
Displaying 501 - 550 of 713 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
501 Registration for public teachers to be May 15
College Eye 34:29, p.1
For summer session.
502 Advance registration changes
College Eye 34:28, p.1
Registration procedures.
503 Notice
College Eye 34:24, p.1
Advanced registration scheduled.
504 Reveal schedule changes since first registration
College Eye 34:20, p.1
Some professors have been switched in order to accommodate the Army Air Force detachment.
505 Announce change in registration steps next week
College Eye 34:18, p.1
Statement of procedures.
506 To new students enrolling on registration day
College Eye 34:1, p.2
Procedures for registration; photo.
507 Advanced registration scheduled August 5, 6, 7
College Eye 33:42, p.1
508 Learning the inside of collegiate life
Alumnus 26:3, p.5
Scenes from a freshman's first days on campus; photo.
509 Registration time
Old Gold 0:0, p.78
Brief description of the event; photo.
510 Notice
College Eye 33:30, p.4
Students may report prior to advanced registration.
511 Upperclassmen arrive, register Wednesday
College Eye 33:1, p.1
Activities include dance.
512 376 register early
College Eye 33:1, p.1
Participated in advance registration in August.
513 Registration, study, club work
College Eye 33:1, p.4
Campus opportunities.
514 Dedicated to¿ the class of 1944
Old Gold 0:0, p.5
515 Summer registration set for May 12-17
College Eye 32:30, p.1
516 Speed deserves compliment
College Eye 32:23, p.2
Praise for registrar for improving registration and for speeding up delivery of grades.
517 Weekend of cramming scheduled
College Eye 32:11, p.1
A schedule for events for the next month is given.
518 Students urged to register early
College Eye 32:9, p.4
Quick look at registration procedures.
519 Tutor timetable
College Eye 32:9, p.1
Meetings and events scheduled.
520 Freshmen to pick council and union representatives
College Eye 32:9, p.1
During registration.
521 Advance registration for former students is Thursday, Friday
College Eye 31:41, p.1
Outline of registration procedures.
522 Registration Day
Old Gold 0:0, p.10
Brief description of registration day; photo.
523 Ratio is 3.7 for summer
College Eye 31:31, p.1
More women than men have registered for summer session.
524 Registration procedure changed; students will not go to instructors
College Eye 31:28, p.5
Students will report to advisor rather than visit each instructor; outline of the procedure.
525 To conduct elections at registration
College Eye 31:19, p.1
Election procedures.
526 Around the Campus
College Eye 31:12, p.1
Sorority rush begins, Kagan named most valuable player, winter registration numbers are low compared to last year.
527 Three questions put to students registering early
College Eye 31:11, p.1
Will ask student opinion on a possible third term for President Roosevelt, the involvement of the US in the war in Europe, and the appropriate role for men and women in dating and marriage arrangements.
528 Around the Campus
College Eye 31:10, p.1
Women take over men's duties at Femmes Fancy; 1158 students took advantage of early registration.
529 Winter registration begins Monday; many changes in curriculum are recorded
College Eye 31:9, p.1
List of classes offered during the winter session.
530 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 31:9, p.1
Events on campus.
531 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 31:1, p.1
Schedule of events on campus.
532 Advantages of being early pointed out
College Eye 30:41, p.1
Selmer Larson believes that those who register early will have better choice of classes.
533 Students register for summer term; two hours of recreational dancing
College Eye 30:34, p.1
Registration is expected to swell the number of students and increase the ratio in favor of women from last summer; there is a traditional two hour recreational dance at the Commons.
534 Foreword
Old Gold 0:0, p.6
Description of what's in the yearbook; photo.
535 Registration notice
College Eye 30:33, p.1
Women far outnumber men.
536 Notice
College Eye 30:31, p.1
Registration for summer session coming up.
537 Students to vote on marriage course
College Eye 30:19, p.1
Will vote during registration.
538 Announces nominees for offices; voting during registration
College Eye 30:18, p.1
List of nominees for student government offices.
539 Council, league, board of control posts to be filled
College Eye 30:16, p.1
Students will vote during registration.
540 Around the Campus
College Eye 30:10, p.1
Sophomore cotillion entertainment and semi formal, football game held will be last of season, and advance registration shows largest enrollment.
541 "Con" man operates at T. C.
College Eye 30:3, p.4
Freshman gives academic advisor a dollar for his services.
542 Upperclass timetable
College Eye 30:1, p.1
Schedule of first week's activities.
543 Fall registration scheduled next week
College Eye 29:43, p.1
544 The first week . . . .
College Eye 29:35, p.1
Students begin summer classes.
545 Around the Campus
College Eye 29:34, p.1
1700 students expected for summer quarter; Prof. Alfred E. Haefner will speak; "rec" dance tonight.
546 Around the Campus
College Eye 29:32, p.1
The Reverend Gerald Ensley will speak; 118 students used advance registration.
547 Errors in registration cause delay
College Eye 29:31, p.1
Registrar talks about procedures for correcting errors; would like to reduce number.
548 Many "early birds" register
College Eye 29:21, p.1
Over 1200 have registered early.
549 Early registration gains popularity
College Eye 29:20, p.3
Over two-thirds of students register early to gain a day of vacation.
550 Official notice
College Eye 29:19, p.1
Students must arrange finances for spring semester in order to register.