Philomathean Literary Society
Displaying 551 - 600 of 805 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
551 | The furniture for three of the new society halls Normal Eyte 12:16, p.241 |
When society halls are officially opened, students should make an effort to observe the spectacle. | |
552 | The debaters for this winter's triangular debate have been chosen Normal Eyte 12:15, p.225 |
Debate now centered around friendly competition instead of bitter rivalry; roster of debaters. | |
553 | Philomathean Normal Eyte 12:13, p.205 |
What it takes for a society to succeed. | |
554 | The societies will hand in their reports Normal Eyte 12:12, p.177 |
Society reports to be handed in and published in the Normal Eyte. | |
555 | Alpha and Philo Normal Eyte 12:10, p.157 |
Enjoyed social gathering at home of Catherine Murphy. | |
556 | Twenty-fourth triangular debate Normal Eyte 12:8, p.114 |
Detailed account of recent debate involving the men's literary societies. | |
557 | The society reporters Normal Eyte 12:8, p.123 |
Schedule of society reports. | |
558 | Directory Normal Eyte 12:7, p.111 |
Roster of student organization officers. | |
559 | In the Y. M. C. A. auditorium Normal Eyte 12:7, p.106 |
Philos repeat performance of open session farce. | |
560 | Misses Israel and Cushman Normal Eyte 12:6, p.91 |
Visited Jeanette Cushman. | |
561 | Kate Toole Normal Eyte 12:6, p.91 |
Teaching near Bristow. | |
562 | Mr. James Dunkerton Normal Eyte 12:6, p.92 |
Visited brother John. | |
563 | Directory Normal Eyte 12:6, p.95 |
Roster of student organization officers. | |
564 | Philo Normal Eyte 12:6, p.85 |
Present first open session of the year. | |
565 | Directory Normal Eyte 12:5, p.79 |
Roster of student organization officers. | |
566 | Triangular Normal Eyte 12:5, p.66 |
Men are preparing for the triangular literary society debate. | |
567 | The first open session Normal Eyte 12:4, p.60 |
Philos will present program. | |
568 | The new society halls Normal Eyte 12:4, p.59 |
President Seerley and the English Department distributed the society halls in the new building by lot. | |
569 | Directory Normal Eyte 12:4, p.63 |
Roster of student organization officers. | |
570 | Debate Normal Eyte 12:4, p.52 |
Contest to help select those who will participate in the debate with Ames. | |
571 | Philomathean Normal Eyte 12:3, p.43 |
Getting organized for the year; elect honorary members. | |
572 | Directory Normal Eyte 12:3, p.47 |
Roster of student organization officers. | |
573 | Public entertainment of the year Normal Eyte 12:2, p.18 |
Schedule of literary society open sessions and performances by entertainers. | |
574 | Normal societies Normal Eyte 12:1, p.6 |
Roster of literary society presidents; unfortunate that Auditorium Building is not yet ready for society use. | |
575 | Philo Society Normal Eyte 11:33, p.814 |
Held oratorical and German programs. | |
576 | Twenty-third triangular debate; question--resolved, that it would be best for both Cuba and the United States that Cuba have absolute independence Normal Eyte 11:31, p.761 |
Recounting of the debate. | |
577 | Philo report Normal Eyte 11:27, p.671 |
Held spring open session. | |
578 | Philomathean Normal Eyte 11:26, p.635 |
Group photo. | |
579 | Philomathean Normal Eyte 11:26, p.630 |
History of the organization. | |
580 | On the last Saturday evening of the winter term Normal Eyte 11:23, p.561 |
Philos and Alphas hold winter picnic. | |
581 | The Philo open session Normal Eyte 10:18, p.438 |
Presented selections from "Othello". | |
582 | Farewell address to the nineteenth century Normal Eyte 10:14, p.332 |
A poetic look at progress with references to ISNS students thrown in. | |
583 | Farewell, farewell to the old century Normal Eyte 10:14, p.337 |
Theme for Philo program. | |
584 | It was a stag party Normal Eyte 10:12, p.287 |
Philos entertained at Kroesen home. | |
585 | Philo Society Normal Eyte 10:10, p.244 |
Young members performing well. | |
586 | Twenty-first triangular debate Normal Eyte 10:8, p.187 |
Recap of debate that included the Orios, Philos, and Aristos. | |
587 | Society Normal Eyte 10:7, p.157 |
Roster of new literary society members. | |
588 | School directory Normal Eyte 10:1, p.17 |
Student organizations and their officers. | |
589 | Philo hall Normal Eyte 10:1, p.15 |
Enjoyed program and music. | |
590 | Philo hall Normal Eyte 9:34, p.813 |
Quick review of recent activity. | |
591 | Triangular debate Normal Eyte 9:32, p.757 |
Summary of debate on Boer War. | |
592 | Last Saturday evening occurred the triangular debate Normal Eyte 9:32, p.762 |
Score: Orios 4, Aristos 4, Philos 1. | |
593 | Philo hall; Aristo-Orio debate Normal Eyte 9:32, p.758 |
Summary of debate on the Boer War. | |
594 | Orio hall Normal Eyte 9:32, p.758 |
Summary of debate on the Boer War. | |
595 | Philo Normal Eyte 9:25, p.597 |
Presented literary program. | |
596 | Philo Normal Eyte 9:22, p.525 |
President Cory has done a good job as leader. | |
597 | Debate in Orio Hall Normal Eyte 9:19, p.448 |
Aristos debate Philos. | |
598 | Philo, Jan. 27 Normal Eyte 9:18, p.429 |
Program includes music and recitations. | |
599 | Philomathean Society Normal Eyte 9:12, p.284 |
Will hear presentation on South Africa. | |
600 | Eighteenth triangular debate Normal Eyte 9:9, p.206 |
Summary of debate among the Philos, Orios, and Aristos. |