employment relief funds; support is to come from emergency relief program
College Eye 25:30, p.1
Seeks funding for 146 student jobs.
383 Latham attends meeting
College Eye 25:28, p.1
Of Board of Education.
384 Ball for F. R. to take place here Jan. 30th
College Eye 25:26, p.1
Will raise money for polio.
385 Civil Works plan will be offered by O. R. Latham
College Eye 25:25, p.1
Will offer employment for at least fifty on a variety of projects.
386 Frosh, gridders, band, pepsters, coaches to dine
College Eye 25:23, p.1
Program for the banquet.
387 Fall exercises finish courses of 25 students; President's reception and annual dinner are on program
College Eye 25:22, p.1
Schedule of Commencement activities; George A. Works will speak.
388 Reception and dinner for fall term graduates closes social program
College Eye 25:22, p.3
Campus social calendar.
389 President Latham takes vacation
College Eye 25:17, p.3
Will visit Chicago and the East.
390 Commons dedication speaker epitomizes spirit of building; students' attitude toward Commons begins with character
College Eye 25:15, p.1
Excerpts from address by Thyrsa W. Amos; description of the ceremony.
391 Dr. Latham on examining board
Alumnus 17:4, p.20
New board will deal with new teacher certification law; President Latham also appointed to state board on liquor control.
392 Campus leaders dinner to be a major event; social education leader is featured speaker October 3
College Eye 25:14, p.1
Thyrus W. Amos will speak; program for the dinner.
393 President Latham is appointed on N. E. A. finance committee
College Eye 25:14, p.1
Committee concerned with public financing of education.
394 Opening dance of fall season is week-end's major social event
College Eye 25:14, p.3
Campus social calendar.
395 Freshman lectures to begin Wednesday
College Eye 25:12, p.1
Leslie Reed and President O. R. Latham will lead the first two sessions.
396 Congressman Fred C. Gilchrist to give commencement speech
Public Relations News Release 1932:361, p.1
The graduate of the college will address approximately 190 students in the summer term graduation on Thursday, August 24, at 7 pm in the auditorium.
397 One hundred eighty-eight are candidates for graduation at end of summer term; Gilchrist to speak; Latham will confer degrees, diplomas
College Eye 25:11, p.1
Description of Commencement ceremonies.
398 Extends welcome
College Eye 25:11, p.1
President Latham welcomes students; photo.
399 'Carrying The Torch' will be dinner theme; President's reception will begin graduation activities
College Eye 25:10, p.1

Schedule of Commencement activities.

400 Latham attends meeting of state examiners' board
College Eye 25:10, p.1
Board is working on new kinds of certification.