Proctor--Warren E. (Class of 1908; Music Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 134 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 The address of Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Proetor
Alumnus 33:3, p.14
Live in Chicago, Illinois.
2 Warren E. Proctor
Alumnus 14:3, p.24
Of San Francisco, California, toured northeastern Iowa with the George D. Sweet Stock Company which is now engaged in its twenty-sixth season of activity. He was a member of the Minnesingers and student glee club.
3 Alumni of Iowa State Teachers College who have gained special distinction in other fields
Old Gold 0:0, p.40
Brief paragraphs of alumni accomplishments; photo.
4 Vernon S. Rogers
Alumni News Letter 5:2, p.7
Rogers is a senior in medical school of Pennsylvania University; living with wife in Pennsylvania.
5 Warren E. Proctor
Alumni News Letter 4:4, p.5
Gave concert in College Auditorium August 5.
6 Warren E. Proctor
College Eye 12:2, p.8
Gave a concert last month.
7 Proctor to give recital
College Eye 12:1, p.
Warren Proctor to give recital.
8 Word comes here from San Francisco
College Eye 11:13, p.8
Warren Proctor is on tour with Louise Tetrazzini.
9 Music Department
College Eye 11:12, p.9
Warren Proctor has made a name for himself as tenor.
10 Warren E. Proctor
Alumni News Letter 3:4, p.4
Proctor is touring country with Luisa Tetrazzini as a tenor.
11 Alumni reports 19
Alumni News Letter 3:1, p.3
Warren Proctor, favorite tenor of Chicago Grand Opera Company, co-wrote a book with Clara Louise Burnham about his childhood.
12 Warren Proctor's latest success
College Eye 10:2, p.4
Warren Proctor has written a children's book calling on his experiences as a boy in Iowa.
13 Warren Proctor
College Eye 9:23, p.8
Was visiting friends.
14 "Funny things I have experienced"
College Eye 9:21, p.2
Warren Proctor will give a recital.
15 At the Cotton Theatre March 19; Warren Proctor, tenor; the man and his work
College Eye 9:21, p.3
Short biography of Warren Proctor; photo.
16 Warren Proctor will sing here; famous tenor of Chicago will be at the Cotton Theatre March 19th
College Eye 9:20, p.1
Has agreed to a record deal with Columbia; will perform live in Cedar Falls; photo.
17 Warren Proctor immensely pleases chapel audience
College Eye 9:5, p.8
Former student and Chicago musician sang.
18 Hear Warren Proctor
College Eye 8:21, p.1
Will perform in auditorium; photo.
19 Warren Proctor coming Mar. 19; famous tenor
College Eye 8:20, p.1
Profile of Warren Proctor, who will perform in Cedar Falls; photo.
20 Warren Proctor coming
College Eye 8:19, p.3
Will perform under auspices of Y. M. C. A.
21 Warren Proctor greatly applauded; young tenor proves himself an artist
College Eye 7:23, p.1
Sang mostly in German and English; sang one original song and a song by B. W. Merrill.
22 Warren Proctor next Friday; noted tenor will appear in local auditorium
College Eye 7:22, p.1
Briefly outlines his tour schedule; includes a short biography; photo.
23 Warren Proctor will give recital; Cedar Falls singer will give concert
College Eye 7:21, p.1
Prominent singer is graduate of T. C. H. S. and I. S. T. C. and is a former faculty member.
24 Mr. Proctor will give concert
College Eye 7:19, p.5
Warren Proctor to sing on campus.
25 Warren Proctor as composer
College Eye 7:9, p.4
Proctor's song "You" is a popular tune in New York.
26 Warren Proctor gives splendid recital; delights audience by pleasing and well rendered program
College Eye 4:24, p.5
Review of alumnus performance.
27 Henry Beinke
College Eye 4:24, p.6
Assisted in recital of Warren E. Proctor.
28 Warren Proctor will give concert on March 30
College Eye 4:22, p.1
Warren Proctor, currently traveling with the Chicago-Philadelphia grand opera company, will perform at the Cedar Falls Presbyterian Church.
29 Warren E. Proctor
College Eye 4:21, p.8
Will give a concert at Presbyterian church.
30 This item was taken
College Eye 4:20, p.6
Warren Proctor and Bertha Hart receive praise in Cedar Falls Daily Record.
31 Warren Proctor
College Eye 4:17, p.6
Stopped in Cedar Falls.
32 Warren Proctor given honor
College Eye 4:16, p.1
Alumnus Warren Proctor will travel to Chicago to perform as soloist in the First Christian Science church.
33 "One of the pleasant surprises..."
College Eye 3:3, p.67
Leo Hughes was delighted to see Warren Proctor on stage in Chicago.
34 Word comes from Chicago
College Eye 1:15, p.5
Warren Proctor was married in Chicago.
35 Mr. Warren Proctor
College Eye 1:8, p.7
Visited friends on College Hill; studying music in Chicago this year.
36 Mr. Warren Proctor
Normal Eyte 21:22, p.388
Returned to Cedar Falls after an extended trip to Minnesota.
37 Warren Proctor
Normal Eyte 21:4, p.66
Left for Clarion to prepare concert work.
38 Seniors are entertained; faculty gives pleasing reception to graduating class; special program is rendered
Normal Eyte 20:34, p.566
Seniors and faculty greet one another; enjoy music.
39 Warren Proctor
Normal Eyte 20:28, p.467
Visited family and friends on the Hill.
40 Warren Proctor
Normal Eyte 20:24, p.403
Left to work on booking dates for a lyceum.
41 Miss Isabel Proctor
Normal Eyte 20:23, p.388
Accompanied her brother to a concert in La Porte.
42 Warren Proctor
Normal Eyte 20:23, p.387
Spent time with family and friends on the Hill.
43 The chapel exercises
Normal Eyte 20:11, p.195
Thursday service featured the Modern Musicians Company.
44 Mr. Warren E. Proctor
Normal Eyte 20:1, p.15
Sang at chapel; will tour this year as part of a quartet.
45 Y. M. C. A. reception; the young men of the school gather together for an interesting evening
Normal Eyte 20:1, p.6
YMCA held informal reception
46 What happened during the summer
Normal Eyte 20:1, p.4
News notes of faculty and student summer activities.
47 Baseball
Normal Eyte 20:0, p.18
Aristos defeat Orios and alumni defeat local team.
48 Oratory
Old Gold 0:0, p.110

Results of men's oratorical contests and the interstate contest.

49 The Xanhos
Normal Eyte 19:27, p.432
Gave annual banquet and ball.
50 Warren Proctor
Normal Eyte 19:26, p.412
Returned home with serious illness; had been traveling with Grinnell Glee Club.