Latham--Orval Ray (President of ISTC)
Displaying 501 - 550 of 850 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
501 | Lambda Delta Lambda Old Gold 0:0, p.239 |
Names of officers and members; photo. | |
502 | Kappa Delta Pi Old Gold 0:0, p.233 |
Names of officers and members. | |
503 | Men's honor fraternity is formed here; Robert Cunningham will head local chapter of Blue Key College Eye 23:44, p.1 |
Blue Key chapter established; list of charter members and officers. | |
504 | Kappa Delta Pi Old Gold 0:0, p.232 |
Photos of members of Kappa Delta Pi. | |
505 | Approximately 460 students Public Relations News Release 1931:404, p.1 |
Class of 1932 Commencement is May 30; description of Commencement activities. | |
506 | Approximately 500 students Public Relations News Release 1931:406, p.1 |
Commencement is May 30. | |
507 | Students at the Iowa State Teachers College Public Relations News Release 1931:390, p.1 |
Annual Inter-class Sports Day is next Wednesday; classes to be dismissed; will feature men's and women's athletics contests. | |
508 | Annual Inter-class Sports Day is next Wednesday; classes to be dismissed College Eye 23:42, p.1 |
Will feature men's and women's athletics contests. | |
509 | The spring term Commencement season Public Relations News Release 1931:383, p.1 |
Begins May 22 with reception at President Latham's home and ends May 30 with Commencement in Men's Gymnasium. | |
510 | President's reception on May 22 will open Commencement week College Eye 23:41, p.1 |
Schedule of Commencement activities. | |
511 | Mothers of students Public Relations News Release 1931:377, p.1 |
Mother's Day and May Day festivities coincide; many activities are discussed. |
512 | Iowa Academy of Scientists meets today; Dr. O. R. Latham will welcome delegates at one o'clock; academy president will talk on geology College Eye 23:40, p.1 |
About four hundred will attend; meeting highlights. | |
513 | Meetings of the Academy of Science Public Relations News Release 1931:353, p.1 |
Several speakers this weekend; some are ISTC faculty. | |
514 | Approximately 400 Iowa scientists Public Relations News Release 1931:356, p.1 |
Iowa Academy of Science anuual convention is this weekend; agenda for the convention discussed. | |
515 | Campus celebrities at the Iowa State Teachers College Public Relations News Release 1931:325, p.1 |
Will be in news reel; Luther Richman is the director. | |
516 | Dr. Latham returns from investigative survey in California College Eye 23:38, p.1 |
Took part in survey of higher learning there. | |
517 | College Commons plans are approved by Iowa State Board of Education College Eye 23:38, p.1 |
Approve preliminary work of architects; hope to done by end of spring term 1933. | |
518 | Fifty Iowa State Teachers College debaters Public Relations News Release 1931:293, p.1 |
Hamilton Club and debate teams host banquet in Bartlett Hall. | |
519 | Tuition rates increased Alumnus 16:2, p.14 |
Schedule of fees includes matriculation fee of $5; freshmen and sophomore tuition of $30 per term and junior and senior tuition of $32 per term; attempt to meet problems of economic conditions. | |
520 | Eagle Scouts will pan for gold on vacation journey to Black Hills College Eye 23:36, p.2 |
Professor Buffum will lead trip. | |
521 | Four members of the Iowa State Teachers College faculty Public Relations News Release 1931:256, p.1 |
Will serve on sub-committees regarding child health for Iowa Conference. | |
522 | Preliminary plans for the college commons Public Relations News Release 1931:249, p.1 |
Awaiting final approval at Board meeting in April; construction may begin July 1, 1932; detailed description of facilities; Proudfoot, Rawson, Souers, and Thomas are architects. | |
523 | Dr. Latham will aid in California education survey College Eye 23:34, p.1 |
Will take part in Carnegie survey of higher education; photo. | |
524 | Commencement speaker tells function of modern education; President Latham confers degrees and diplomas at exercises College Eye 23:33, p.1 |
Excerpts from address by A. L. Threlkeld; description of the ceremonies. | |
525 | President O. R. Latham Public Relations News Release 1931:269, p.1 |
Leaves next week for California to work with Carnegie Foundation on that state's higher education. | |
526 | Degrees amd diplomas Public Relations News Release 1931:262, p.1 |
Seventy-four students will graduate on March 3; list of graduates included. | |
527 | President resumes duties following attack of flu College Eye 23:32, p.1 |
Back after ten days of illness. | |
528 | A. L. Threlkeld, superintendent of public schools in Denver Public Relations News Release 1931:251, p.1 |
Will deliver Commencement address on March 3. | |
529 | Commencement exercises for the winter term Public Relations News Release 1931:245, p.1 |
Schedule of Commencement activities. | |
530 | Construction of a college commons Public Relations News Release 1931:243, p.1 |
Begins this summer; architect chosen; cost approximately $100,000 to $200,000; funded with money from Bartlett Hall revenues; to replace proposed project to remodel Bartlett Hall dining facilities; brief description of new Commons. | |
531 | An increase in tuition rates Public Relations News Release 1931:241, p.1 |
Tuition rate increased by two dollars for underclassmen and five dollars for upperclassmen; matriculation fee will begin in summer 1932; total tuition will be $25 per term for underclassmen and $32 for upperclassmen. | |
532 | New building is project here; plans for college Commons are now in process of preparation, announces President Latham College Eye 23:31, p.1 |
Construction will start last this spring; architect chosen; will cost between $100,000 and $200,000. | |
533 | Instructors to attend meets; Fuller will address meeting of extension association in Washington College Eye 23:30, p.1 |
President and faculty will attend several meetings. | |
534 | A. L. Threlkeld, superintendent of the public school system in Denver, Colorado Public Relations News Release 1931:202, p.1 |
Delivers winter term commencement address on March 3. | |
535 | Pres. Latham meets group of institutional heads at Des Moines College Eye 23:28, p.1 |
May consider costs of education. | |
536 | Westminster dinner is planned for tonight College Eye 23:27, p.3 |
Several faculty will participate. | |
537 | Dr. O. R. Latham attends N. C. A. committee meet College Eye 23:26, p.1 |
On child health and protection. | |
538 | Remodeling is finished in President's office College Eye 23:26, p.1 |
Suite will expand former two room arrangement to four rooms. | |
539 | Remodeling process in President's offices is soon to be completed College Eye 23:25, p.1 |
Suite will include reception room and meeting room; Benjamin Boardman moves into addition to Old Administration Building.. | |
540 | Alumni reorganization discussed at dinner Alumnus 16:1, p.3 |
Description of dinner program and summary of speakers' remarks. | |
541 | Dr. Latham speaks at convention Alumnus 16:1, p.16 |
Speaks at Northwestern Iowa Teachers meeting. | |
542 | "Be human," says Frank Cody; head of Detroit schools talks to fall graduates College Eye 23:23, p.1 |
Excerpt from Commencement address. | |
543 | Degrees and diplomas Public Relations News Release 1931:126, p.1 |
Fifty-one students graduated at fall term Commencement; list of graduates provided. | |
544 | The Commencment season Public Relations News Release 1931:124, p.1 |
Commencment activities discussed; names of people involved given. | |
545 | Dr. Latham is principal speaker at dedication of new Waterloo school College Eye 23:22, p.4 |
Will speak at dedication of Lowell School. | |
546 | Fall term closes at noon Wednesday; classes cut short College Eye 23:22, p.1 |
Will break for Thanksgiving. | |
547 | Fall graduates to hear Detroit educator speak College Eye 23:21, p.1 |
Faculty members will also speak. | |
548 | Throng is expected at Homecoming hop College Eye 23:20, p.1 |
549 | Fifty profs go to convention; distinguished educators will attend; twenty local teachers to speak College Eye 23:20, p.8 |
Quick description of topics to be covered. | |
550 | Approximatley fifty instructors of the Iowa State Teachers College Public Relations News Release 1931:104, p.1 |
Iowa State Teachers Association convention held next week in Des Moines. |