Orio Literary Society

Displaying 1 - 50 of 480 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Life in the Normal School community
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.175
The beginnings of extracurricular activities and groups at UNI including athletics and sports, oratory and debate, music, literary societies, and the Alumni Association; photo.
2 Reunion reminiscences
Alumnus 54:2, p.3

Memories of campus life for visiting classes; photo.

3 Why the literaries failed
Alumnus 25:1, p.5
Continued analysis of fading of literary societies; blames changing student interests and World War I; societies failed to meet students' social and curricular needs.
4 Echoes of the past haunt Gilchrist Hall attic
Alumnus 19:4, p.5
Gilchrist Chapel being remodeled; new lights and seats will be installed; recalls college historical events associated with the Chapel.
5 Milton H. Hoffman
Alumnus 15:2, p.32
Milton Hoffman, died at his home in Eldridge, Iowa, February 1, 1931. He is survived by his wife, the former Alta Mathews, one son, Milton Harry Hoffman, Jr., and one daughter, Virginia Mary Hoffman, both at home.
6 Literary societies
Fifty Years at the Teachers College 0:0, p.179
Quick sketch of literary societies including their origins and yells.
7 Orio
College Eye 14:20, p.2
Held initial reorganization meeting; roster of officers.
8 White House
College Eye 14:20, p.8
Boarding house news.
9 News and comments
College Eye 14:19, p.1
National and international news with campus connections.
10 Orio literary
College Eye 14:17, p.5
Planning to reorganize Orio, due to increased enrollment.
11 An attempt is being made
College Eye 14:17, p.4
Claims that present conditions favor the reorganization of the Orio Literary Society.
12 Clio-Orios have party
College Eye 12:8, p.8
13 Clio-Orio
Old Gold 0:0, p.182
Honor roll, jokes, and candid photos; photo.
14 Orio
Old Gold 0:0, p.179
Members; photo.
15 Literary societies initiate; Clios and Orios have good time
College Eye 11:10, p.1
Enjoyed dancing and taffy pulling.
16 Cliosophic news
College Eye 11:8, p.6
Getting ready for initiation.
17 Organizations state their aims; all prepared to break records in spirit and efficiency
College Eye 11:0, p.1
YMCA and YWCA as well as many other organizations outline their plans for the year.
18 Clio-Orio
Old Gold 0:0, p.198
Roster of members; photo collections; photo.
19 Philo mock trial draws crowd of twelve hundred; performance given by men's society last Thursday pleases audience
College Eye 10:24, p.1
The mock trial went well and was very entertaining.
20 Three men's societies dance with sisters
College Eye 10:22, p.1
Literary societies hold dance.
21 Bully for the men
College Eye 10:21, p.2
The men's literary societies are holding a dance for themselves and the women's literary societies; they thank the Student Council for letting them have the dance.
22 Men's literary societies
Alumni News Letter 3:2, p.2
Men's literary societies reorganized and became active after being suspended during war.
23 Men's intersociety basketball probable; all three societies will have good teams.-tough struggles expected
College Eye 10:16, p.1
Intramural basketball season preview.
24 Orio society giving interesting programs
College Eye 10:14, p.6
Has very interesting shows this term.
25 Men's intersociety debate
College Eye 10:13, p.2
The Orios should have a good debating team. The intersociety debate is coming up, so they should choose candidates soon.
26 Men's literary societies hold initial meetings.
College Eye 10:12, p.5
New members considered; initiation underway.
27 The Clio and Orio Literary Societies
College Eye 10:11, p.3
Enjoyed a party last Friday which bonded the two societies even closer.
28 Men's societies to resume active work; Philo, Aristo, and Orio are now planning for their winter and spring term work
College Eye 10:9, p.9
Had been suspended in fall term due to the war.
29 The men's literary societies
Alumni News Letter 3:1, p.1
The men's literary societies do not have enough members because of the war. Samuel A. Lynch will take charge of business until the organizations resume active service.
30 Orio 1893-1918
Old Gold 0:0, p.213
Roster of officers and members; photos.
31 Annual intersociety debate on Friday night
College Eye 9:21, p.3
All societies except the Orios participated; Alphas won over the Philos, 4-2.
32 Orios
College Eye 9:14, p.7
Elected officers.
33 Rev. Joseph O. Johnson
College Eye 9:13, p.5
Joseph O. Johnson died last month.
34 The Clios and Orios
College Eye 9:12, p.7
Had a party in the Gym.
35 Clio-Orio informal initiation
College Eye 9:7, p.6
Description of events leading up to the initiation.
36 Orios
Old Gold 0:0, p.222
Group photos with officers and mottos given.
37 Aristo Orio Philo
Old Gold 0:0, p.217
Creative work of a Greek figure.
38 Goodbye, soldier boys!; Clios entertain Orio brothers
College Eye 8:28, p.3
Party held for departing Orio members inducted into military service.
39 Orio tryout
College Eye 8:16, p.3
Hold tryout for intersociety debate.
40 Cliorio informal
College Eye 8:13, p.6
New members informally initiated.
41 Cliorio
College Eye 8:11, p.3
Clios and Orios hold Thanksgiving program.
42 Cliorio initiate formally; banquet at Waterloo
College Eye 8:5, p.1
Clios induct new members.
43 Clio-Orio
College Eye 8:4, p.7
Clios and Orios hold party in Gymnasium.
44 Photo
Old Gold 0:0, p.183
Orio society members and members of the Intersociety Debaters; photo.
45 Orio
Old Gold 0:0, p.181
Drawing of a knight on horseback with a castle in the background.
46 Photo
Old Gold 0:0, p.182

Members of the Orio Literary Society; photo.

47 College Directory
College Eye 7:23, p.2
People to contact for campus clubs and organizations.
48 Philo-Orio debate
College Eye 7:22, p.3
Philo affirmative debated Orio negative; Philos won, 3-0.
49 Aristo-Orio debate
College Eye 7:22, p.3
Aristo negative debated Orio affirmative; Aristos won.
50 Triangular debate
College Eye 7:20, p.5
Encourages student attendance at intersociety debate.