Myers--Julia Mae (Commercial Education Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 62 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Julia Myers
Alumnus 59:1, p.14
Died October18, 1973.
2 Students watch world champion woman typist
College Eye 31:36, p.3
Stella Willins gives demonstration.
3 Commercial Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.157
Brief description of the department; photo.
4 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.56

List of faculty and brief description of what they do; photos.

5 Douglas speaks at commerce meet
College Eye 30:25, p.2
For regional group.
6 Commercial students take inspection tour
College Eye 30:19, p.1
Learn about arranging business travel.
7 Pi Omega Pi
Old Gold 0:0, p.205
Brief description of the group and list of members; photos.
8 Typists and accountants
Old Gold 0:0, p.207
Brief description of groups and list of members; photos.
9 "Tut-tut" says a professor
College Eye 29:34, p.4
Survey of favorite saying of professors.
10 Myers authority on mimeographing
College Eye 29:5, p.8
Julia Myers will represent the state at a meeting.
11 Mathematics and Commercial Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.49
Description of curriculum changes and activities; photos.
12 School advisers to discuss publications
College Eye 28:9, p.3
Will discuss problems of high school publications.
13 Conference of news advisers to be held
College Eye 28:7, p.4
For advisors of high school newspapers.
14 Commerce Club plans to interest members
College Eye 28:4, p.3
Roster of officers; hear Pi Omega Pi speaker.
15 Considering school publications meeting
College Eye 27:3, p.4
Sending out letters surveying interest in conference.
16 Mathematics and Commercial Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.43
Description of building changes; photos.
17 Students need not tax their brains; machines available
College Eye 27:20, p.4
Many find adding machines a great time saver.
18 Mathematics and Commercial Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.23
Brief history of mathematics and commerce; photos.
19 Commercial Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.137
Organized in 1924; purpose, advisors, officers, and members; photo.
20 Delegates will attend commerce conference
College Eye 26:38, p.1
Three faculty and three students will attend.
21 Faculty to attend state convention
College Eye 26:18, p.1
Many faculty will attend the ISTA meeting.
22 Frances Perkins will be the principal speaker at the seventy-ninth annual convention of the Iowa State Teachers Association
Public Relations News Release 1934:652, p.3
Program for the event.
23 Seventeen staff members are scheduled for a part in the seventy-ninth annual Iowa State Teachers Association convention
Public Relations News Release 1934:653, p.2
Program for the event.
24 Commercial Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.145
The Commercial Club was organized in 1924; description, officers, and photo.
25 Pi Omega Pi
Old Gold 0:0, p.182
Established in 1925; officers, purpose, faculty members, and members; photos.
26 Mathematics and Commercial Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.39
Purpose of the department and staff; photos.
27 Myers announces results of state typewriting meet
College Eye 25:40, p.1
Students and faculty grade state contest papers.
28 News briefs
College Eye 25:39, p.3
Information on students, alumni, and faculty.
29 News briefs
College Eye 25:35, p.3
Information on students, alumni, and faculty.
30 College aids state high typing contest
College Eye 25:35, p.2
Typing contest papers graded by ISTC students.
31 Mathematics and Commercial Education
Alumnus 17:4, p.5
Profile of department and its head, Ira S. Condit; photo.
32 Pi Omega Pi
Old Gold 0:0, p.221
Officers, purpose, and members; campus Gamma chapter of national commercial honorary group organized in 1925; photos.
33 Commercial Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.190
Officers, aims, and members; organized in 1924 to promote interests of commercial teacher training students; photos.
34 Mathematics and Commerce
Old Gold 0:0, p.25
History and description of the curriculum; photos.
35 Pi Omega Pi elects officers Wednesday
College Eye 24:31, p.3
Roster of officers.
36 Lenore John to be honored at dinner tomorrow evening
College Eye 23:53, p.3
Professors Lambert, Gaffin, and Myers entertain.
37 Instructors attend meet; two members of commercial faculty will go to Pi Omega Pi convention
College Eye 23:23, p.1
Professors Gaffin and Myers will attend.
38 Neo Chresto
College Eye 23:19, p.5
Held fall banquet.
39 Profs leave for summer; forty three faculty members will pursue graduate work and travel this summer
College Eye 23:2, p.1
Most will travel or study.
40 Department of Mathematics and Commercial Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.23
Description and objectives of the department; photos.
41 Commercial alumni meet
Alumnus 15:2, p.7
Alumni meet for dinner in connection with commercial teachers meeting; roster of those attending.
42 Thirty-five members of faculty leave for summer term
College Eye 21:35, p.8
Faculty summer plans; many will pursue graduate study.
43 Thiry-five present faculty members of the Iowa State Teachers college
Public Relations News Release 1929:538, p.1
Thirty-five faculty staf members take leaves of absence during the summer term to further their own education at universities across the country.
44 Department or Mathematics and Commercial Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.27
Five qualities of teachers in the department; photos.
45 Commercial professor to speak at convention
College Eye 21:30, p.1
Professor Gaffin will speak at Pi Omega Pi meeting; other faculty may attend.
46 Myrtle Gaffin, instructor in commercial education
Public Relations News Release 1929:459, p.1
Will speak at commercial education convention in Iowa City.
47 Commercial Club
College Eye 21:24, p.3
Roster of officers; program for recent meeting.
48 Pi Omega Pi
College Eye 21:4, p.7
Julia M. Myers spoke at regular meeting.
49 Pi Omega Pi
College Eye 20:44, p.6
Group hears from Professor Myers.
50 Commercial Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.207
Officers and members; photo.