Reed--Leslie I. (Class of 1900; Dean of Men)
Displaying 51 - 100 of 650 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
51 | Who's who will be announced next week College Eye 32:18, p.1 |
Criteria for selection. | |
52 | Student leaders confer on administrative problems College Eye 32:9, p.4 |
Description of recent student leadership conference. | |
53 | Campus leaders convene College Eye 32:8, p.1 |
For Iowa student leadership conference. | |
54 | Reed honored on trip west College Eye 31:41, p.1 |
Dean Reed recounts the highlights of this trip. | |
55 | Convention is object of Dean Reed's travels College Eye 31:37, p.1 |
Will attend dean's meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico. | |
56 | The dean of men's office Old Gold 0:0, p.61 |
Brief description of the office; photo. | |
57 | Preparatory training includes discussions on orientation College Eye 31:30, p.1 |
List of counselors. | |
58 | Work available to students College Eye 31:28, p.4 |
Dean Reed has some work from local merchants. | |
59 | Alpha Chi's lead in fraternity scholarship College Eye 31:26, p.1 |
Lead fraternities with 2.42 GPA. | |
60 | Tiny camera ace flashes big-wig dad Alumnus 24:1, p.1 |
Governor George A. Wilson visits campus for Dad's Day; photo. | |
61 | All-College Christmas party planned; dancing to follow dinner College Eye 31:13, p.1 |
Will also include games and singing. | |
62 | Teachers' tag dance to be staged at the alumni dance Saturday College Eye 31:6, p.3 |
Sternie Sternberg band will play; photo. | |
63 | Judge will discuss leadership College Eye 31:3, p.1 |
Judge Ben Butler will speak to President Latham's dinner for student leaders. | |
64 | Baker Hall invites all college men College Eye 30:38, p.3 |
To a smoker. | |
65 | Administrative officials Old Gold 0:0, p.17 |
Brief description of the people and what they do; photos. | |
66 | Christmas Services Old Gold 0:0, p.253 |
Brief description of the event; photo. | |
67 | Men's union play day Old Gold 0:0, p.248 |
Brief description of the event; photo. | |
68 | Student welfare committee Old Gold 0:0, p.18 |
Brief summary of the committee and list of members; photos. | |
69 | Deans of men from Iowa schools here tomorrow College Eye 30:27, p.1 |
Expect personnel from seventy schools. | |
70 | Pictures, test papers, letters clutter professors' desks as they give exams College Eye 30:22, p.3 |
A look at the clutter on professors' desks. | |
71 | Knife and Fork Club attracts seven men College Eye 30:10, p.5 |
Several faculty are members of after dinner speaking group. | |
72 | 500 fathers 'invade' campus; this is tenth Dad's Day celebration College Eye 30:7, p.1 |
Schedule of activities. | |
73 | Administration Old Gold 0:0, p.22 |
Administrators and their duties; photos. | |
74 | Blue Key Old Gold 0:0, p.94 |
List of members and activities throughout the year; photos. |
75 | Faculty Forum College Eye 29:33, p.4 |
Dean Leslie Reed believes that good students can probably handle a part-time job; poorer students probably cannot. | |
76 | Dean vacation College Eye 29:19, p.2 |
Dean Reed will visit the East as well as the Panama Canal. | |
77 | Homecoming activities slated for alumni College Eye 29:6, p.3 |
Homecoming dance scheduled; housing units decorate. | |
78 | Frat prexy College Eye 29:3, p.1 |
Lee Robinson will be president Interfraternity Council; roster of other officers. | |
79 | Rushing withheld during fall tem College Eye 29:2, p.3 |
Greeks will not pledge until winter term; will allow freshmen more time to adjust to college life. | |
80 | They all laughed College Eye 29:1, p.1 |
Dean Reed and several freshmen participate in the frosh supper; photo. | |
81 | Inter-Fraternity Council Old Gold 0:0, p.66 |
Purpose, activities, officers, and members; photos. | |
82 | Baker Hall Old Gold 0:0, p.32 |
Brief history, description, guests, and sponsors; photos. | |
83 | Lambda Gamma Nu Old Gold 0:0, p.70 |
Activities, officers, members, and advisors; photos. | |
84 | Administration Old Gold 0:0, p.24 |
Description of duties of the various administrative officials; photos. | |
85 | Blue Key Old Gold 0:0, p.146 |
Description, activities, officers, and members; promotes leadership among men; photos. | |
86 | Reed is grand-dad College Eye 28:33, p.1 |
Dean Reed's daughter has baby girl. | |
87 | Committees begin work on annual Mother's Day College Eye 28:27, p.1 |
Students and faculty compromise committees. | |
88 | Professors' vacation lands spread from New York City to Old Mexico College Eye 28:15, p.3 |
Report on how faculty spent their vacations; campus social calendar. | |
89 | Is hell week to be doomed to obscurity; Interfraternity Council faces consideration of this question College Eye 28:15, p.1 |
Matter referred to committee after questions arose about hazing. | |
90 | Freeman to show German films College Eye 28:11, p.3 |
At German Club meeting. | |
91 | College welcomes dads this weekend; at least 500 fathers are expected as guests of students, administrators College Eye 28:8, p.1 |
Schedule of activities. | |
92 | Seven added to membership of Blue Key group College Eye 28:8, p.1 |
List of new members; criteria for membership. | |
93 | Des Moines editor visits the campus College Eye 28:5, p.5 |
Harvey Ingham and photographer on campus for celebration. | |
94 | Faculty cooperates to plan celebration College Eye 28:5, p.3 |
Roster of committee members. | |
95 | Old "Eyes" published articles on once-a-day mail, nutting parties College Eye 28:5, p.3 |
Quick look at articles in the student newspaper from earlier days. | |
96 | Honoraries College Eye 28:4, p.3 |
News from the honorary societies. | |
97 | New plans formed for the orientation of freshman men College Eye 28:2, p.1 |
Groups will visit various areas of campus. | |
98 | Men elect seven to act on Baker Hall Council Wednesday College Eye 28:2, p.1 |
Roster of council members. | |
99 | Dean Reed to speak before Kappa Delta Pi at first meeting College Eye 28:1, p.8 |
Will talk about his trip to Europe. | |
100 | The George T. Baker Hall opened for use Alumnus 20:3, p.1 |
Baker Hall dedicated on May 27; Governor Herring attends ceremony; others, including Mr. Baker, make brief remarks; short description of facilities; photo. |