Reed--Leslie I. (Class of 1900; Dean of Men)

Displaying 301 - 350 of 650 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
301 Deans release spring term honor rolls for men and women students
College Eye 23:5, p.1
List of those who made the honor roll.
302 Clay Seaton, of Redding, led the men students of the Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1930:466, p.1
Made the honor roll for spring term; roster of other men on honor roll.
303 Fest, Cram attend Geneva conference
College Eye 23:3, p.6
Will act as ISTC representatives to YMCA camp.
304 Officers of administration
Old Gold 0:0, p.19
305 Y. M. C. A.
Old Gold 0:0, p.230
Purpose, cabinet members, and advisory council; photo.
306 Inter-Fraternity Council
Old Gold 0:0, p.266
Sponsors, officers, and representatives; photos.
307 Delta Sigma Rho, national honorary forensic fraternity
Public Relations News Release 1930:409, p.1
Fraternity holds formal initiations.
308 Theta chapter of Lambda Delta Lambda
Public Relations News Release 1930:406, p.1
Fraternity formally installed; list of members included.
309 Dr. O. R. Latham, president of the Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1930:352, p.1
Commencement exercises scheduled for June 1.
310 Huntoon and Smith lead men scholars during winter term
College Eye 22:26, p.1
List of those who did well on grades last term.
311 Lyall R. Smith, Mason City, and Robert Huntoon, Waterloo
Public Relations News Release 1930:315, p.1
Dean L. I. Reed announces top academic men students.
312 Mothers will be the "who" of this story
Public Relations News Release 1930:307, p.1
Mother's Day activities planned; list of committee members provided.
313 Campus leaders are guests at annual organization dinner; "Big Men on Campus" are the guests of president and deans
College Eye 22:24, p.1
President Latham and Dean Campbell address leaders.
314 The B. M. O. C. at the Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1930:290, p.1
Big Men on Campus meet for annual dinner with President Latham, Dean Campbell, and Dean Reed.
315 Men lift taboo from outside activities by high scholastic record
College Eye 22:20, p.2
Report shows that many men maintain high grade point averages despite participation in extracurricular activities.
316 Number of "D" letters issued to men remains same for two terms
College Eye 22:19, p.1
280 letters issued.
317 L. I. Reed inspects Centerville school
College Eye 22:18, p.2
Will inspect junior college there.
318 Pre-medics will test chances for success
College Eye 22:17, p.6
Medical aptitude tests to be given.
319 John McDowell and Robert Ebel
Public Relations News Release 1930:159, p.1
Made top two spots on the honor roll for Fall 1930 term.
320 Jack Arends, of this city
Public Relations News Release 1930:146, p.1
Made the honor roll for the Fall 1930 term.
321 Lester Artherholt, of this city
Public Relations News Release 1930:151, p.1
Made the honor roll for the fall 1930 term.
322 Dale Moore, of this city
Public Relations News Release 1930:150, p.1
Made the honor roll for the Fall 1930 term.
323 Elmer Ortberg, of this city
Public Relations News Release 1930:149, p.1
Made the honor roll for the Fall 1930 term.
324 King Richey, of this city
Public Relations News Release 1930:148, p.1
Made the honor roll for the Fall 1930 term.
325 Clay Seaton, of this city
Public Relations News Release 1930:147, p.1
Seaton made the honor roll for the Fall 1930 term.
326 Robert Warner, of this city
Public Relations News Release 1930:147, p.1
Made the honor roll for the Fall 1930 term.
327 Merle Grodland, of this city
Public Relations News Release 1930:145, p.1
Made the honor roll for the Fall 1930 term.
328 Edwin Bird, of this city
Public Relations News Release 1930:144, p.1
Made honor roll for the Fall 1930 term.
329 Men students at the Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1931:162, p.1
Men with part-time jobs do better academically than those with no job; sources of emploryment include, restaurants, offices, and the library.
330 Boardman refuses to guess on winter term's enrollment
College Eye 22:12, p.1
Winter term enrollment tends to be slightly less than that of fall term; Dean Reed inaugurates method of speeding up registration for men.
331 Dr. Latham appoints general committee for Dad's Day plans
College Eye 22:7, p.1
Committee membership announced; brief preview of the celebration.
332 Dads who journey to the campus
Public Relations News Release 1930:54, p.1
Committees for Dad's Day announced.
333 Officers of the inter-fraternity council at the Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1930:40, p.1
Inter-fraternity Council elects officers for the year.
334 Dean promises men shortened schedule of freshman lectures
College Eye 22:6, p.1
Will schedule three lectures during first week of school and then one per week until mid-term.
335 Interfrat council elects Armstrong as president; Charles and O'Neill will act with Reed as faculty sponsors
College Eye 22:6, p.1
List of Interfraternity Council representatives.
336 O. R. Latham will address freshmen
College Eye 22:4, p.1
Will be fourth in series of lectures for men.
337 College exhibit attracts many
Alumnus 14:4, p.10
Exhibit at State Fair draws comment; description of displays, including movies of children in Nursery School.
338 Dean and Mrs. L. I. Reed
Alumnus 14:4, p.27
A surprise 25th silver wedding anniversary dinner was held at Black's tea Room in honor of the Reeds. Florence Reed, daughter of the Reeds, presided as hostess which was attended by seventeen close friends as listed.
339 L. I. Reed called away by illness of mother
College Eye 22:3, p.8
Suffered heart attack in Clarinda.
340 "Spirit of education" is Commencement dinner toast theme; music numbers furnished by students graduating from music courses
College Eye 21:43, p.1
Highlights of the banquet program.
341 Freshmen will "get acquainted" first week of term
College Eye 21:43, p.1
Schedule for freshman orientation.
342 The hospital board met for its annual dinner
College Eye 21:42, p.5
Roster of attendees.
343 Freshmen are neither as "green" nor as "fresh"
Public Relations News Release 1929:558, p.1
Seven freshmen get "Straight A's."
344 Five freshmen and two sophomores made straight A's last term
College Eye 21:41, p.1
Roster of those who made excellent grades.
345 Dean and Mrs. Leslie I. Reed
College Eye 21:41, p.5
Dinner held in honor of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary; roster of guests.
346 'Twill be Green Monday at Teachers College Sept 8
College Eye 21:40, p.1
Making plans for freshman registration.
347 Towering elms and campus buildings
Public Relations News Release 1929:550, p.1
About four hundred students will receive degrees or diplomas during summer Commencement exercises.
348 Deans make plans for new system to aid needy students; plan looks toward maintenance of loan fund trough collections
College Eye 21:39, p.1
Will develop loan system rather than make outright scholarship grants.
349 Dance tonight will be a sports hop; coats not essential
College Eye 21:39, p.1
Dance preview.
350 Persistent burglar crashes Xanho frat house three times; men make wild chase with flashlights and baseball bats to catch burglar
College Eye 21:39, p.1
Burglar causes uproar.