
Displaying 1 - 50 of 510 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Triumphant "Mothers Courage" play
Northern Iowan 114:26, p.5
Critic Shelby Welsch reviews the Theatre UNI adaptation of "Mother Courage and Her Daughters". The play was originally written by Bertolt Brecht in 1939 and adapted by Mathew Weedman for this performance; photo.
2 Script reading features mental health
Northern Iowan 114:23, p.5

UNI Interpreters Theatre performs "Genuine Cigarettes. The play was written and directed by Kelso Breitsprecher; photo.

3 "Glass Menagerie" recreated at UNI
Northern Iowan 112:41, p.5

Mattox gives TheatreUNI's performance of "The Glass Meangerie" a favorable review.

Northern Iowan 112:21, p.6

Mattox gives TheatreUNI's production of "RENT," performed October 29 and 30 and November 1-8, a positive review.

5 "Independence" paints picture of troubled home
Northern Iowan 112:13, p.5

Mattox gives TheatreUNI's production of "Independence" a favorable review.

6 Letter to the editor
Northern Iowan 111:35, p.3
Student Jerica Crawford shares her opinion on a live production of Sister Act; photo.
7 Past comes back to bite
Northern Iowan 110:52, p.5
The author found UNI's performance of "August: Osage County" to be realistic, with strong performers. She thought that having the actors smoke non-tobacco cigarettes was annoying. Aside from that, the show was an emotional and enjoyable experience.
8 'Mauritius' brings stamp collecting to extremes
Northern Iowan 110:41, p.4
The play "Mauritius", written by Theresa Rebeck, is all about greed. When their mother passes away, two siblings fight over the book of stamps that was left to them. The show is dramatic and fast paced; photo.
9 Kaleidoscope series presents Rosa Parks play to children for MLK Day
Northern Iowan 109:31, p.5
"Walk on: the Rosa Parks story" was presented by Mad River Theater as part of the Martin Luther King Jr. celebrations.
10 '8 the Play' brings battle over Prop 8 top life
Northern Iowan 109:29, p.4
Article discusses the UNI Student Theatre Association's production of "8 The Play". The production depicted the process of two California couples working to overturn the landmark measure.
11 Lysistrata gets modernized in time for 2012 elections
Northern Iowan 109:13, p.6
Classic play sheds light on modern day situations in America. Playgoers will welcome the many parallels and references to the present American political situation.
12 'The Yellow Boat' explores life with AIDS through a child's eyes
Northern Iowan 108:25, p.6
Student Theatre Association to present play. Based on a true story, the play uses drama to address a real life situation.
13 Weber's thoughts become reality in 'Why, Felly'
Northern Iowan 107:47, p.6
The Interpreters Theatre presented "Why, Felly", written by Kyle Weber. Play is reviewed.
14 From lipstick to law: "Legally Blonde" delivers
Northern Iowan 107:14, p.4
The musical "Legally Blonde" receives a very good review; photo.
15 Mistakes were (not) made
Northern Iowan 106:56, p.2
Review of "Mistakes Madeline Made"; photo.
16 Count Dracula sucks in audiences with suspense, humor
Northern Iowan 106:51, p.7
Review of production of the play, Count Dracula; photo.
17 "Almost, Maine" set to appear this weekend
Northern Iowan 106:25, p.7
The universality of love is the theme of "Almost, Maine". Some scenes are sweet and some are moments before the happiness. Cast members fall in and out of love during the play; photo.
18 Strayer-Wood Theatre presentation of "Marat/Sade" pushes the boundaries
Northern Iowan 106:21, p.10
Presentation is a play within a play. Real star of the show is guest costume designer, Cat Chow. Sounds of the insane members of the mob made Marat's speeches difficult to understand.
19 "What I Did Last Summer" captures plight of adolescence and conflict
Northern Iowan 106:11, p.9
The A. R. Gurney play is being performed at the Strayer-Wood Theatre. A well-crafted set created a neat atmosphere of the house and the rugged outdoorsy feel of Anna's residence.
20 Torn between two loves
Northern Iowan 105:50, p.5
Review of Sarah Ruhl's play, "Eurydice". The play will be performed in the Bertha Martin Theatre.
21 "Wild at Heart" delights audiences
Northern Iowan 105:17, p.9
Review of the play "Wild at Heart", written and directed by Professor Paul Siddens; photo.
22 Bloodbath at Gallagher-Bluedorn
Northern Iowan 105:8, p.8
Review of traveling company production of Sweeney Todd; photo.
23 New Theatre UNI show is "to die for"
Northern Iowan 104:41, p.8
Theatre UNI's production of "Death of a Salesman" reviewed.
24 "Dead White Males" looks at issues facing modern-day teachers
Northern Iowan 104:38, p.4
Play is a dark comedy that explores the social and political issues facing teachers today.
25 Theatre UNI gets intimate with "Cloud 9"
Northern Iowan 104:21, p.10
"Cloud 9", a presentation of Theatre UNI, reviewed; schedule of upcoming Theatre UNI productions.
26 Believe in the magic of "Midsummer Night"
Northern Iowan 104:19, p.9
Review of Theatre UNI's production of "A Midsummer Nights Dream"; photo.
27 Last chance to see "Harvey" at Oster Regent; play proves to be success as performers become more confident in roles
Northern Iowan 101:12, p.12
Review of the theatrical performance of "Harvey," given by UNI faculty members at the Oster Regent Theatre.
28 Memories of Ghost haunt poor Cliffy
Northern Iowan 100:53, p.9
Review of Theatre UNI production of Henrik Ibsen's "Ghosts".
29 Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll
Northern Iowan 100:24, p.11
Review of the UNISTA production "Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll".
30 Supporting cast outshines leading ladies in Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
Northern Iowan 100:23, p.17
Review of the play "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead"; photo.
31 Last chance to catch Lobster Alice
Northern Iowan 100:13, p.15
Review of the play "Lobster Alice".
32 Rent, despite few flaws, leaves audiences breathless
Northern Iowan 98:15, p.13
Review of the play "Rent"; photo.
33 Verdict lies in hands of audience
Northern Iowan 96:40, p.11
Review of "The Night of January 16th" at the Cedar Falls Community Theatre; photo.
34 UNI theatre presents cure for semester end blues
Northern Iowan 94:22, p.10
Preview of the play "Noises Off"; photo.
35 Play grasps powerful story of survival
Northern Iowan 94:11, p.10
Review of play "Sudden Loss of Altitude".
36 "Split" explores bad relationships
Northern Iowan 94:10, p.12
Review of play "Split".
37 "A Dybbuk" success at Strayer-Wood
Northern Iowan 93:12, p.15
Play "A Dybbuk" was a success; remaining performances are this weekend in Strayer-Wood Theatre.
38 "The naked play" more complex than mere issue of nudity; UNI Theatre's "Equus" provides wonderful discomfort
Northern Iowan 92:41, p.12
Review of "Equus"; photo.
39 UNI students help bring humor to Oster Regent with 'The Foreigner'
Northern Iowan 92:21, p.12
Review of play; photo.
40 Studio Series tackles social issues, crabs
Northern Iowan 91:52, p.14
A review of Studio Series' Production of "Cabfare," "Eulogy," "Day of Absence," and "Red Cross."
41 'Summer and Smoke' searching for meaning of life
Northern Edition 3:9, p.15
Review of "Summer and Smoke".
42 "Drinking Gourd" fine attempt at greatness
Northern Edition 3:6, p.15
Review of "The Drinking Gourd".
43 "The Drinking Gourd" recalls strength of race, celebrates freedom, spirit; in its premiere performance
Northern Iowan 91:39, p.9
Review of play.
44 Life after high school?
Northern Edition 3:5, p.13
Review of "Is There Life After High School".
45 Perversity Chicago style
Northern Edition 3:3, p.8
Review of "Sexual Perversity in Chicago"; photo.
46 "Sexual Perversity" raises questions about sex-90's style
Northern Iowan 91:34, p.9
A review of the comedy "Sexual Perversity in Chicago" by David Mamet; photo.
47 The flavor of Theatre UNI's Wild Honey
Northern Edition 2:29, p.8
Review of production of Chekhov's "Wild Honey".
48 "Zoo Story" not what it appears to be
Northern Edition 2:28, p.9
Review of student production.
49 "Vietnam: Perspectives and Performance"
Northern Edition 2:28, p.11
Review of local production.
50 'Girley-Who?' is Abby, Andrea, and Sigrid
Northern Edition 2:27, p.11
Review of Studio Theatre production and interview with cast.