Orio Literary Society

Displaying 101 - 150 of 480 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 Athletic notes
College Eye 1:18, p.4
Indoor athletic activities continue, intersociety basketball championship approaching, and a tentative baseball schedule announced.
102 Athletic notes
College Eye 1:16, p.5
Intersociety basketball plays game number two.
103 Athletics; Orios 44, Philos 10
College Eye 1:15, p.5
First intersociety basketball game of the season, and other news in athletic department.
104 Morningside preliminary will be held Saturday evening February third; men will battle for places on inter-collegiate teams on that date
College Eye 1:15, p.1
Preview of the contest to select interstate competitors.
105 Many graduate Clios and Orios
College Eye 1:7, p.8
Attend a twenty-fifth anniversary celebration.
106 Cliorio banquet
College Eye 1:7, p.6
Annual joint banquet celebrated twenty-fifth anniversary of Cliosophic Society.
107 Cliorio initiation
College Eye 1:5, p.4
Cliosophic and Orio Literary Societies held joint initiation at Flagler home on South College Street.
108 Debating League organizes; Frisby elected president of the league
College Eye 1:3, p.7
All three literary societies are represented in Debating League; plans are being made to schedule intercollegiate debates.
109 Cliorio alumni breakfast
College Eye 1:12, p.20
The alumni of Cliorio held their annual breakfast.
110 Orio
Old Gold 0:0, p.245
Review of the year's events; debate team and quartette; oration by Glenn Davis; photo.
111 Track team, 1910
Old Gold 0:0, p.277
Results from home meet; photo.
112 Cliorio picnic
College Eye 1:11, p.183
The Clio and Orio picnic was a great success.
113 Philos win triangular; Orios take four points
College Eye 1:9, p.156
In the triangular debate among the Philos, Orios, and Alphas, the Philos won.
114 Home track meet is a good one
College Eye 1:8, p.137
Results of each event.
115 Orio society
College Eye 1:4, p.64
The Orio program consisted of oral, written, vocal, and piano solos by members.
116 Cliorio mix
College Eye 1:3, p.47
The Clios and Orios held an April Fool's Day party.
117 Triangular debate
College Eye 1:3, p.40
The Orios, Alphas, and Philos will have a triangular debate with Ames.
118 Cliorio banquet
Normal Eyte 21:22, p.385
The Clio and Orio literary societies held a banquet with Grace Du Bois acting as toastmaster.
119 Kansas preliminary
Normal Eyte 21:22, p.377
A preliminary debate will be held to determine who will be on the team to debate against Kansas. Editorial encourages students to attend and support the preliminary debate.
120 Cliorio oratorical contest
Normal Eyte 21:16, p.281
An oratorical contest was held by the Cliorio Alumni Association; Glenn Davis won first prize; roster of speakers and their topics.
121 Resolutions of the Orio literary society on the death of our brother, Perry Golly
Normal Eyte 21:14, p.246
The Orio literary society mourns the death of Perry Golly.
122 College directory
Normal Eyte 21:14, p.245
Roster of officers of each of the literary societies.
123 Monday morning
Normal Eyte 21:0, p.23
The Cliorios had a breakfast buffet with some honored guests.
124 Orio
Old Gold 0:0, p.159
Information about the Orio society including a group photo, officers, colors, and photos of the debate and basketball teams.
125 The second game
Normal Eyte 20:35, p.588
Intersociety baseball update.
126 Home meet a success; our record is broken; all events closely contested; new men do well
Normal Eyte 20:31, p.519
Results of the meet.
127 Orios trounce Philos; victors take fist game of series by timely hitting; battle proves exciting
Normal Eyte 20:30, p.501
Orios defeat Philos in baseball, 8-2.
128 Cliorios are entertained
Normal Eyte 20:29, p.486
Honorary members entertained regular members with supper.
129 Society baseball planned; three men's societies will battle for baseball championship; practice begun
Normal Eyte 20:28, p.470
Philos, Aristos, and Orios will participate in this year's championship.
130 Indoor picnic held; Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. entertain new and old students in gymnasium
Normal Eyte 20:27, p.446
Everyone brought his or her own lunch; enjoyed music and other entertainment.
131 Report of the intersociety basketball games, 1909-1910
Normal Eyte 20:26, p.441
Financial report.
132 Clios banqueted by Orios; members of two societies meet in annual banquet; many witty toasts given
Normal Eyte 20:22, p.371
Program for the banquet and entertainment.
133 Philos make clean sweep; secure six points in Triangular Debate; Orios take three points
Normal Eyte 20:22, p.363
Recap of the debates.
134 Editorial
Normal Eyte 20:21, p.343
Classes should be dismissed more promptly when the fifty-five minute period ends; attend Triangular Debate on Thursday; Normal Eyte elections this week.
135 Prepare for annual contest; interstate preliminary orators send orations to judges; seven contestants announced
Normal Eyte 20:18, p.298
Roster of speakers and their topics.
136 Aristos are winners; defeat Orios in close basketball game; score 16 to 15; championship of school to victors; will receive banner
Normal Eyte 20:15, p.259
Everyone played a great game.
137 The Cliorio literary societies
Normal Eyte 20:14, p.242
Will present a comedy on December 21.
138 Inter-society basketball; series of games will be played to decide men's and women's championships
Normal Eyte 20:13, p.227
Brief history of intersociety basketball; plans for this year's tournaments.
139 Cliorio
Normal Eyte 20:9, p.162
Went to Sans Souci for Halloween party.
140 Editorial; what's in a name?
Normal Eyte 20:7, p.119
Name change to Iowa State Teachers College is good; societies need to turn in reports for publication earlier.
141 Resolutions
Normal Eyte 20:6, p.105
Condolences on death of Ray Cleveland.
142 Cliorio
Normal Eyte 20:4, p.63
Held joint initiation.
143 Debating League organizes; officers are elected--Abrams made president of league.
Normal Eyte 20:2, p.19
Roster of literary society representatives; preparing for debate against Ames.
144 Baseball
Normal Eyte 20:0, p.18
Aristos defeat Orios and alumni defeat local team.
145 During the Commencement week
Normal Eyte 20:0, p.17
The Clio and Orio alumni met together for a reunion breakfast.
146 At the chapel session
Normal Eyte 20:0, p.18
President Seerley corrected a debate ruling.
147 Orio
Old Gold 0:0, p.237
Year in review, officers, debate and musical groups; photo.
148 Results of contests
Old Gold 0:0, p.373
Results from track meets, debates, and oratorical contests.
149 Triangle debate; Philos score four points, Orios three, Aristos two
Normal Eyte 19:30, p.467
Brief summary of debate.
150 Society; Neo, Delphians entertain Eulalians, Orios entertain Clios
Normal Eyte 19:26, p.409
Neos present Dutch program; other societies have joint meetings.