
Displaying 551 - 600 of 713 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
551 Around the Campus
College Eye 29:19, p.1
French film shown; Men's Union dinner postponed; advance registration scheduled.
552 Election to be part of registration; announce nominations February 4
College Eye 29:18, p.1
Students may vote for student government officers when they register for class.
553 Around the Campus
College Eye 29:12, p.1
Students like advance registration; all-college Christmas dinner planned; Anthony Donato will perform.
554 Forgotten how to register? Here are nine easy steps
College Eye 29:9, p.4
Outline of registration procedures.
555 340 register
College Eye 28:0, p.1
Early registrants will not need to arrive on campus until September 10.
556 Six to one is ratio on campus now
College Eye 28:36, p.1
Summer 1937 enrollment is 1605; women far outnumber men.
557 September
Old Gold 0:0, p.18
558 Late news bulletins
College Eye 28:34, p.1
258 registered early; 140 alumni will be on campus; Madge Bock will be director of Baker Hall.
559 High mark set in early registration
College Eye 28:22, p.1
1200 students have registered.
560 Which blank next, Miss Johns?
College Eye 28:21, p.1
Crowds of students gather in line in front of Ruth Johns desk for registration; photo.
561 Advance registration shows new increase
College Eye 28:21, p.1
1137 students have registered; men register at a slower rate than do women.
562 College breaks tradition; makes simple catalog
College Eye 28:20, p.1
Dean Nelson believes that the new style will be easier to read and understand.
563 Advance registration starts February 15
College Eye 28:19, p.1
564 Advance registration starts February 15
College Eye 28:18, p.1
565 Advanced registration climbs over thousand by Thursday night
College Eye 28:10, p.1
Students appreciate the advantages of registering early.
566 Advance registration slated for next week
College Eye 28:9, p.1
Brief instructions.
567 Identification photos
College Eye 28:1, p.1
Will be taken at end of registration process.
568 Advance registration
College Eye 27:10, p.1
569 Untitled
College Eye 27:2, p.2
President Latham will receive students at tea.
570 Registration
Old Gold 0:0, p.18
Photos of registration.
571 Registration notice
College Eye 27:40, p.1
Dates for summer session registration scheduled.
572 Spring term starts Monday, March ninth; women outnumber men three to one in advance registration
College Eye 27:33, p.1
Quick look at spring term activities.
573 More than a thousand students have already registered for the spring term
Public Relations News Release 1935:653, p.1
Registration day is not until March 9, but students were allowed to register in advance all last week.
574 Advance registration for spring is heavy
College Eye 27:32, p.1
About 750 have registered.
575 Approximately 550 students registered at the Teachers College Monday
Public Relations News Release 1935:311, p.1
The final enrollment for the fall term is 1680 students.
576 Thousand students enroll in advance
College Eye 27:22, p.1
577 Although registration is still two weeks away, 1080 students have already enrolled for winter term
Public Relations News Release 1935:268, p.1
Students who did not register during the advance period will register on December 2.
578 "Girls register sooner than boys"
College Eye 27:21, p.1
At this time 515 women had registered for class and only 121 men had.
579 Registration for winter term will begin next week
College Eye 27:20, p.5
Registration procedures.
580 Summer students enroll last week
College Eye 27:53, p.1
Enroll for fall term.
581 Registration for the fall term will begin on August 12
Public Relations News Release 1934:1150, p.1
Freshman and newcomers will register on September 9.
582 Emotions of registration day are betrayed by 2,868 feet; reckless steps label frosh; faculty feet calm and composed
College Eye 27:46, p.1
Reporter watches people's feet during registration.
583 Registration tea today inaugurates social activities of summer term
College Eye 27:44, p.5
Campus social calendar.
584 Well rounded social program for summer term students includes variety of activities; registration tea, faculty-student reception held today
College Eye 27:44, p.1
Quick sketch of summer activities.
585 Program of study for entire school year is planned
College Eye 26:39, p.1
Should enable students to plan their studies more effectively.
586 Spring registration figure reaches 1,465
College Eye 26:35, p.1
587 Heavy registration is already recorded
College Eye 26:34, p.1
946 students registered for spring term.
588 Teachers College moved forward in 1934, year's record indicates
College Eye 26:25, p.1
Review of important events of 1934.
589 Advance enrollment attracting 100 daily
College Eye 26:22, p.3
Hoping to avoid rush at beginning of term.
590 Education courses plannable for year
College Eye 26:21, p.3
Students will be able to know course offerings for the entire year.
591 Advance enrollment of winter term to begin Monday
College Eye 26:20, p.1
Registration procedures.
592 New registration plan is approved
College Eye 26:15, p.1
Procedures for advance registration.
593 Registration today opens list of events scheduled for first freshman days
College Eye 26:12, p.1
Schedule of activities for freshmen.
594 Catalog shortage revealed; unused books called for
College Eye 26:11, p.1
Heavy demand for the college catalogue, especially for upcoming registration.
595 Bulletin of courses for fall out today
College Eye 26:10, p.1
596 Winter term will end noon, March 9
College Eye 25:33, p.1
Spring term registration will begin on the following Monday.
597 Winter registration begins December 4
College Eye 25:22, p.1
598 Class schedules are issued for winter term this week
College Eye 25:21, p.4
599 Classes to continue as usual on final Friday of this term
College Eye 24:33, p.1
Registration for summer scheduled for June 5.
600 Thrity-seventh annual summer term
Public Relations News Release 1932:303, p.1
Monday, June 5, summer term will open will a full schedule of courses like any other term. Also there is a twenty percent reduction in rates for for rooming facilities.