Riebe--Harvey August (Education Faculty)

Displaying 351 - 400 of 453 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
351 Bartlett girls hear nature talk; have Easter egg hunts
College Eye 24:27, p.3
352 'Lazarus, Come Forth' is topic of sermon
College Eye 24:25, p.1
353 H. A. Riebe speaks on child training
College Eye 24:25, p.3
At Parlor Reading Circle meeting.
354 Miss Campbell to speak at convention
College Eye 24:21, p.2
Many faculty will attend NEA meeting.
355 Winter graduates will be honored at banquet March 1
College Eye 24:20, p.1
356 Dr. Latham to address winter term graduates; commencement exercises are set for March 2; dinner March 1
College Eye 24:19, p.1
Preview of the ceremony.
357 Mystery hovers round choice of 'Campus Tutors'
College Eye 24:17, p.1
Trying to figure out who will be selected " Well-Known Tutors" in the Old Gold.
358 George H. Holmes exhibits equipment before Camera Club
College Eye 24:14, p.4
Club may set up laboratory soon.
359 Dr. George A. Works
Public Relations News Release 1932:100, p.1
Will deliver address at fall Commencement.
360 Dr. Lambertson will give commencement address November 22
College Eye 24:8, p.1
Detailed plans for ceremony not yet known.
361 Campus leaders will be feted; organizations represented at campus banquet Wednesday
College Eye 24:4, p.1
Meeting will give leaders perspective on their responsibilities.
362 Riebe to show slides at meet; professor will present his nature photos before wild life school
College Eye 23:53, p.1
Description of his presentation at McGregor.
363 Graduates will meet Wednesday
College Eye 23:53, p.1
For Commencement instructions.
364 Committee makes plans for summer graduates' dinner
College Eye 23:53, p.1
365 Riebe to speak before school of nature study; professor will emphasize discussion of wild flowers
College Eye 23:51, p.1
Will speak in McGregor.
366 Columbia graduate talks to members of Camera Club
College Eye 23:49, p.3
John Hildebrand spoke.
367 Columbia graduates will address new local Camera Club
College Eye 23:48, p.1
John Hildebrand will speak.
368 If Henry is called Hank, it helps to socialize him, professor says
College Eye 23:47, p.1
Professor Riebe gives his views on nicknames.
369 Camera Club is formed on campus
College Eye 23:47, p.3
Students and faculty hope to organize group.
370 Fond mothers with a dislike for nicknames
Public Relations News Release 1931:418, p.1
Professor H. A. Riebe believes that nicknames help with a child's socialization.
371 Inter-Fraternity Council
Old Gold 0:0, p.240
Names of officers and members; photo.
372 Professor makes flower photos pay
College Eye 23:43, p.2
Professor Riebe's work appears in a professional journal and in the Des Moines Register; learned photography while in World War I military service.
373 Twelve Iowa Conference schools
Public Relations News Release 1931:402, p.1
Iowa Intercollegiate Athletic Conference track meet will be hosted by ISTC; state tennis tournament will also take place on ISTC campus.
374 H. A. Riebe will address Kinross High graduates
College Eye 23:42, p.2
Will present Commencement address.
375 Photography and study of wild flowers
Public Relations News Release 1931:388, p.1
Professor Riebe's work appears in a professional journal and in the Des Moines Register; learned photography while in World War I military service.
376 Dr. H. A. Riebe
Public Relations News Release 1931:388, p.1
Will deliver the Commencement address at Kinross High School.
377 The spring term Commencement season
Public Relations News Release 1931:383, p.1
Begins May 22 with reception at President Latham's home and ends May 30 with Commencement in Men's Gymnasium.
378 This year's edition of the Tutor Ticklers
Public Relations News Release 1931:180, p.1
List of performers in vaudeville show.
379 Four sororities are giving their fall term dances this weekend
College Eye 23:21, p.5
Meetings and activities planned; campus social calendar.
380 Approximatley fifty instructors of the Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1931:104, p.1
Iowa State Teachers Association convention held next week in Des Moines.
381 Two students build Dr. Riebe's garage
College Eye 23:19, p.2
Two manual arts students are at work.
382 Graduation committee meets for organization
College Eye 23:17, p.1
Will plan for fall Commencement.
383 Dr. Riebe will address Greeley P. T. A. tonight
College Eye 23:16, p.5
384 Untitled
College Eye 23:15, p.4
Professor Riebe has purchased Lillian Lambert's house.
385 "Cultivate faculty friendships," urges student at lecture
College Eye 23:14, p.2
Professor Riebe and Wendell Bragonier speak to freshmen.
386 Frosh women to hear lecture in Auditorium next Monday evening
College Eye 23:13, p.6
Part of series of lectures to freshmen; schedule and topics.
387 Three hundred and twenty students
Public Relations News Release 1930:513, p.1
Receive degrees at summer session Commencement.
388 Education department honors Dr. Nelson at dinner Tuesday
College Eye 23:10, p.1
Congratulations of successful first year as department head.
389 Avoid large crowds and regular routine for restful vacation
College Eye 23:9, p.4
Dr. Mead gives advice on vacations; faculty members tell what they will do for their vacations.
390 Switches are still needed
College Eye 23:9, p.2
Believes corporal punishment is still needed on occasion.
391 Riebe to speak at McGregor; will appear on program of American School of Wildlife Protection
College Eye 23:8, p.1
Will speak on wildlife photography.
392 Dr. H. A. Riebe, professor of education at the Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1930:484, p.1
Will speak at McGregor regarding nature photography.
393 Robin presents strange case of brain fever
College Eye 23:7, p.1
Bird tries to fight reflection in window.
394 Department of Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.20
Description of the department; photos.
395 Everybody is rushed to death these last few weeks, including Dan Cupid
College Eye 22:31, p.5
Campus social calendar.
396 Dr. O. R. Latham, president of the Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1930:352, p.1
Commencement exercises scheduled for June 1.
397 Riebe gives series of talks at Waterloo schools
College Eye 22:25, p.1
On intellectual and moral development of children.
398 Program for winter term Commencement dinner is announced; Dr. McCracken, Dean of Ohio U. College of Education, to speak at graduation exercises
College Eye 22:21, p.1
Description of program.
399 Untitled
College Eye 22:19, p.6
Professor Riebe addressed mothers of Boy Scouts.
400 Delay in arrival of apparatus holds up opening date
College Eye 22:18, p.4
Machinery to show talking pictures has not yet arrived.