Physical Education

Displaying 251 - 300 of 324 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
251 Official: the visit of the veterans
Normal Eyte 19:4, p.49
Members of 3rd Iowa Infantry visit campus; Margaret Baker lecturing in Chicago; new lockers will be added to Gymnasium; NCA has new room; Nan Baldwin is secretary of YWCA; masonry work under way at President's House; Trustees file biennial report.
252 Photo
Old Gold 0:0, p.322
Women's indoor baseball team; photo.
253 Physical education for women
Old Gold 0:0, p.315
Compulsory physical education reminded participants that the first wealth is health. Recreational activities received much emphasis; photo.
254 Gymnasium work
Normal Eyte 18:18, p.284
A poem on physical training.
255 The parent and the state
Normal Eyte 18:1, p.8
Advocates physical training in school.
256 Men's Physical Training Class
Old Gold 0:0, p.232
Gym class, Captain Jinks' Squad; photo.
257 Physical Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.230
Description of gym classes for men at ISNS.
258 Gymnasium Work for Women
Old Gold 0:0, p.225
Description of physical education classes available for the women at ISNS.
259 The seventh indoor athletic contest
Normal Eyte 17:20, p.307
Contest was held to see who was the best at making free throws.
260 The sixth of the series of indoor athletic contests was held last Friday
Normal Eyte 17:19, p.290
Rope climbing was the event of this week's indoor contest.
261 The fifth of the series of indoor athletic contests was held
Normal Eyte 17:18, p.274
Indoor hurdles was the event being played; standings for the year so far.
262 The series of athletic contests
Normal Eyte 17:17, p.258
Results of contests in physical education classes; good way to find out what kind of talent is available for track team.
263 Physical training
Normal Eyte 17:12, p.180
Sums up the new grading policies for the indoor season of physical training; Professor Seymour explains the new system.
264 Gymnasium work for women
Pedagog 0:0, p.136
Philosophic and educational reasons for involving women in physical education activities; photo.
265 Class at work in the Women's Gymnasium
Normal Eyte 16:1, p.10
Women partake in physical education class; photo.
266 Gymnasium work for women
Normal Eyte Annual 0:0, p.88
Describes the equipment available and exercises used for gymnasium class; photo.
267 From drill to physical culture; military work abandoned because United States government was too exacting in demands; physical culture more popular
Normal Eyte 15:13, p.193
History of the ISNS Student Battalion; physical education will succeed military training; description of new Gymnasium facilities; photo.
268 Maude Dudley and Margaret Van Metre
Normal Eyte 15:11, p.175
Visited physical training department.
269 Two of the ladies' physical training classes
Normal Eyte 15:5, p.78
Began work in gymnasium.
270 Our new Gymnasium; the pride of the Normal School nearly finished
Normal Eyte 15:2, p.19
The new Gymnasium is finally finished; should be open in a week; includes a swimming pool, two exercise rooms, a track, and classrooms; description of the building; north portion will be for women; photo.
271 The athletic situation; Normal's prospects are brighter than ever before
Normal Eyte 14:35, p.555
Believes that mandatory physical education is at least partially responsible for the success of ISNS athletics teams.
272 On the last Friday night of the winter term
Normal Eyte 14:25, p.400
Physical culture department gave demonstration.
273 Come to the show
Normal Eyte 14:23, p.354
Program for gymnasium demonstration.
274 Excellence in physique
Normal Eyte 14:13, p.201
"A man's success depends largely upon his physique," says President Seerley.
275 Physical culture; the girls will enjoy games and apparatus work
Normal Eyte 14:12, p.187
When the new gym is finished, two years of physical work will be required for all women.
276 Basketball
Normal Eyte 14:5, p.66
Basketball develops good physical and mental qualities; differences between the men's and women's games.
277 Physical training has been made a required study
Normal Eyte 13:26, p.401
Students must take two terms of work.
278 The gymnasium entertainment
Normal Eyte 13:24, p.371
Praise for the work of students in the physical culture classes.
279 New $60,000 gymnasium
Normal Eyte 13:16, p.246
Plans accepted by building committee; separate facilities for men and women; lengthy description of the building.
280 Dr. J. C. Elsom
Normal Eyte 13:16, p.254
Spoke on physical training.
281 Notes by the way
Normal Eyte 13:7, p.97
Letter from President Seerley on other schools' buildings and plans.
282 Notes by the way
Normal Eyte 13:5, p.65
Letter from President Seerley on other schools' buildings and plans.
283 Notes by the way
Normal Eyte 13:4, p.50
Letter from President Seerley on other schools' gymnasium buildings and plans.
284 The physical examination of school teachers
Normal Eyte 12:12, p.178
Physical examinations of students at the Chicago Normal School are required; table shows results of physical examinations of ISNS football players before and after the season.
285 Basketball for girls
Normal Eyte 12:10, p.146
Women's basketball at I. S. N. S. is a possibility; Professor Affleck believes that there is a need for women to exercise.
286 Extracts from Board of Trustees report
Normal Eyte 12:4, p.50
Report cites rising enrollment and consequent needs including a laboratory building, gymnasium, library, landscaping, and sidewalks
287 Several books have been added
Normal Eyte 12:3, p.41
Several new geography books added to library; new physical education section started; children's book section under Professor Bender's supervision is growing.
288 The physical culture classes
Normal Eyte 12:2, p.28
Classes are now organized into several sections for men and women, including classes in teacher training; Professor Affleck is teaching the men's class.
289 Prof. G. B. Affleck
Normal Eyte 12:1, p.3
Profile of new Physical Director, George B. Affleck.
290 It has been determined
Normal Eyte 11:27, p.662
The physical culture department will change and may soon be required for all students.
291 Editorial
Normal Eyte 11:27, p.661
Advice on what to look for in voting for the next Normal Eyte staff; applauds decision of Board to hire a physical director to be in charge of physical education and athletics.
292 Athletics
Normal Eyte 10:3, p.53
Believes physical training is good for the men; athletics can be good for the school; Board has allowed the men an instructor for football; school should support the team.
293 Olive Inez Orton and Eunice Summers
Normal Eyte 9:25, p.596
Assisting with physical education classes.
294 A physical culture class
Normal Eyte 9:21, p.499
Organized for preparatory and higher grammar grades; class optional; basketball team being organized.
295 Lynne Barnum and Edith Calonkey
Normal Eyte 9:18, p.427
Assisting with physical culture.
296 Pupils from Miss Falkler's reading class
Normal Eyte 9:13, p.308
Gave program that also featured physical education demonstrations by Professor Satterthwait's classes.
297 The physical culture classes
Normal Eyte 9:13, p.307
Now organized.
298 Physical culture classes were organized
Normal Eyte 9:1, p.13
Lulu Bovee and Josephine Smith will assist Stella Satterthwait.
299 Miss Stella Satterthwait
Normal Eyte 8:27, p.375
Will be in charge of Physical Culture Department and assist in elocution.
300 Biennial period, 1895-1897
Normal Eyte 7:13, p.148
President Seerley's report on progress in music, physical culture, college affiliation, and the training school.