Orio Literary Society

Displaying 151 - 200 of 480 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
151 Black Hawk fair; county carnival a howling success--Gymnasium the scene of riotous pleasures
Normal Eyte 19:22, p.343
YMCA and YWCA stage mock county fair with music and entertainment.
152 Society; Orios, Zeta
Normal Eyte 19:22, p.349
Orios hold declamatory contest; Zetas gave reception for basketball team.
153 Triangular debate; Philos carry off honors-Aristos rak second with two points
Normal Eyte 19:22, p.340
Brief summary of the debate.
154 Society; Eulalians victorious--Ossolis lose game by small score; Orio
Normal Eyte 19:21, p.331
Eulalians defeat Ossolis in basketball, 26-21; Orios enjoy program of music and readings.
155 Clios banquet Orios; annual Clio-Orio feast held Saturday evening--most enjoyable function
Normal Eyte 19:17, p.261
Enjoyed informal reception and banquet.
156 Among orators and debaters; gossip of the oratorical association and debating league; proposed constitutional revision
Normal Eyte 19:15, p.226
Making arrangements for debate with Kansas team.
157 Society; Aristo, Orio, Chresto
Normal Eyte 19:8, p.125
Aristos give program on "The Possibilities of Young Men"; Orios discuss Balkans; Chrestos held initiation.
158 Society; Neo, Clio-Orio, Ossoli, Zetalethean, Shake-Aristo
Normal Eyte 19:7, p.110
Present musical program.
159 Society
Normal Eyte 19:5, p.75
News from the literary societies; Philos and Alphas hold joint session
160 The Ames preliminary; Philos place three men; three Orios complete the team; close try-out
Normal Eyte 19:4, p.51
Detailed account of the contest
161 Football; the effect of inter-society games upon intercollegiate contests
Normal Eyte 19:2, p.20
Challenges between men's societies last year created a good foundation for this year's intercollegiate team; photo.
162 Society
Normal Eyte 19:1, p.12
News from the literary societies.
163 Orio basketball
Old Gold 0:0, p.173
Members of the Orio basketball team; photo.
164 In memoriam
Old Gold 0:0, p.174
Memoriam to E. Herbert Smith.
165 Return of football to Normal
Old Gold 0:0, p.314
Drawing of stork carrying a football player in sling to signify the Aristo-Orio game November, 1906.
166 Orio football
Old Gold 0:0, p.172
Members of Orio football team; photo.
167 Orio quartette
Old Gold 0:0, p.171
168 The Orio society
Old Gold 0:0, p.167
Accomplishments for the year shared. Future looks promising for the society.
169 The unfinisht tie
Old Gold 0:0, p.169
Orio prize poem.
170 Orio group
Old Gold 0:0, p.166
Orio group; photo.
171 Saturday Night's Triangular
Normal Eyte 18:32, p.499
Account of recent debate.
172 The Orios and Clios
Normal Eyte 18:27, p.430
Held meeting with country school theme.
173 The Saturday evening meetings
Normal Eyte 18:23, p.353
Debaters for preliminary contest selected; will debate expansion of federal government authority.
174 Triangular results
Normal Eyte 18:23, p.355
A look back at this competition among the three men's societies; scores this year were Philos 5, Aristos 3, Orios 1.
175 The banquet season is here
Normal Eyte 18:21, p.324
Banqueting of one literary society by another is getting too expensive.
176 At the Orio Declamatory contest
Normal Eyte 18:17, p.267
F. T. Bloom won the contest.
177 Athletics; football--rah, rah, rah
Normal Eyte 18:12, p.186
Orios played the Aristos; shows student enthusiasm for football.
178 Resolutions of the Orio Society on the death of E. Herbert Smith
Normal Eyte 18:11, p.164
Orio society members mourn E. Herbert Smith's death.
179 The Clios and Orios
Normal Eyte 18:8, p.128
Held a Halloween party at Chautauqua Park.
180 The literary societies
Normal Eyte 18:8, p.113
Encourages literary societies to enter teams in intersociety athletics.
181 The Clios and Orios
Normal Eyte 18:6, p.92
Ate lunch at Dr. McAlvin's house on Saturday.
182 Inter-Society Oratory
Old Gold 0:0, p.125
Scorecard of points received by societies.
183 The Cliosophic Society
Old Gold 0:0, p.181
Society officers, members and description of activities; photo.
184 The Orio Society
Old Gold 0:0, p.195
Roster of officers, members and brief description of forensics and activities; photo.
185 January
Old Gold 0:0, p.279
Chronological look at school year month by month.
186 February
Old Gold 0:0, p.279
Chronological look at school year month by month.
187 The Orios entertained the Clios
Normal Eyte 17:33, p.528
At a picnic.
188 The Aristos break their "hoodoo"
Normal Eyte 17:33, p.514
Score in triangular debate was Aristos 4, Orios 4, and Philos 1.
189 Annual field meet
Normal Eyte 17:29, p.455
Meet preview with standing records.
190 Society
Normal Eyte 17:29, p.462
A burglar story; Shakes have spring program; Neo have poetry program.
191 Orio-faculty game
Normal Eyte 17:26, p.402
The Orio team met the faculty team in a game of basketball; faculty won, 21-20.
192 Society
Normal Eyte 17:24, p.377
Orios enjoy humorous program; Neos had general program; Chrestos has college program; Zetas enjoyed music.
193 Orios are champions: two more men's inter-society games may be played
Normal Eyte 17:22, p.340
The Orios claim the title of men's intersociety champions after defeating the Philos.
194 Triangular debate; Philos and Orios break even with 4 points each; Aristos 1
Normal Eyte 17:22, p.339
The literary societies held a debate on labor disputes which affect the general public.
195 Orio vs. Aristo
Normal Eyte 17:21, p.323
Orios defeat the Aristos in basketball, 37-16.
196 Philo vs. 'Risto
Normal Eyte 17:19, p.290
The Philo team defeated the Aristo team in a basketball game.
197 Orios give Philo five a drubbing; score 19 to 13
Normal Eyte 17:17, p.259
The battle for the men's society championship was started in the sport of basketball.
198 Oriphiristo meeting
Normal Eyte 17:17, p.261
Storm brings societies together.
199 Society
Normal Eyte 17:13, p.203
Orios present comic program; Zetas proud of Clara Tolstrup's victory; Clios tell a story with titles.
200 Spellbinders meet; farmer Philo takes the lead with 6 points, Aristo captures 3 while Orio, for the first time, comes in with 1
Normal Eyte 17:12, p.177
Displays the outcome of the fifth annual men's oratorical contest in which Frank L. Byrnes took first place honors; photo.