Displaying 501 - 550 of 713 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
501 | Registration for public teachers to be May 15 College Eye 34:29, p.1 |
For summer session. | |
502 | Advance registration changes College Eye 34:28, p.1 |
Registration procedures. | |
503 | Notice College Eye 34:24, p.1 |
Advanced registration scheduled. | |
504 | Reveal schedule changes since first registration College Eye 34:20, p.1 |
Some professors have been switched in order to accommodate the Army Air Force detachment. | |
505 | Announce change in registration steps next week College Eye 34:18, p.1 |
Statement of procedures. | |
506 | To new students enrolling on registration day College Eye 34:1, p.2 |
Procedures for registration; photo. | |
507 | Advanced registration scheduled August 5, 6, 7 College Eye 33:42, p.1 |
508 | Learning the inside of collegiate life Alumnus 26:3, p.5 |
Scenes from a freshman's first days on campus; photo. | |
509 | Registration time Old Gold 0:0, p.78 |
Brief description of the event; photo. | |
510 | Notice College Eye 33:30, p.4 |
Students may report prior to advanced registration. | |
511 | Upperclassmen arrive, register Wednesday College Eye 33:1, p.1 |
Activities include dance. | |
512 | 376 register early College Eye 33:1, p.1 |
Participated in advance registration in August. | |
513 | Registration, study, club work College Eye 33:1, p.4 |
Campus opportunities. | |
514 | Dedicated to¿ the class of 1944 Old Gold 0:0, p.5 |
Photos. | |
515 | Summer registration set for May 12-17 College Eye 32:30, p.1 |
516 | Speed deserves compliment College Eye 32:23, p.2 |
Praise for registrar for improving registration and for speeding up delivery of grades. | |
517 | Weekend of cramming scheduled College Eye 32:11, p.1 |
A schedule for events for the next month is given. | |
518 | Students urged to register early College Eye 32:9, p.4 |
Quick look at registration procedures. | |
519 | Tutor timetable College Eye 32:9, p.1 |
Meetings and events scheduled. | |
520 | Freshmen to pick council and union representatives College Eye 32:9, p.1 |
During registration. | |
521 | Advance registration for former students is Thursday, Friday College Eye 31:41, p.1 |
Outline of registration procedures. | |
522 | Registration Day Old Gold 0:0, p.10 |
Brief description of registration day; photo. | |
523 | Ratio is 3.7 for summer College Eye 31:31, p.1 |
More women than men have registered for summer session. | |
524 | Registration procedure changed; students will not go to instructors College Eye 31:28, p.5 |
Students will report to advisor rather than visit each instructor; outline of the procedure. | |
525 | To conduct elections at registration College Eye 31:19, p.1 |
Election procedures. | |
526 | Around the Campus College Eye 31:12, p.1 |
Sorority rush begins, Kagan named most valuable player, winter registration numbers are low compared to last year. | |
527 | Three questions put to students registering early College Eye 31:11, p.1 |
Will ask student opinion on a possible third term for President Roosevelt, the involvement of the US in the war in Europe, and the appropriate role for men and women in dating and marriage arrangements. | |
528 | Around the Campus College Eye 31:10, p.1 |
Women take over men's duties at Femmes Fancy; 1158 students took advantage of early registration. | |
529 | Winter registration begins Monday; many changes in curriculum are recorded College Eye 31:9, p.1 |
List of classes offered during the winter session. | |
530 | Tutor Timetable College Eye 31:9, p.1 |
Events on campus. | |
531 | Tutor Timetable College Eye 31:1, p.1 |
Schedule of events on campus. | |
532 | Advantages of being early pointed out College Eye 30:41, p.1 |
Selmer Larson believes that those who register early will have better choice of classes. | |
533 | Students register for summer term; two hours of recreational dancing College Eye 30:34, p.1 |
Registration is expected to swell the number of students and increase the ratio in favor of women from last summer; there is a traditional two hour recreational dance at the Commons. | |
534 | Foreword Old Gold 0:0, p.6 |
Description of what's in the yearbook; photo. | |
535 | Registration notice College Eye 30:33, p.1 |
Women far outnumber men. | |
536 | Notice College Eye 30:31, p.1 |
Registration for summer session coming up. | |
537 | Students to vote on marriage course College Eye 30:19, p.1 |
Will vote during registration. | |
538 | Announces nominees for offices; voting during registration College Eye 30:18, p.1 |
List of nominees for student government offices. | |
539 | Council, league, board of control posts to be filled College Eye 30:16, p.1 |
Students will vote during registration. | |
540 | Around the Campus College Eye 30:10, p.1 |
Sophomore cotillion entertainment and semi formal, football game held will be last of season, and advance registration shows largest enrollment. | |
541 | "Con" man operates at T. C. College Eye 30:3, p.4 |
Freshman gives academic advisor a dollar for his services. | |
542 | Upperclass timetable College Eye 30:1, p.1 |
Schedule of first week's activities. | |
543 | Fall registration scheduled next week College Eye 29:43, p.1 |
544 | The first week . . . . College Eye 29:35, p.1 |
Students begin summer classes. | |
545 | Around the Campus College Eye 29:34, p.1 |
1700 students expected for summer quarter; Prof. Alfred E. Haefner will speak; "rec" dance tonight. | |
546 | Around the Campus College Eye 29:32, p.1 |
The Reverend Gerald Ensley will speak; 118 students used advance registration. | |
547 | Errors in registration cause delay College Eye 29:31, p.1 |
Registrar talks about procedures for correcting errors; would like to reduce number. | |
548 | Many "early birds" register College Eye 29:21, p.1 |
Over 1200 have registered early. | |
549 | Early registration gains popularity College Eye 29:20, p.3 |
Over two-thirds of students register early to gain a day of vacation. | |
550 | Official notice College Eye 29:19, p.1 |
Students must arrange finances for spring semester in order to register. |