Philomathean Literary Society
Displaying 351 - 400 of 805 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
351 | On Saturday evening College Eye 1:9, p.160 |
Honorary faculty members of the Philo and Alpha Societies were entertained in the Gymnasium. | |
352 | Philos win triangular; Orios take four points College Eye 1:9, p.156 |
In the triangular debate among the Philos, Orios, and Alphas, the Philos won. | |
353 | Ladies glee club recital College Eye 1:7, p.115 |
Program of the ladies glee club recital. | |
354 | Alpha hall College Eye 1:6, p.94 |
Members of the Alpha literary societies dressed as members of the Iowa Federation of Suffragettes and debated women's voting rights. | |
355 | Triangular debate College Eye 1:3, p.40 |
The Orios, Alphas, and Philos will have a triangular debate with Ames. | |
356 | There was a jollification party at the Hurd home College Eye 1:1, p.12 |
Julia Hurd held a party for all Alphas and Philos who were in Cedar Falls over spring break. | |
357 | Kansas preliminary Normal Eyte 21:22, p.377 |
A preliminary debate will be held to determine who will be on the team to debate against Kansas. Editorial encourages students to attend and support the preliminary debate. | |
358 | Philo-Alpha annual banquet Normal Eyte 21:22, p.383 |
The annual banquet of the Philo and Alpha literary societies occurred on February 22; description of decorations and program. | |
359 | Coming events Normal Eyte 21:19, p.334 |
Schedule of upcoming events on campus. | |
360 | College directory Normal Eyte 21:14, p.245 |
Roster of officers of each of the literary societies. | |
361 | Philo Normal Eyte 21:5, p.79 |
Describes the initiation of twelve new Philo members. | |
362 | Philomathean Old Gold 0:0, p.173 |
Description of the Philomathean literary society, includes officers, yells, group photo, summary of the year 1910 and photos of the triangular teams. | |
363 | The second game Normal Eyte 20:35, p.588 |
Intersociety baseball update. | |
364 | Philo-Alpha Normal Eyte 20:34, p.571 |
Groups enjoyed picnic at the golf course. | |
365 | Home meet a success; our record is broken; all events closely contested; new men do well Normal Eyte 20:31, p.519 |
Results of the meet. | |
366 | Orios trounce Philos; victors take fist game of series by timely hitting; battle proves exciting Normal Eyte 20:30, p.501 |
Orios defeat Philos in baseball, 8-2. | |
367 | Society baseball planned; three men's societies will battle for baseball championship; practice begun Normal Eyte 20:28, p.470 |
Philos, Aristos, and Orios will participate in this year's championship. | |
368 | Report of the intersociety basketball games, 1909-1910 Normal Eyte 20:26, p.441 |
Financial report. | |
369 | Philos entertain Alphas; oldest of men's literary societies banquet their sister organization Normal Eyte 20:23, p.390 |
Description of decorations and program. | |
370 | Chrestomathian Normal Eyte 20:23, p.390 |
Enjoyed food and games. | |
371 | Philos make clean sweep; secure six points in Triangular Debate; Orios take three points Normal Eyte 20:22, p.363 |
Recap of the debates. | |
372 | Editorial Normal Eyte 20:21, p.343 |
Classes should be dismissed more promptly when the fifty-five minute period ends; attend Triangular Debate on Thursday; Normal Eyte elections this week. | |
373 | Orio-Aristo basketball; final contest for championship of men's societies will occur Friday evening Normal Eyte 20:14, p.244 |
The Aristos add two new players for championship game. | |
374 | Aristos defeat Philos; first inter-society basketball game results in victory for red and black five Normal Eyte 20:14, p.243 |
Final score, 15-5.. | |
375 | Inter-society basketball; series of games will be played to decide men's and women's championships Normal Eyte 20:13, p.227 |
Brief history of intersociety basketball; plans for this year's tournaments. | |
376 | Philo Normal Eyte 20:8, p.145 |
Program features readings and debate. | |
377 | Editorial; what's in a name? Normal Eyte 20:7, p.119 |
Name change to Iowa State Teachers College is good; societies need to turn in reports for publication earlier. | |
378 | Alpha-Philo. Normal Eyte 20:5, p.100 |
Held joint program at McAlvin cottage. | |
379 | Philos Normal Eyte 20:2, p.32 |
Presented programs of oral reading and debate. | |
380 | Debating League organizes; officers are elected--Abrams made president of league. Normal Eyte 20:2, p.19 |
Roster of literary society representatives; preparing for debate against Ames. | |
381 | At the chapel session Normal Eyte 20:0, p.18 |
President Seerley corrected a debate ruling. | |
382 | Results of contests Old Gold 0:0, p.373 |
Results from track meets, debates, and oratorical contests. | |
383 | In Memoriam Old Gold 0:0, p.263 |
Emil Van Trott died on May 6, 1909; photo. | |
384 | Philomathean Old Gold 0:0, p.257 |
Brief history, banquet program, and roster of members; photo. | |
385 | Home meet; annual event held under good conditions- mile record broken Normal Eyte 19:30, p.467 |
Intersociety race won by Philos. | |
386 | Triangle debate; Philos score four points, Orios three, Aristos two Normal Eyte 19:30, p.467 |
Brief summary of debate. | |
387 | Resolutions of condolence Normal Eyte 19:30, p.478 |
On death of Emil V. Trott. | |
388 | Society; Neo, Philos, Eulalian Normal Eyte 19:24, p.380 |
Neos presented Ladies Home Journal program; Philos set course for new term; Eulalians celebrate with banquet. | |
389 | Triangular debate; Philos carry off honors-Aristos rak second with two points Normal Eyte 19:22, p.340 |
Brief summary of the debate. | |
390 | Philomathean banquet; Alphas are guests of their brothers Normal Eyte 19:21, p.330 |
Description of table decorations and toasts at the banquet. | |
391 | Society; Philo, Shake Normal Eyte 19:18, p.284 |
Philos hold declamatory contest; Shakes present program with cooking theme. | |
392 | Society; Shakes-Aristo, Philo, Shake Normal Eyte 19:15, p.238 |
Shakes and Aristos enjoyed Christmas party; Philos have good prospects for the term. | |
393 | Among orators and debaters; gossip of the oratorical association and debating league; proposed constitutional revision Normal Eyte 19:15, p.226 |
Making arrangements for debate with Kansas team. | |
394 | Society; Zetalethean, Philo-Alpha, Cliorio Normal Eyte 19:12, p.189 |
Zetas enjoyed party at Professor Hersey's house; Philos and Alphas give Thanksgiving program; Cliorios enjoy Halloween. | |
395 | Society; Ossoli, Neo (life of a Gypsy) Normal Eyte 19:9, p.142 |
Ossolis have Halloween party. | |
396 | Normalite in campaign; Tom Conley in race for superintendence of Dubuque county schools Normal Eyte 19:7, p.97 |
Tom Conley's past experience as a Normalite makes him a good candidate for superintendent. | |
397 | Society Normal Eyte 19:5, p.75 |
News from the literary societies; Philos and Alphas hold joint session | |
398 | Society Normal Eyte 19:2, p.25 |
Each society will be given a newspaper spot every two weeks to inform alumni about their current work. | |
399 | The Philomathean literary society Old Gold 0:0, p.217 |
History, colors, flower, motto, emblem, yell, and officers are provided. | |
400 | Philomathean Literary Society Old Gold 0:0, p.216 |
Photo. |