Reed--Leslie I. (Class of 1900; Dean of Men)
Displaying 151 - 200 of 650 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
151 | Howard Barry and John Cowie will lead the grand march at the Washington Ball Public Relations News Release 1934:918, p.1 |
George and Martha Washington will be featured at intermission of the dance. | |
152 | Dancers at the annual Washington Ball will be able to attend the basketball game Public Relations News Release 1934:921, p.1 |
Schedule and guests for the Washington Ball. | |
153 | Mothers will be entertained at dinner by their sons and daughters at the annual Mother's Day celebration Public Relations News Release 1934:907, p.1 |
The May festival will be discontinued this year. | |
154 | Mothers of Teachers College students will be entertained at dinner Public Relations News Release 1934:856, p.1 |
Committee members for the annual Mother's day celebration. | |
155 | Faculty vacations spent in travels College Eye 26:26, p.3 |
Survey of faculty Christmas travels. | |
156 | Richard Bergstrom wins speech contest College Eye 26:23, p.1 |
In after-dinner speaking contest. | |
157 | Two Englishmen from the University of London will oppose a team of Iowa State Teachers College students in a debate Public Relations News Release 1934:686, p.1 |
Short profile of the London students. | |
158 | Students put finishing touches on decorations in honor of alumni returning for Homecoming Public Relations News Release 1934:683, p.2 |
Schedule of Homecoming events. | |
159 | Iowa teachers and high school coaches will be "on vacation" this weekend when the Iowa State Teachers College hosts the Grinnell College football team Public Relations News Release 1934:680, p.2 |
Schedule of Homecoming activities. | |
160 | Students, faculty members, and alumni work out details for the Homecoming festivities Public Relations News Release 1934:660, p.1 |
Detailed preparations are being made for a pep rally, student play, dinner and dance, and special events for the football game. | |
161 | Campus welcomes Dads today; festivities begin tonight with concert and dance; Dads guest at Coe game College Eye 26:18, p.1 |
Brief schedule of activities. | |
162 | Dads will be guests of honor at a three-day celebration Public Relations News Release 1934:634, p.1 |
Schedule of the weekend events. | |
163 | Students will conduct a three day celebration to honor their fathers Public Relations News Release 1934:635, p.1 |
Many festivities have been planned for the weekend, including a gridiron contest between the Teachers College and Coe College. | |
164 | Students will honor their fathers with a three-day celebration Public Relations News Release 1934:636, p.1 |
Schedule of events. | |
165 | Freshmen are apt to fall down scholastically during the first six weeks of their first term Public Relations News Release 1934:538, p.1 |
The dean announced that 339 students are doing work below the average grade of "C", and have received warning "D" letters. | |
166 | Reed, delegates go to Y. M. C. A. meet College Eye 26:2, p.3 |
At Lake Geneva. | |
167 | Lambda Gamma Nu Old Gold 0:0, p.220 |
Organized in 1923; officers and members; photos. |
168 | Men's Union Old Gold 0:0, p.64 |
Description, purpose, and constitution committee members; photos. | |
169 | Tutor Stars Old Gold 0:0, p.116 |
Photos. | |
170 | Blue Key Old Gold 0:0, p.174 |
The Blue Key was established in 1932; purpose, officers, and members; photos. | |
171 | Y. M. C. A. Old Gold 0:0, p.205 |
Purpose, aims, activities, officers, and members; photo. |
172 | Inter-Fraternity Council Old Gold 0:0, p.216 |
Organized in 1925 and 1926; officers, purpose, and members; photos. | |
173 | Administration Old Gold 0:0, p.30 |
Description of duties; photos. | |
174 | Commencement week activities begin with a reception for graduates, alumni, and faculty Public Relations News Release 1934:506, p.3 |
Programs for various events happening throughout the week. | |
175 | Marc Ihm will lead the Iowa State Teachers College chapter of Blue Key Public Relations News Release 1934:487, p.1 |
New officers were also chosen. | |
176 | Five Iowa State Teachers College fraternities and sororities had their annual spring dances Public Relations News Release 1934:492, p.1 |
177 | Students at the Iowa State Teachers College will dance to the music of Floyd Halloway. Public Relations News Release 1934:463, p.1 |
This is the first senior prom to be held in the Commons; names of couples that will lead the grand march; guests at the dance. | |
178 | Four to go to induction ceremonies Public Relations News Release 1934:453, p.1 |
The induction of the North high school chapter of the National High School Honorary society will be attended by four members of Blue Key and the dean of men. | |
179 | Formal initiation held by Blue Key College Eye 25:36, p.1 |
List of new members. | |
180 | News briefs College Eye 25:34, p.3 |
Information about students, alumni, and faculty. | |
181 | Twenty prominent students selected College Eye 25:34, p.1 |
Will be announced in Old Gold. | |
182 | Ball for F. R. to take place here Jan. 30th College Eye 25:26, p.1 |
Will raise money for polio. | |
183 | "Forgotten school unit" presented at reunion Alumnus 18:1, p.9 |
Description of Des Moines dinner and Homecoming reunion; consider difficulties of rural schools. | |
184 | News briefs College Eye 25:25, p.3 |
Information on students, alumni, and faculty. | |
185 | News briefs College Eye 25:23, p.3 |
Information on students, alumni, and faculty. | |
186 | Plans made for three day Homecoming program College Eye 25:14, p.1 |
Schedule of tentative plans. | |
187 | Personals College Eye 25:13, p.3 |
Information on students, alumni, and faculty. Leota Bridenstine accepted a position in Kansas. | |
188 | Faculty committees are announced for major school events College Eye 25:12, p.1 |
The names of the chairs and committee members are listed for the six events. | |
189 | Freshman lectures to begin Wednesday College Eye 25:12, p.1 |
Leslie Reed and President O. R. Latham will lead the first two sessions. | |
190 | Large numbers of men students looking for work Public Relations News Release 1932:364, p.1 |
L. I. Reed, dean of men, has appealed to local businessmen and homeowners to register with the dean's office all employment opportunities for students. | |
191 | Modernistic design is selected for new handbook cover College Eye 25:9, p.3 |
Booklet will contain information about organizations and college rules and regulations. | |
192 | New Alumnus features faculty; photographs of President, Deans are included in article College Eye 25:8, p.1 |
Will include "Meet Your Faculty" feature. | |
193 | Five faculty members give their impressions of Chicago Fair College Eye 25:6, p.1 |
Professors report on visit to Fair. | |
194 | Alpha Chi leads in scholarship; Alpha Delta Alpha men are second; Chi Pi Theta rank third College Eye 25:5, p.1 |
GPAs by fraternity. | |
195 | Typical Tutor man gets 'A'; cuts class College Eye 25:5, p.1 |
Brief statistical profile of men students. | |
196 | Dean of Men Alumnus 17:3, p.2 |
Brief profile of Dean Leslie I. Reed and description of the functions of his office; photo. | |
197 | Dean Reed leaves for Geneva, Chicago College Eye 25:2, p.1 |
Several students accompany him to the YMCA conference and the World's Fair. | |
198 | Rutherford Rogers establishes a record of scholarship Public Relations News Release 1932:324, p.1 |
Rogers achieved A grades in all of his studies throughout the fall, winter, and spring terms. He also participated in various extra curricular activities. | |
199 | Dean of Men Old Gold 0:0, p.16 |
History and description of duties; office began in 1916 as Advisor of Students; became Dean of Men in 1924; photos. | |
200 | Kappa Theta Psi Old Gold 0:0, p.239 |
Officers, history, members, and pledges; campus Beta chapter organized in 1906; photos. |