Riebe--Harvey August (Education Faculty)

Displaying 151 - 200 of 453 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
151 Riebe declares teacher's job is on home front
College Eye 34:4, p.1
Excerpts from recent address.
152 Induct men on campus
Alumnus 26:4, p.32
Induction services by Dr. H. A. Riebe well be held for men interested in the Army, Navy, or Marines; will allow inductees to continue studies without interruption.
153 Riebe speaks at institute
College Eye 34:3, p.1
Will emphasize job of teachers in wartime.
154 Induction accommodations planned for reserves
College Eye 34:3, p.1
Men will not need to interrupt studies to travel to Des Moines; outline of training programs for men.
155 Clues to the News
College Eye 34:1, p.2
Announces the upcoming broadcasts on KXEL.
156 KXEL circulates program leaflets
College Eye 33:44, p.1
5000 copies printed; listeners already have their favorite programs.
157 How profs met wives
College Eye 33:44, p.3
Faculty members tell how they met their wives.
158 Plans made for church centers
College Eye 33:43, p.3
News from campus religious centers.
159 Clues to the News
College Eye 33:41, p.2
Describes upcoming programs on KXEL.
160 Riebe family serves in wars
College Eye 33:38, p.4
161 The faculty at work and play
Old Gold 0:0, p.60
162 Tau Sigma Delta
Old Gold 0:0, p.161
Brief description of the sorority; photo.
163 'Future officers' drilled in new military course
College Eye 33:31, p.1
Faculty conduct classes for men who wish to prepare for military service.
164 Bike peddling profs save tires; have real fun
College Eye 33:30, p.1
Many faculty ride their bikes to work.
165 Campus organizations to sponsor forum series
College Eye 33:17, p.1
Committee will attempt to keep up to date on the war and consider the post-war world.
166 Service for country will be Riebe's talk
College Eye 33:16, p.1
167 Nedra Jayne Thorsrud
Alumnus 26:1, p.28
Married Harland Riebe on August 19, 1941.
168 The new seven-member defense board
College Eye 33:14, p.1
Four new members added since attack on Pearl Harbor; photo.
169 Study visual aids in education class
College Eye 33:12, p.1
Professor Riebe talks about the class.
170 For these things we are thankful
College Eye 33:11, p.2
Wide survey of students and faculty about things for which they are grateful.
171 Faculty members life of the party
College Eye 33:5, p.1
Faculty members perform at the Polishing Party for Teachers College students; photo.
172 Parents hear Riebe
College Eye 33:5, p.3
Spoke at Hawthorne PTA.
173 Polishing party set for Saturday night
College Eye 33:4, p.3
Opportunity for students to meet faculty; photo.
174 Urge draftees to see Riebe
College Eye 33:3, p.1
Men should understand that deferment may be possible.
175 'Don't hide your light' campus leaders warn
College Eye 33:2, p.1
Student leaders attempt to motivate freshmen.
176 Teachers to study code of ethics
College Eye 32:39, p.1
At campus meeting.
177 Teaching is a full time job, says Dr. Riebe
College Eye 32:38, p.1
Talks about role of a teacher in community life.
178 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.61
List of faculty; photo.
179 Set up defense council
College Eye 32:33, p.1
Will advise men on possible military service.
180 3,000 expected for summer; workshop cause of increase
College Eye 32:32, p.1
New six weeks workshops seem to be reason for interest; independent study will allow teachers to keep up their certification.
181 Students razz at journalism spree; oil flows for press club party
College Eye 32:30, p.1
A look ahead at the dinner.
182 Riebe's investigation reviewed in bulletin
College Eye 32:17, p.4
Presents research on visual education.
183 Dads are feted guests; varied program planned
College Eye 32:9, p.1
Description of Dad's Day activities.
184 Riebe slated to speak
College Eye 32:4, p.4
At University of Iowa.
185 He knew well the traditional problems
Alumnus 24:4, p.20
Professor Riebe's tribute to President Latham as a problem-solver.
186 Man's eternal dream will pull us through
Alumnus 24:3, p.17
Excerpts from Albert Haydon's baccalaureate address include references to European situation; photo.
187 Beard, Cable, and Kurtz receive awards for inspirational service
College Eye 31:34, p.1
Receive faculty Purple and Old Gold Awards.
188 Interesting faculty and students
Old Gold 0:0, p.28
Brief description of the people; photo.
189 Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.163
Brief description of the department; photo.
190 Extension division advisory plan is reported success
College Eye 31:28, p.5
Many faculty members have been consulting for as many as five days in Iowa schools.
191 A. D. A. district school convenes Saturday
College Eye 31:27, p.3
Enjoy theme party.
192 Arithmetic confab is here Saturday
College Eye 31:26, p.1
Several faculty will speak.
193 No apples! Teachers want intelligent, interested students
College Eye 31:16, p.4
Faculty members tell what they want from their students.
194 Untitled
Alumnus 24:1, p.3
Faculty members play in combo at Dad's Day event; photo.
195 Riebe, Abele, Brindley, Jensen assume new posts on 'Eye' staff
College Eye 31:12, p.1
196 School flag holds our colors, history, traditions, purposes
College Eye 31:6, p.7
History of the school flag.
197 Camera catches faculty swingsters in solid jam session
College Eye 31:6, p.1
Faculty performs for dads on Dad's Day; photo.
198 Dads to be feted at Saturday variety show
College Eye 31:5, p.3
Acts will include faculty dance band.
199 Riebe as photographer
College Eye 31:3, p.6
Professor Riebe filmed the football game.
200 Initiation and dinner held by elementaries
College Eye 30:42, p.3
Beta Alpha Epsilon holds dinner.