Latham--Orval Ray (President of ISTC)

Displaying 651 - 700 of 850 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
651 The hospital board met for its annual dinner
College Eye 21:42, p.5
Roster of attendees.
652 Summer graduates to the number of 387
Public Relations News Release 1929:559, p.1
Summer term graduation ceremonies take place on August 21.
653 Dean and Mrs. Leslie I. Reed
College Eye 21:41, p.5
Dinner held in honor of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary; roster of guests.
654 When President Latham yells "Fore" he means it
College Eye 21:41, p.1
President Latham's tee shot kills a gopher.
655 The graduates will be honored
College Eye 21:41, p.5
President and Mrs. O. R. Latham will host a reception.
656 If one doesn't have a garden
College Eye 21:41, p.5
The Women's Gymnasium will hold the senior party.
657 G. W. Walters, veteran head of the department of education
Public Relations News Release 1929:552, p.1
Will be chief speaker at summer graduation ceremony.
658 G. W. Walters will be chief speaker at graduation exercises; will make address on the "teacher in the changing world"
College Eye 21:40, p.1
Brief look at Commencement program; photo.
659 'Twill be Green Monday at Teachers College Sept 8
College Eye 21:40, p.1
Making plans for freshman registration.
660 There's a first time for everything, they say
College Eye 21:39, p.1
Dress found on front lawn of President's House.
661 Ban editorials is cry of President Latham
College Eye 21:37, p.1
Has little use for dull editorials.
662 "Gold bricks find teachers easy marks" says Pres. Latham; president will argue for his two rules of contract till second crack of doom
College Eye 21:37, p.2
Warns students against making foolish purchases from traveling salesmen.
663 Latham to Greeley Saturday
College Eye 21:36, p.8
To deliver Commencement address.
664 Hobnob with all of Iowa at big reception tonight; Black Hawk people host to all other counties
College Eye 21:36, p.1
Will hold reception for summer school students.
665 Presentation of Cory Trophy high spot in week's society
College Eye 21:35, p.6
The V. O. V. Sigma Phi sorority received the trophy; Delta Phi Delta received honorable mention; roster of other competing societies in order of their rank.
666 Members of the June graduating class
College Eye 21:35, p.6
President and Mrs. O. R. Latham hosted a reception at their home for the graduates.
667 About two hundred fifty
College Eye 21:35, p.6
Graduates, alumni, and faculty attended the Commencement party; roster of members of the reception committee and refreshments committee.
668 President O. R. Latham
Old Gold 0:0, p.22
President Latham talks about the importance of the Old Gold, and congratulates the Old Gold staff; photo.
669 The Placement Bureau
Old Gold 0:0, p.43
Officers and achievements; photos.
670 Untitled
Old Gold 0:0, p.141
Campus scenes; photos.
671 Untitled
Old Gold 0:0, p.144
Campus scenes; photos.
672 School-teachers-to-be, to the number of 536
Public Relations News Release 1929:536, p.1
Commencement ceremony held tomorrow; list of graduates given.
673 School ma'ams will lay down their rulers and blue pencils
Public Relations News Release 1929:532, p.1
Alumni to attend annual commencement banquet.
674 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 21:33, p.5
Alumni returned for the spring dance.
675 More than five hundred are in June class
College Eye 21:33, p.1
Roster of the Class of 1930.
676 Pres. and Mrs. Latham plan class reception
College Eye 21:33, p.1
For 1930 graduates.
677 Here are the teachers of the future
College Eye 21:33, p.1
Seniors shown marching to the ceremony, and portraits of President Latham, Thomas E. Green, Kemper Huber, and a scene from "Cradle Song" frame the photo.
678 Notice, all students
College Eye 21:33, p.2
Classes suspended at 5PM, May 29.
679 Phi Omega Pi, women's national sorority at the Iowa State Teachers college
Public Relations News Release 1929:513, p.1
Phi Omega Pi holds its annual spring dance. President Latham and Dean Campbell are honored guests. List of the twenty-five couples expected to attend provided.
680 Dr. Thomas E. Green, of the American National Red Cross
Public Relations News Release 1929:514, p.1
Dr. Green will give commencement speech.
681 Seniors at the Iowa State Teachers college
Public Relations News Release 1929:516, p.1
Five hundred seniors receive their degrees and diplomas.
682 Miss Iva Smith
College Eye 21:32, p.5
Will be a guest of Alpha Mayfield.
683 Bender honored at lettermen banquet
College Eye 21:32, p.4
Coach Paul Bender receives a gift by which to remember the Teachers College.
684 Dr. O. R. Latham, (pictured above) president if the Iowa Sate Teachers college
Public Relations News Release 1929:494, p.1
Dr. Latham to give commencement address on May 15; an academic bio of Dr. Latham given.
685 Mothers of students at the Iowa State Teachers college
Public Relations News Release 1929:484, p.1
Mother's Day activities planned.
686 Mothers enroll at Teachers College for three days course in applied college life; expect hundreds at first annual mother's program
College Eye 21:31, p.1
Schedule of activities for first Mother's Day program.
687 The date of the annual Senior Prom
Public Relations News Release 1929:439, p.1
Date of Senior Prom announced; committee members given.
688 The Editor's Column; why be childish?
College Eye 21:28, p.4
President Latham asks students to give up half-day holiday in order to celebrate Mother's Day.
689 Mother will put away the dishes
Public Relations News Release 1929:429, p.1
Students forgo Sneak Day and celebrate Mother's Day instead; weekend activities discussed.
690 Dignified seniors at Iowa State Teachers college will dance
Public Relations News Release 1929:426, p.1
Senior Prom planned; committees listed.
691 Reminiscences of early days when Iowa was young
Public Relations News Release 1929:421, p.1
M. J. Nelson appointed head of Department of Education succeeding G. W. Walters; highlights of careers of Professors Walters and Nelson.
692 Faculty attend national meeting
Alumnus 14:2, p.15
President and seven faculty attend NEA meeting.
693 System and order
Alumnus 14:2, p.18
College buys new file cabinets and other office equipment.
694 Educators including more than 350
Public Relations News Release 1929:366, p.1
ISTC hosts conference on problems in elementary education; roster of speakers.
695 Faculty members speak at Fort Dodge meeting
College Eye 21:25, p.5
Twelve faculty take part in teachers meeting.
696 Thirtieth annual elementary education conference meets; President Latham extends greetings at opening session
College Eye 21:25, p.1
Meeting highlights.
697 Students elect board of control of publications; members are; Finn Eriksen, Emmett Cable, Ruth Latta and Richard Purdy
College Eye 21:24, p.1
Students elect four members, Student Council appoints one, and President Latham selects four.
698 Sorority women at Iowa State Teachers college
Public Relations News Release 1929:336, p.1
Pan-Hellenic Council holds dance; list of committee heads.
699 Faculty members to address meeting
College Eye 21:24, p.5
Of North Central Teachers Association.
700 Filing cabinets help clerical depts.
College Eye 21:24, p.1
Part of President Latham's plans for modernization, organization, and efficiency.