Maucker--James William (President of ISTC--SCI--and UNI)

Displaying 301 - 350 of 1026 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
301 UNI has highest tuition of three state schools
Northern Iowan 64:34, p.1
President Maucker explains reasons for increase in tuition and fees.
302 Draft deferment changes have little effect on UNI
Northern Iowan 64:34, p.1
Consider effects of end of deferments for graduate students.
303 Union demands wage hike; meet with Maucker Monday
Northern Iowan 64:33, p.1
Physical plant employees walk off job.
304 Faculty Senate to consider policy on demonstrations
Northern Iowan 64:32, p.1
Will consider policy recently approved by Regents.
305 New policy for displays, posters, banners, notices
Northern Iowan 64:32, p.8
President Maucker sends policy to departments.
306 Regents to consider policy on campus demonstrations; 'working policy' now
Northern Iowan 64:30, p.1
Text of policy, established by President Maucker, that Regents will consider.
307 AAUP nominates Maucker for Meiklejohn Award
Northern Iowan 64:29, p.1
Would recognize President Maucker for his role in defending academic freedom.
308 Hoffmans not foreclosing right to appeal dismissal
Northern Iowan 64:27, p.1
Ed Hoffmans discusses President Maucker's decision not to renew his teaching contract after June 1968; Mr. Hoffmans does not believe that he has been an ineffective teacher.
309 'Everyone knows why Hoffmans is being fired'
Northern Iowan 64:27, p.2
Senator Hougen does not believe that Mr. Hoffmans is being fired for ineffective teaching.
310 What's a president to do?
Northern Iowan 64:27, p.2
Appreciates difficult position of President Maucker in light of Mr. Hoffmans' termination.
311 'Chicken heart' growing?
Northern Iowan 64:27, p.2
Believes termination of Mr. Hoffmans was political.
312 President discusses security, instruction
Northern Iowan 64:26, p.1
President Maucker reports to faculty on recent theft of examinations.
313 President gives statement on Proposed Rights Bill
Northern Iowan 64:25, p.1
Will study bill and consult with Regents about legal implications.
314 Dr. Maucker: 'Sound ideas will prevail'
Northern Iowan 64:25, p.1
Believes academic freedom is good for society as a whole.
315 President Maucker upholds suspensions
Northern Iowan 64:24, p.1
Further recommendations may be forthcoming.
316 A seminar in Colombia
Alumnus 52:4, p.4
Description of three week visit to sister school; photo.
317 Freedom of expression at UNI
Alumnus 52:4, p.16
Reactions to the article on draft resistance written by Professor Hoffmans.
318 The Great Iowan Cultural Revolution
Northern Iowan 64:20, p.2
Anti-war elements are hung and called un-American.
319 Lechay's portrait of Dr. Maucker in exhibit
Northern Iowan 64:17, p.4
Will be shown at University of Iowa.
320 Ask Severin to speak here
Northern Iowan 64:15, p.2
Would like Mr. Severin to explain his position.
321 Calls for responsibility 'as well as rights'; actual text
Northern Iowan 64:14, p.2
Statement by President Maucker on rights and responsibilities.
322 Student Senate supports action of Maucker, Upchurch
Northern Iowan 64:14, p.1
Passes formal measure in support of statement on freedom of expression; passes measure on pass/fail grading.
323 YD's oppose politicians
Northern Iowan 64:13, p.2
Support President Maucker in handling of the Hoffmans matter; condemn local politicians and editorial writers.
324 They support Dr. Maucker
Northern Iowan 64:13, p.2
Commend President Maucker for his handling of the Hoffmans matter.
325 Students and faculty rally to support freedom policy
Northern Iowan 64:13, p.1
Three thousand students and 150 faculty march to President's home to express support for President Maucker's stand on the Hoffmans matter.
326 Maucker declares Hoffmans innocent 'til proven guilty
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.1
Ed Hoffmans turns in his draft card to U. S. Marshall in Cedar Rapids; President Maucker says that since Hoffmans was not arrested, his employment is not under review; photo.
327 Must be responsible, too
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.2
Editor outlines recent actions of Board of Control of Student Publications; discusses her duties and responsibilities with regard to the material that she publishes.
328 Joint statement on policy
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.2
President Maucker, Professor DeHoff, and NI editor Ila Wales agree that the Northern Iowan will foster wide-ranging discussion with only legal limitations and extreme vulgarity being out of bounds.
329 Board of Control plans policy statement addition
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.1
Considers clarification of policy in wake of Hoffmans article on draft resistance.
330 President announces policy supporting freedom at UNI
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.1
Text of President Maucker's policy freedom of expression.
331 Joint senate debates freedom of speech, press
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.1
Hold open discussion session on freedom of speech and the press.
332 Maucker announces no action is planned against Hoffmans
Northern Iowan 64:11, p.1
Local newspaper columnists critical of publication of letter in Northern Iowan.
333 'UNI may not be receiving allocated funds'--Flatt
Northern Iowan 64:9, p.1
Administrators address legislators on facility needs and overcrowding; classroom and parking shortages; faculty recruiting; Senator Flatt says that UNI might need to be more aggressive with the Regents.
334 From the President
Northern Iowan 64:8, p.7
President Maucker welcomes everyone to enjoy the activities.
335 Businessman: administration is superb
Northern Iowan 64:7, p.2
Asks student leaders to be more understanding of administration.
College Eye 64:6, p.5
Change will be in effect October 1, 1967; other actions of Board.
337 Maucker says statement not accurate
College Eye 64:5, p.2
Reacts to Upchurch statement on student's suspension.
338 Maucker disappointed us
College Eye 64:4, p.2
Lists issues that she believes President Maucker should have covered in his address.
339 Three presidents speak at first UNI convocation
College Eye 64:4, p.1
Excerpts of speeches from President Maucker, Professor Keefe, and Bruce Upchurch; photo.
340 Academic year to open at convocation tomorrow
College Eye 64:3, p.1
Leaders will speak on upcoming year.
341 Competition for college staff more keen this year--Maucker
College Eye 64:3, p.1
President Maucker tells of difficulties in recruiting faculty and staff; Regents increase tuition and approve bonding for Union.
342 Pres. Maucker to speak at convocation Wednesday
College Eye 64:2, p.1
Annual Matriculation Convocation;
343 President appoints five to Physical Plant board
College Eye 64:2, p.9
Meets with employees after recent protest; will take parking matter to Regents.
344 UNI employees form union
College Eye 64:1, p.1
President Maucker reacts to recent organization of Local 1258 of the United Packinghouse Workers of America; protest parking situation; photo.
345 Travel to Colombia
Alumnus 52:3, p.23
Six faculty spend three weeks in Colombia to establish exchange relationship and to study teacher preparation.
346 Spring commencement
Alumnus 52:3, p.12
594 students receive degrees; Alumni Achievement and Purple and Old Gold winners announced; Robert Hibbs honored; photo.
347 Future directions for Iowa's newest university
Alumnus 52:3, p.6
Dean Lang outlines features of college and department organization; photo.
348 The University of Northern Iowa
Alumnus 52:3, p.3
Name change on July 1, 1967; brief history of the institution; five colleges will be established as of July 1, 1968; outline of new department organization; photo.
349 UPN Educators have strong social outlook
College Eye 63:64, p.1
A look at the Colombian exchange program.
350 Colombia Pro-Kennedy
College Eye 63:64, p.1
President Maucker presents impressions.