Paul--Joseph B. (Research Bureau Staff)

Displaying 201 - 250 of 316 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
201 Changes mark academic year as outstanding; Nelson is faculty dean; college holds first formals
College Eye 26:1, p.1
Survey of important events of 1933-1934.
202 Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.35
Department description, aims, and staff; photos.
203 Sophomore test grades reveal section leaders
College Eye 25:44, p.1
Roster of those who placed highest in sophomore testing.
204 Official notice
College Eye 25:40, p.1
Sophomores should report for testing.
205 Official Notice
College Eye 25:39, p.1
Description and notice of sophomore testing.
206 Reorganization announced in college administrative and instructional set-up; Nelson, Denny, Paul, Kurtz, Fuller, Lillehei figure in changes
College Eye 25:35, p.1
Description of President Latham's re-organizational plans; hopes to relieve faculty committees of administrative duties; will take effect July 1, 1934.
207 Dr. M. J. Nelson to become Dean of Faculty
Public Relations News Release 1932:396, p.1
The Board of Education approved an extensive reorganization of the administrative and instructional setup of the college this week. This change will do away with three departments of instruction.
208 Faculty members attend convention
College Eye 25:33, p.1
Roster of those attending NEA meeting.
209 Seven of faculty join newly formed civic organization
College Eye 25:21, p.1
Unnamed club will discuss modern problems.
210 Members of Teachers College faculty attend convention; Sadie B. Campbell elected president of Iowa Deans
College Eye 25:20, p.1
Many faculty appear on program.
211 Professors attend convention
College Eye 25:19, p.5
Many faculty attending ISTA meeting.
212 Seven members of faculty attending annual conference
College Eye 25:15, p.1
On administration and supervision.
213 Make acquaintance with more of the faculty . . . Department of Education
Alumnus 17:4, p.1
Brief sketch of Department of Education and its head, Martin J. Nelson; photo.
214 Sixteen faculty are in survey, Teachers College has most educational leaders in country
College Eye 25:8, p.1
Roster of those honored in Peabody survey.
215 Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.21
Aims of the Department of Education; photos.
216 Study, library, and publications will be frosh lecture topics
College Eye 24:3, p.1
Speakers will lecture on topics to help freshmen get better acquainted with ISTC.
217 Assembly movie shows education methods in use
College Eye 23:47, p.1
Show several educational films at assembly.
218 A pictorial story
Public Relations News Release 1931:323, p.1
Professors Holmes and Paul write book about four years in the life of a typical college student; will be distributed primarily to area high school students.
219 Local professors issue student life book now ready for distribution
College Eye 23:38, p.1
Typical student life traced through four years of college.
220 Three attend Chicago meeting of professors
College Eye 23:23, p.1
Professors Paul, Finkenbinder, and Lantz attend AAUP meeting.
221 Untitled
College Eye 23:19, p.2
Professor Paul is studying computers in Iowa City.
222 Thirty, fifty-five minute periods differ little, says Dr. J. B. Paul
College Eye 23:16, p.1
Professor Paul releases results of his research on class length and learning.
223 The accident of the hour
College Eye 23:16, p.2
Claims that administrators and students should take note of J. B. Paul's study that shorter classes are nearly as effective as longer ones.
224 Educators represent college at conference
College Eye 23:15, p.1
Three faculty will speak at supervision meeting.
225 Minutes versus hours
Alumnus 15:4, p.17
Urges consideration of Professor Paul's findings on instructional unit study.
226 A study of the relative effectiveness for learning on the college level . . . .
Alumnus 15:4, p.12
Professor J. B. Paul reports on study of thirty minute and fifty-five minute class periods; believes good case can be made for shorter period.
227 Sorority rushing events are now holding full sway on the campus
College Eye 23:14, p.5
Campus social calendar.
228 Robin presents strange case of brain fever
College Eye 23:7, p.1
Bird tries to fight reflection in window.
229 Dr. Paul gets degree at Wisconsin University
College Eye 23:3, p.3
Study there found little difference in effectiveness of 55 vs. 30 minute class length.
230 Department of Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.20
Description of the department; photos.
231 Professors now claim research room #245
College Eye 22:3, p.1
Room equipped for faculty who are working on research projects.
232 Professors pursue graduate study
Alumnus 14:3, p.16
Nine faculty members receive leaves of absence for coming year to pursue graduate study.
233 Department of Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.24
Aims of the department; photos.
234 Nine instructors granted leave of absence next year
College Eye 21:28, p.1
To pursue graduate study; outlines of their study plans.
235 Leave of absence for the coming academic year
Public Relations News Release 1929:419, p.1
Nine faculty members request leaves of absence to pursue graduate study.
236 The recently organized Cedar Falls chapter
Alumnus 14:2, p.16
AAUP Cedar Falls chapter organizes; twenty-five faculty are members.
237 Help, not punishment, is aim of new course
Alumnus 14:2, p.5
Committee attempts to assist students who have difficulty in school.
238 College professors join local chapter of university profs
College Eye 21:20, p.1
Twenty-five faculty are members of the newly-organized AAUP chapter; ISTC is one of ten teachers colleges admitted to membership.
239 The recently organized Cedar Falls chapter
Public Relations News Release 1929:228, p.1
AAUP now has twenty-five members; roster of members.
240 An entirely new educational philosophy underlies a plan
Public Relations News Release 1929:170, p.1
Students will now be given help instead being left to their own devices when they fall behind academically; new course available to those whose grades are poor.
241 Department of Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.23
Aims of the department; photos.
242 Return from motor trips
College Eye 20:1, p.8
Many faculty traveled during the summer.
243 Department of Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.26
Department roster; photos.
244 Where?
College Eye 18:54, p.1
Faculty talk about their vacation plans.
245 Hoyt wins golf title; first round consolation must be played soon
College Eye 18:53, p.1
Defeated Professor Kadesch; match results.
246 Mathematics Club
College Eye 18:50, p.8
News about recent and upcoming events.
247 Mathematics Club
College Eye 18:49, p.7
Professor Paul spoke on tests and measurements.
248 First and second year art
Old Gold 0:0, p.107
Roster of officers; photo.
249 The Extension Division
Old Gold 0:0, p.36
Brief description written by Irving Hart; staff photo.
250 Week's work in extension heavy
College Eye 18:42, p.1
Schedule of extension assignments.