Minnesingers Glee Club

Displaying 551 - 600 of 630 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
551 The Minnesingers concert
Normal Eyte 9:27, p.644
Will perform on campus April 27.
552 The Minnesingers
Normal Eyte 9:27, p.643
Will perform in Parkersburg.
553 The concert
Normal Eyte 9:26, p.614
Review of performance by Professor Fitzgerald and his students.
554 The A. O. U. W. band concert
Normal Eyte 9:26, p.619
Presented at opera house.
555 Waterloo people
Normal Eyte 9:25, p.596
Speak highly of the Minnesingers.
556 The Minnesingers
Normal Eyte 9:24, p.569
Gave concert in Waterloo.
557 Program; Mandolin Club
Normal Eyte 9:24, p.574
Performance program.
558 The Minnesinger tour
Normal Eyte 9:23, p.545
Description of the group; roster of members; performed recently in Charles City, Rockford, Greene, and Oelwein.
559 Untitled
Normal Eyte 9:23, p.541
Minnesingers; photo.
560 Editorial
Normal Eyte 9:23, p.539
Looking forward to interstate oratorical contest; Minnesingers hope to raise enough money to accompany ISNS contestant to Wisconsin.
561 In general: the oratorical contest
Normal Eyte 9:22, p.517
Account of recent contest with speakers and their topics; held reception afterwards.
562 Program oratorical contest
Normal Eyte 9:20, p.479
563 Reports from Janesville
Normal Eyte 9:20, p.477
Minnesingers concert a success.
564 The Minnesingers gave one of their popular concerts
Normal Eyte 9:20, p.473
Review of Janesville performance of Minnesingers.
565 The Schubert concert
Normal Eyte 9:20, p.472
Performance review.
566 Bills are out
Normal Eyte 9:19, p.453
Minnesingers will perform in Janesville.
567 Schubert recital, Normal Chapel
Normal Eyte 9:19, p.452
Performance program.
568 The Minnesingers
Normal Eyte 9:13, p.307
Sang at musical program.
569 Program
Normal Eyte 9:13, p.304
Program of sacred music to be performed for Christmas.
570 There are about 200 members of the Choral Society
Normal Eyte 9:5, p.107
571 Prof. Colegrove
Normal Eyte 9:3, p.61
Spoke to farmers' group.
572 Commencement 1899
Normal Eyte 8:35, p.504
Lengthy description of the activities and ceremonies.
573 Program
Normal Eyte 8:33, p.475
For campus performance.
574 The contest of 1899
Normal Eyte 8:31, p.440
Lengthy account of the interstate oratorical contest held on the ISNS campus; photo.
575 The Minnesinger tour
Normal Eyte 8:24, p.333
Minnesingers travel to Hudson, New Hartford, Mason City, Waverly, Nora Springs, and Plainfield to sing.
576 Three loads of students
Normal Eyte 8:23, p.324
Went to hear Minnesingers in Hudson.
577 We have often made mention
Normal Eyte 8:22, p.301
Praise for the Minnesingers; organized in 1889.
578 The Minnesingers
Normal Eyte 8:22, p.310
Scheduled for concerts around the state.
579 Ossoli public
Normal Eyte 8:18, p.251
Account of recent meeting.
580 Neo public
Normal Eyte 8:14, p.198
Account of recent program.
581 Aristo public
Normal Eyte 8:12, p.170
Account of recent program.
582 The following is the program
Normal Eyte 8:12, p.169
Program for Neotrophian public session.
583 Program of the Aristotelian public session
Normal Eyte 8:10, p.135
Performance program.
584 Y. W. C. A.
Normal Eyte 8:3, p.44
Mission class re-organizes; YWCA and YMCA hold term reception.
585 Wednesday's exercises
Normal Eyte 7:36, p.10
Description of the Commencement exercises.
586 Musical
Normal Eyte 7:35, p.45
History of music at the school; photo.
587 The benefit concert
Normal Eyte 7:34, p.15
Review of recent production of the music students.
588 Concert
Normal Eyte 7:32, p.17
Program for upcoming performance.
589 Orio
Normal Eyte 7:31, p.15
Present mock international convention.
590 Y. M. C. A.
Normal Eyte 7:25, p.13
Account of term reception.
591 The Oratorical Contest
Normal Eyte 7:23, p.6
Lengthy account of the contest.
592 Zeta
Normal Eyte 7:21, p.16
Description of recent program.
593 The musical given at the Presbyterian Church
Normal Eyte 7:19, p.12
Included several Normalites.
594 Society Notes
Normal Eyte 7:8, p.94
Description of recent programs.
595 Neotrophian
Normal Eyte 7:6, p.68
596 The most successful year in the history of the State Normal School
Normal Eyte 6:34, p.476
Account of Commencement exercises.
597 Music Department
Normal Eyte 6:33, p.446
Description of the work of the department.
598 Musical recital
Normal Eyte 6:33, p.447
Finishes year with concert.
599 "Concert Normal Chapel
Normal Eyte 6:32, p.376
Concert program.
600 Intercollegiate debate
Normal Eyte 6:31, p.362
Lengthy description of debate against Lenox College.