Proctor--Warren E. (Class of 1908; Music Faculty)
Displaying 51 - 100 of 134 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
51 | Warren Proctor Normal Eyte 19:18, p.284 |
Visited friends. | |
52 | Warren E. Proctor Normal Eyte 19:9, p.139 |
Elected president of glee club in Grinnell. | |
53 | The following Normal Eyte 19:8, p.128 |
Several Normalites are involved in drama at Grinnell. | |
54 | Football Normal Eyte 19:3, p.42 |
Continuing efforts to sell all seven hundred season tickets. | |
55 | Warren Proctor Normal Eyte 19:2, p.31 |
Will teach music at Iowa College in Grinnell. | |
56 | Football has returned! Normal Eyte 19:1, p.10 |
A trial season will be held this fall; students excited; hold pep rally. | |
57 | Commencement Normal Eyte 18:33, p.522 |
Commencement program; cast members of "If I Were King".. | |
58 | Photo Old Gold 0:0, p.283 |
Members of the Debating League and participants in the twelfth annual debate between State Normal and State College; photo. | |
59 | Charters in class play Old Gold 0:0, p.296 |
Cast members of "If I Were King". | |
60 | Intersociety oratory Old Gold 0:0, p.288 |
Record of participants and results of men's and women's contests, 1900-1907; photo. |
61 | Shakespeare program Old Gold 0:0, p.239 |
Drawing of Japanese woman with umbrella, senior Shake song, and a story of the southland are presented. | |
62 | The Debating League Old Gold 0:0, p.282 |
Officers and philosophy of the Debating League. | |
63 | National program Old Gold 0:0, p.260 |
Drawing of eagle on a banner listing the program and two students depicted on either side of the shield. | |
64 | The Aristotelian Society Old Gold 0:0, p.257 |
Motto, yells, officers, history, and photos of triangular teams; photo. | |
65 | Photographs of graduates Old Gold 0:0, p.39 |
Photo. | |
66 | Untitled Old Gold 0:0, p.136 |
Members of the Minnesingers are shown; photo. | |
67 | The Minnesingers Old Gold 0:0, p.137 |
Started with a quartet that included the Fullerton brothers. | |
68 | Students taking the public school music course Old Gold 0:0, p.139 |
Photo. | |
69 | Philo Harmonic Quartette Old Gold 0:0, p.141 |
Photo. | |
70 | Photo Old Gold 0:0, p.256 |
Members of the Aristotelian literary society; photo. | |
71 | Mr. and Mrs. Merton Proctor Normal Eyte 18:27, p.430 |
Visiting Warren Proctor's parents. | |
72 | The class play is beginning Normal Eyte 18:26, p.402 |
Rehearsals getting underway for "If I were King". | |
73 | Warren Proctor Normal Eyte 18:25, p.400 |
Will perform in recital at Sanborn. | |
74 | The Minnesinger concert Normal Eyte 18:22, p.337 |
Praise for the Minnesingers. | |
75 | Warren Proctor and Lenore Shanewise Normal Eyte 18:14, p.217 |
Gave a recital at Cresco on January third. | |
76 | The Triangular Oratorical Normal Eyte 18:12, p.187 |
Four men participated in the contest; Frank Olson won by one-third of one percent over Warren Proctor. | |
77 | Warren Proctor Normal Eyte 18:12, p.192 |
Sang in Lindebarg, Kansas, last week. | |
78 | The Cottage Reading Circle Normal Eyte 18:11, p.175 |
Entertained the downtown Parlor Reading Circle with a musical program. | |
79 | On another page Normal Eyte 18:11, p.162 |
Students and faculty will miss Herbert Smith, who died recently; description of memorial service. | |
80 | Warren Proctor Normal Eyte 18:10, p.157 |
Will perform with Lenore Shanewise in late November. | |
81 | Defeat but not disgrace Normal Eyte 18:10, p.145 |
The Ames team won the debate, 2-1, but the Cedar Falls team was well-supported; photo. | |
82 | The Zeta open session Normal Eyte 18:9, p.136 |
Held an entertaining program. | |
83 | Zetalethean Open Session Nov. 1, 1907 Normal Eyte 18:8, p.119 |
Program of performance for "A Luncheon in the Suburbs". | |
84 | Mr. Charles Sebern Normal Eyte 18:8, p.127 |
Is trying to persuade Warren Proctor to conduct a concert. | |
85 | The Social Committee Normal Eyte 18:7, p.97 |
The Senior Class is holding a Halloween party on November 2. | |
86 | Miss Rock and Warren Proctor Normal Eyte 18:5, p.79 |
Drove to Waterloo on Wednesday. | |
87 | The members of the Debating League Normal Eyte 18:2, p.17 |
Appointed officers. | |
88 | Warren Proctor Normal Eyte 18:2, p.30 |
Is participating in the Congregational Choir. | |
89 | Warren Proctor's parents Normal Eyte 18:1, p.12 |
Have moved from Riceville to Cedar Falls. | |
90 | Mr. Proctor Normal Eyte 18:1, p.12 |
Was in charge of singing at the Young People's Christian Endeavor Convention in Waterloo. | |
91 | The Aristotelian Society Old Gold 0:0, p.213 |
Roster of members, officers, and activities; photo. | |
92 | Hall of Fame Old Gold 0:0, p.155 |
Humorous prophecies about some members of the class of 1907. | |
93 | The Debating League Old Gold 0:0, p.116 |
Discusses reorganization of the League and what the group does; photo. | |
94 | The oratorical contest Normal Eyte 17:32, p.500 |
Lengthy account of the contest. | |
95 | Society Normal Eyte 17:31, p.492 |
Philos and Alphas gave joint music program; Clios present music and literary program; Chrestos enjoyed German program. |
96 | On Tuesday our representatives started for Kansas Normal Eyte 17:30, p.479 |
Orators leave for Kansas. | |
97 | Pipe organ benefit concert Normal Eyte 17:26, p.407 |
Have raised $2000; program for the benefit concert. | |
98 | Isabelle Proctor Normal Eyte 17:25, p.396 |
Enrolled in school. | |
99 | Xanhos entertain at annual banquet Normal Eyte 17:21, p.329 |
The Xanhos held their annual banquet and ate a seven course meal while they were entertained. | |
100 | Lost, by Warren Proctor, a signet ring. Normal Eyte 17:16, p.254 |