Oratorical Association

Displaying 101 - 128 of 128 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 Alexander Hamilton
Normal Eyte 3:25, p.194
Text of oration by Charles Stinson at recent contest.
102 Ed. Normal Eyte:
Normal Eyte 3:25, p.197
Being admitted to the State Oratorical Association required substantial political maneuvering.
103 Contest
Normal Eyte 3:24, p.188
Tally of votes in recent oratorical contest.
104 Thank you
Normal Eyte 3:24, p.188
Thanks to judges of recent oratorical contest.
105 The contest
Normal Eyte 3:24, p.188
Detailed description of speakers and topics at recent contest won by Miss Eckhard.
106 Program of the Oratorical Contest
Normal Eyte 3:23, p.184
List of speakers and topics; Clara Eckhard wins among six contestants.
107 During the meeting
Normal Eyte 3:23, p.177
At the State Oratorical Association meeting, delegates considered the formation of a collegiate press association.
108 Iowa oratory
Normal Eyte 3:23, p.177
Detailed description of the Iowa Collegiate Oratorical Association meeting at which ISNS was admitted to membership.
109 Miss Elizabeth Jones of Fairfield and Miss Brown of Mt. Pleasant
Normal Eyte 3:23, p.181
Attend state association meeting in support of candidacy of ISNS Oratorical Association.
110 The State Oratorical Association
Normal Eyte 3:22, p.174
Admitted ISNS to membership.
111 Owing to the illness of certain parties
Normal Eyte 3:21, p.168
Oratorical contest postponed.
112 Messrs. O. M. Harvey and S. T. Walker
Normal Eyte 3:21, p.168
Will petition for acceptance of Normal Oratorical Association into state association.
113 Some curiosity
Normal Eyte 3:20, p.153
Explanation of method for choosing those who will participate in oratorical contest.
114 The contestants are at last relieved
Normal Eyte 3:19, p.152
Topics are announced for first oratorical contest.
115 The executive committee of the Oratorical Association
Normal Eyte 3:8, p.64
Jessie Bradshaw will replace Miss Fesenbeck as vice president; Miss Fesenbeck will compete among orators.
116 From a different standpoint
Normal Eyte 3:7, p.49
Believes election method will probably produce good results for the Oratorical Association.
117 It has been determined
Normal Eyte 3:6, p.47
Oratorical contest to be held February 16; officers announced.
118 The oratorical contest
Normal Eyte 3:6, p.41
Students are already anticipating the school oratory contest; some questions remain on method of selecting best orators; hopes the contest will lead to membership in the state oratorical association.
119 The S. N. S. Oratorical Association
Normal Eyte 3:5, p.40
Met recently; attendance low, but those who attended showed great interest; approve constitution; begin organization for contest.
120 The Oratorical Association
Normal Eyte 3:5, p.39
Members sign constitution.
121 The officers of the Oratorical Association
Normal Eyte 3:5, p.34
Need to set date for contest that works best for the school and the students.
122 The regular fall term meeting
Normal Eyte 3:4, p.32
Will meet to sign constitution of Oratorical Association and select representatives for contest.
123 Carl Treimer
Normal Eyte 3:2, p.15
Visits Oratorical Association.
124 Hard times do not seem to affect the intellectual advancement
Normal Eyte 3:1, p.7
Oratorical Association organized late last term; seeking members.
125 A meeting of the Oratorical Association
Normal Eyte 2:36, p.280
Prospective members urged to attend.
126 At the meeting of the Oratorical Association
Normal Eyte 2:35, p.271
Constitution adopted; officers elected.
127 The meeting
Normal Eyte 2:34, p.266
Will attempt to organize an Oratorical Association.
128 Our opinion
Normal Eyte 2:28, p.221
Believes Oratorical Association should be organized.