Physical Education

Displaying 101 - 150 of 324 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 Coach, Band Instructor "Equally Important"
Public Relations News Release 1950:94, p.1
If beginning teacher salaries are any index they both rank equally and both rank higher than science teachers. Coaches and instrumentalists had the same range of pay, from $2,900 to $3,600 while science teachers settled for $2,700 to $3,100.
102 Heart Check for TC swimmers
Public Relations News Release 1950:81, p.1
As a safety precaution, the Women's physical education department requires girls who participate in recreational swimming to have a heart check. Dr. J. H. Gamet, head of the student health center, said that the heart check is given during the fall season.
103 Iowans visit reorganized school districts in Illinois
Public Relations News Release 1950:77, p.1
Eighteen Iowans included representatives from the Farm Bureau federation, Farmer union, a women's club, state public instruction department, I.S.T.C., and county boards of education and county school superintendents. They visited school district #271.
104 Physical Education For Men
Old Gold 0:0, p.38
Headed by L. L. Mendenhall, and with top-notch coaches and instructors, theses men not only produce championship caliber teams in football, basketball, track, baseball, and wrestling, but also train successful athletes to become successful coaches; photo.
105 Physical Education For Women
Old Gold 0:0, p.39
Miss Maude E. Moore is the head of this department, which has become the rec headquarters of the campus. Regular play nights give student and faculty a place to swim and play, and there are plans for a library in honor of Miss Monica R. Wild; photo.
106 Teaching methods taught in Spencer
Public Relations News Release 1946:262, p.1
Branch summer school holds clinic for physical education for women. Plan for teaching physical education at the elementary grades presented. Morothy Michel taught the course.
107 Men swat with kerchiefs; coeds make like butterflies
College Eye 37:39, p.3
A look at some of the instructional techniques of Professor White and Coach Starbeck.
108 Dean Nelson announces workshops
Public Relations News Release 1946:177, p.1
Workshops for teaching home economics and physical education for women will be held this summer.
109 Physical Education for Women
Old Gold 0:0, p.45
Women learn how to become a physical education teacher; photo.
110 Physical Education for Men
Old Gold 0:0, p.44
Men learn the essentials of being a physical education teacher; photo.
111 Eight close Physical Education workshop program
College Eye 36:41, p.4
Dorothy Michel offers view on value of workshop.
112 GI Joe anxious for phys. ed. training
College Eye 36:35, p.1
Art Dickinson predicts that many men will study physical education or medicine; Professor Grant is back from South America.
113 Physical education for vets
College Eye 36:35, p.2
Cautions students about a potential overflow in certain fields of education.
114 Steinhaus to discuss physical fitness
College Eye 36:26, p.3
Profile of Dr. A. H. Steinhaus; photo.
115 A. H. Steinhaus, professor from George Williams College, Chicago, to visit campus
Public Relations News Release 1945:73, p.1
Various campus groups will have the opportunity to hear Mr. Steinhaus. He will discuss subjects connected with physical fitness and the effects of the war upon health and physical education.
116 Students try workshop idea
College Eye 34:38, p.4
Have been trying physical education six-week workshop.
117 Junior Commandos Get Tough for War
Old Gold 0:0, p.183
A tough obsacle course is the true test for these men, who look forward to win they graduate to enter the Senior Commandos. The course includes a nine footwall to go over and a five foot bar to jump over; photo.
118 Department of Physical Education for Men
Old Gold 0:0, p.70
Physical education at Teachers College has had some changes due to the war, many men who were majoring in phys. Ed. Or now part of the air crew training on campus and competive sports have reflected that; photo.
119 Women's Physical Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.71
With activities such as tennis, golf, hockey, and basketball, the women on campus never have a lack of anything to in the gymnasium, even with the WAVES on campus; photo.
120 Women's Athletic Association Council
Old Gold 0:0, p.71
Every woman who has participated in intramural programs on campus automatically becomes a member, hockey is the prevailing sport of the fall and basketball in the winter; photo.
121 Physical Education Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.72
The club is open to all women with a major or minor in physical education. The group sponsors a Homecoming tea and has an outdoor event in the spring where students cook breakfast on tin cans; photo.
122 High school fitness programs outlined by gym teachers
College Eye 34:27, p.4
Women's Physical Education Department brings programs to schools via Extension Service.
123 From the Editor's Point of View
College Eye 33:18, p.2
Comments on a decision by the Faculty Senate to allow students to take more terms of physical education for credit.
124 Person demonstrates 'sissie' versus 'boy' throw
College Eye 32:41, p.1
Comments on an article published in the last College Eye on throwing a ball; photo.
125 Bender says 'look to your social graces'
College Eye 31:6, p.8
Paul Bender reports on his dissertation topic: a study of those who prepared for teaching positions in physical education at ISTC.
126 Mrs. Lizzie Ellis Williamson, Mrs. Theresa Williamson Ebers, and Betty Ebers
Alumnus 23:3, p.22
Lizzie Ellis Williamson has been followed at Teachers College by her daughter, Theresa Williamson Ebers, Des Moines, and a granddaughter, Betty Ebers, who next fall will be a senior majoring in physical education.
127 Posture lecture
College Eye 29:5, p.3
Maude Moore will speak.
128 Amazon Antics
College Eye 28:17, p.2
News about women's physical education; wide variety of activities in physical education classes.
129 Women's Athletic Club sponsors play night; to be weekly affair.
College Eye 28:4, p.6
Play night, which has held by the Women's Athletic Association, is to help orient new women to the extensive physical education program offered at Teachers College.
130 Yes indeed, it's all over now; for women don shorts and wield bats; Doris White explains changing world of activities for women
College Eye 27:2, p.7
Professor White talks about changes in women's physical education; photo.
131 Typical topics of Tutor talk told by mouse
College Eye 27:43, p.4
132 Costume development in girls' physical education reviewed; reporter peruses Old Golds of previous years as source
College Eye 26:39, p.3
Survey of women's gym clothing over the years at ISTC; photo.
133 Williams to lead at round table
College Eye 26:34, p.1
Jesse F. Williams will be on campus to consult.
134 Dr. Nelson talks on physical education's place in social life
College Eye 26:31, p.3
Hopes that physical education will be come part of curriculum in all schools.
135 Sudden spurt of interest in athletics
Public Relations News Release 1934:603, p.2
Approximately 200 of 500 men are engaged in extracurricular athletics.
136 Raburn "Hap" Miller accepted an assistant football coaching position
Public Relations News Release 1934:596, p.1
137 Commencement address delivered by S. A. Lynch
Public Relations News Release 1934:589, p.5
Program for the ceremony.
138 Eight graduates of former years are going to new positions in the fall
Public Relations News Release 1934:577, p.2
Sixteen graduates from the past year also have coaching jobs for the coming school year.
139 Mahlon Hintzman accepted teaching and coaching position
Public Relations News Release 1934:569, p.1
140 Harlan Rigby has accepted a teaching and coaching job for the fall
Public Relations News Release 1934:558, p.1
141 David Irvine is one of the graduates who has a coaching position in an Iowa school this fall
Public Relations News Release 1934:549, p.1
142 Harlan Rigby has been engaged as a teacher and athletic coach
Public Relations News Release 1934:554, p.1
143 Carlton Lytle is one of this year's graduates who have coaching positions for next fall
Public Relations News Release 1934:555, p.1
144 Maynard Harman has accepted a teaching and coaching position
Public Relations News Release 1934:555, p.1
145 Truman Manship has accepted a teaching and coaching job for next year
Public Relations News Release 1934:566, p.1
146 Owen J. Rolston accepts teaching and coaching position
Public Relations News Release 1934:565, p.1
147 Kenneth Allbee is one of twenty-three graduates who have coaching positions this fall
Public Relations News Release 1934:568, p.1
148 Harry Kruchten has accepted a teaching a coaching position for next fall
Public Relations News Release 1934:568, p.1
149 Harold Ross is one of many letterman expected to return to the football team this year
Public Relations News Release 1934:571, p.1
Profile and game schedule
150 Edward D. Roelofs is one of the 23 graduates who have coaching positions for next fall
Public Relations News Release 1934:554, p.1