Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 1615 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Student government welcomes Panthers
Northern Iowan 120:1, p.3

Student body president Micaiah Krutsinger and vice president Lizbeth Montalvo welcome students on behalf of Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) and discuss NISG's work; photos.

2 "Through the Lens of a Panther" project collects photos of community
Northern Iowan 119:51, p.1
The Green Dot program at UNI is hosting a project throughout April called "Through the Lens of a Panther". Students, faculty, and staff can submit photos taken on campus to show each other what community and UNI means to all of us; photo.
3 Student section southbound
Northern Iowan 119:50, p.1
On Monday, April 3rd, UNI Athletics presented their new football seating arrangement within the Dome for the Fall 2023 season. The student and Panther Marching Band (PMB) sections are being moved 30 yards south to make room for premium seating for season ticket holders; photos.
4 Blue safety phones to be removed
Northern Iowan 119:47, p.1
UNI is introducing the Rave Guardian app that will take place of the blue safety phones located sporadically on campus; photos.
5 Student Government taken over by Revolutionary UNI squirrels
Northern Iowan 119:46, p.4
In this satirical article written for April Fools, the UNI squirrels have over run the Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) with a vicious coup; photo.
6 Election results: Taking your ABC's into 2023-2024
Northern Iowan 119:39, p.1
Micaiah Krutsinger and Liz Montalvo won the Northern Iowa Student Government election by 150 votes and will be the student body president and vice president for the 2023-2024 school year. Nixson Benitez gives more details about the election results including the college elections; photo.
7 Micaiah and Liz: Learn your ABC's
Northern Iowan 119:38, p.1
Nixson Benitez writes about Micaiah Krutsinger and Liz Montalvo's Student Body Election campaign and what they hope to accomplish if elected president and vice president of the Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG); photo.
8 Meet Micaiah and Liz
Northern Iowan 119:38, p.4
Nixson Benitez writes about Micaiah Krutsinger and Liz Montalvo's Student Body Election campaign and what they hope to accomplish if elected president and vice president of the Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG); photo.
9 Sam and Christelle: a PACT that will last
Northern Iowan 119:38, p.1
Mallory Schmitz writes about Sam Caughron and Christelle Tungu's Student Body Election campaign and what they hope to accomplish if elected president and vice president of the Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG); photo.
10 Meet Sam and Christelle
Northern Iowan 119:38, p.5
Mallory Schmitz writes about Sam Caughron and Christelle Tungu's Student Body Election campaign and what they hope to accomplish if elected president and vice president of the Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG); photo.
11 Northern Iowa Student Government is here for you
Northern Iowan 119:38, p.7
The Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) encourages students of all different majors, interests, and backgrounds to get involved with NISG. Trina Tounjian, NISG Chief of Staff, shares their experiences and continues to encourage students to join the organization; photo.
12 The Student organization representing students
Northern Iowan 119:38, p.1
The Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) encourages students of all different majors, interests, and backgrounds to get involved with NISG.
13 You matter at UNI week
Northern Iowan 119:36, p.4
You Matter At UNI week is put on by the Student Health & Well-being Coordinator and UNI Counseling Center and will be held February 27-March 3, 2023. Aubrey Schafbuch interviews students and staff who explain the importance of this week and lists out the events and how students can get involved; photo.
14 NISG January updates
Northern Iowan 119:36, p.2
The Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) give their monthly updates of events and accomplishments on topics like NISG Engagement Week, NISG campaigns, and the Legislative Liaison Team (LLT).
15 Panther Preview
Northern Iowan 119:30, p.5
A timeline of events happening on campus next week. Some of the events include a men's basketball game, International Student Coffee Hour, and the launch of the Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) Engagement Week.
16 NISG Engagement Week
Northern Iowan 119:30, p.1
The Northern Iowan Staff writes about the different events that Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) is hosting throughout their NISG Engagement Week; photo.
17 Green Dot gender violence prevention program leaves its mark on campus
Northern Iowan 119:29, p.1
The Green Dot program (sponsored by Northern Iowa Student Government) had their main kickoff event for the start of Green Dot Week where over 150 people attended. The Green Dot initiative helps raise awareness for gender violence prevention at UNI; photo.
18 NISG November updates
Northern Iowan 119:28, p.2
A list of accomplishments and actions taken by the Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) during the month of November.
19 NISG October updates
Northern Iowan 119:23, p.2

The Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) gives their list of accomplishments during October which include the Our Tomorrow Campaign Launch, homecoming celebrations, welcoming new NISG members, and more; photo.

20 Do you have access?
Northern Iowan 119:13, p.3
Nkasa Bolumbu writes an opinion piece featuring UNI students Caleb Gahle and Nick Johnson. Gahle, who has cerebral palsy, is creating a new student organization called Awareness, Community, Collaboration, Empowerment, Support, and Success (ACCESS) which will allow students with disabilities to share their experiences and raise awareness; photo.
21 NISG September updates
Northern Iowan 119:12, p.1
Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) has had a busy month from including 20 new members, launching the Green Dot initiative, and hosting a Board of Regents meeting on UNI's campus. NISG posted highlights from the Board of Regents meeting; photo.
22 Green Dot Week calls Panthers to step up
Northern Iowan 119:6, p.1
The NISG sponsored program, Green Dot, is focused on gender violence prevention at UNI. Taliya James interviews graduate assistant Hannah Menken who lays out all the activities that Green Dot Week has to offer on campus; photo.
23 A Panther welcome from NISG
Northern Iowan 119:1, p.3
Student Body President Leila Mašinović and Vice President Micaiah Krutsinger welcome new students to UNI's campus and encourage students to get involved in activities; photo.
24 Alisanne Struck: Leading way for Asian students
Northern Iowan 118:43, p.1
Northern Iowa Study Government (NISG) student body Vice President Alisanne Struck describes her time as the first Asian American student to serve as Vice President; photo.
25 NISG recognizes extraordinary student orgs
Northern Iowan 118:42, p.4
The Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) has started a Positive Highlight that will highlight student organizations/individuals who bring a positive atmosphere to campus; photo.
26 Leila Masinovic: Making history at UNI
Northern Iowan 118:41, p.1
Leila Masinovic discusses her new position as Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) president and what it means to her to be the first female Muslim student in that position; photo.
27 Student body elects new NISG representatives
Northern Iowan 118:37, p.1
The new Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) representatives are announced. Leila Masinovic and Micaiah Krutsinger are student body president and vice president; Sam Caughron, Trevor Meyers, James Carolus, Geneva Bell, Jacob Merill, and Emily Paul were elected as senators; photos.
28 The value of your vote
Northern Iowan 118:36, p.1
Student Parker Daniels, the Chief Justice of the Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG), urges students to participate in upcoming NISG elections and emphasizes the importance of the right to vote. The author also discusses what NISG does and some of the student-driven accomplishments that have been achieved thanks to their votes; photos.
29 NISG candidates aim to better campus
Northern Iowan 118:35, p.1
Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) introduces the senators that are up for election; photo.
30 Masinovic and Krutsinger; uplifting unheard voices
Northern Iowan 118:33, p.1
Leila Masinovic and Micaiah Krutsinger, Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) presidential running mates, talk about their vision for the future of UNI; photo.
31 Why we need to free the tampon
Northern Iowan 118:28, p.3

Caroline Christensen gives their opinion that menstrual products should be free to access and free to use for menstruators. Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) and UNI Feminists have been stocking six of the most trafficked bathrooms on campus with the products, which they say have been heavily utilized; photo.

32 NISG holds final meeting of the year
Northern Iowan 118:27, p.2
Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) held its final meeting of the year, passing ten bills and resolutions, denying one, and confirming a new senator; photo.
33 NISG weekly update
Northern Iowan 118:25, p.1
Provost and Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs, Jose Herrera, spoke at the weekly Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) meeting, discussing the UNI Theatre Department. NISG also voted on 12 pieces of legislation; photo.
34 'Theatre is not going anywhere'
Northern Iowan 118:24, p.1
Members of the UNI Theatre department, Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG), and the administration met to discuss the importance of the theatre program and how to maintain it despite financial and staffing challenges; photos.
35 NISG to host events honoring veterans
Northern Iowan 118:22, p.1
Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) will host the first annual Veteran's Night Out at the Sullivan Brothers Iowa Veterans Museum and Grout Museum in place of the Military Ball. This event will honor those serving currently or in the past; photo.
36 Vox Pop: From a student perspective, how could student government be "more present" on campus?
Northern Iowan 118:22, p.4
Alisanne Struck interviewed Maddie Davis, Hannah Butler, Grant Wulfsen, Megan Brown, and Maddie Paulsen about how the Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) could be more present on campus; photos.
37 NISG hears from guest speaker, passes legislation
Northern Iowan 118:21, p.2
Nothern Iowa Student Government (NISG) heard from Isabella Perksen about the Green Dot program, the revamped NISG website launch was announced, and members voted on different bills; photo.
38 NISG update
Northern Iowan 118:19, p.1
Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG( had its weekly meeting, voting in three new members and discussing the Chief of Staff position; photo.
39 NISG weekly update
Northern Iowan 118:17, p.1
Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) had their tenth weekly meeting of the semester, where they appointed people to different positions, approved the Panther Tabletop Gaming Club's request for funding, and debated bills; photo.
40 NISG weekly update
Northern Iowan 118:15, p.1
Anne Marie Gruber gave a presentation about textbook equity during the Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) regular senate meeting. The meeting also included the approved creation of two new clubs on campus.
41 UNI continues to grapple with O'Kane removal
Northern Iowan 118:14, p.1
Students and faculty fight back against the decision to discipline a professor for requiring masks. Another meeting with Dr. O'Kane's students was held on October 7, where administrative faculty spoke with them about their class; photo.
42 NISG condemns administration
Northern Iowan 118:13, p.1
Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) resolved to give a statement of support for the students in Professor O'Kane's class who were affected by his dismissal. They also voted on committee chairs in this meeting; photo.
43 NISG debates masks, approves funding
Northern Iowan 118:11, p.2
Student Body President Samantha Bennett floated the idea of signing a joint student government statement to support giving local universities the authority to implement mask mandates on campus if they choose. The Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) also approved funding for the UNI Women's Volleyball Club, the Dancer Hall Activities and Recreation Team, UNI Men's Basketball Club, and Gamma Phi Beta; photo.
44 Student body president, vice-president create plans for new semester
Northern Iowan 118:10, p.2
Student Body President Samantha Bennett and Vice President Alisanne Struck have been advocating for mental health, suicide prevention, an inclusive Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) culture, and more online core classes, among other initiatives; photo.
45 NISG preps for homecoming, approves funding for men's soccer club
Northern Iowan 118:9, p.2
The Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) meeting of the week centered on Homecoming Week festivities, as well as budget information. They also approved $500 for the Men's Soccer Club equipment. Read in Spanish on page 5; photo.
46 NISG se prepara para la semana de regreso a casa, aprueba la financiacion para el futbol masculion
Northern Iowan 118:9, p.5
The Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) meeting of the week centered on Homecoming Week festivities, as well as budget information. They also approved $500 for the Men's Soccer Club equipment. Read in English on page 2; photo.
47 NISG confirms associate justice, 10 new directors
Northern Iowan 118:7, p.2
Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) Speaker of the Senate, Sam Caughron, led the meeting in which there was voting to decide those on the Northern Iowa Board of Directors; photo.
48 NISG appoints 6 new senators to fill vacant seats
Northern Iowan 118:5, p.2
Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) appoints 6 new senators; photo.
49 230 years later, we are still reminded of free speech
Northern Iowan 118:3, p.2
Students' views on the new Syllabus Free Speech Statement required by UNI and free speech in general.
50 Vaccination clinic bookstore giftcard available for students
Northern Iowan 118:1, p.1
Starting August 30, 2021, any students who show proof of their covid-19 vaccination shots will receive a $25 UNI Bookstore gift-card. Students can get their vaccination shots at the Student Health Center each Thrusday from 1-3 PM and Friday from 9-11 AM; photo.