Rural Education
Displaying 251 - 300 of 395 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
251 | Rural Life Institute to be held here soon College Eye 13:24, p.1 |
Under YWCA auspices. | |
252 | Teachers plentiful College Eye 13:21, p.2 |
Forest Ensign believes there will be a good supply of teachers for rural schools for the next few years. | |
253 | Fifth conference Alumni News Letter 6:1, p.2 |
The Annual Conference of the Iowa Consolidated Schools attended by suprintendents, school board members, and state officials, is held at the Teachers College. The conference is held through cooperation with the State Department of Public Instruction. | |
254 | Mrs. Mary M. Doland Alumni News Letter 6:1, p.1 |
Mary M. Doland of the Colorado State Teachers College visits individual demonstration schools and consolidated schools near Cedar Falls under the direction of Professor Macy Campbell. | |
255 | The Sociology Club College Eye 13:12, p.5 |
Hears addresses on rural life. | |
256 | Mary Doland visits college College Eye 13:10, p.2 |
Inspects work in rural education. | |
257 | Mrs. Mary M. Doland College Eye 13:10, p.9 |
Inspected rural education activities on campus; Professor Campbell escorted her. | |
258 | Macy Campbell Alumni News Letter 5:4, p.1 |
The Head of Rural Education delivers the principal address at the opening of a new consolidated school in Geneseo, Iowa. | |
259 | John C. McGlade Alumni News Letter 5:4, p.3 |
John C. McGlade is appointed principal of the high school at Casper, Wyoming. McGlade was formerly professor of Rural Education and Associate Director of Extension. | |
260 | The associated schools Alumni News Letter 5:3, p.1 |
Rural and consolidated schools associated with the Rural Education Department hold their annual picnic, headed by Professor Harry L. Eells. President Seerley delivers the address. | |
261 | Demonstration schools entertained at Teachers College College Eye 12:34, p.2 |
About seven hundred students from one-room school houses attended picnic and parade. | |
262 | Rural schools to hold get together meeting Saturday College Eye 12:33, p.8 |
Will hold gigantic picnic of all rural schools. | |
263 | Sidelights on Consolidation College Eye 12:28, p.5 |
Progress on consolidation of small schools. | |
264 | Consolidated school information Alumni News Letter 5:2, p.2 |
Extension Division created slide shows to send to rural schools to give information about consolidated schools. | |
265 | Farmers' institute a success College Eye 12:23, p.5 |
Meetings held in Hudson. | |
266 | New course offered in supervision of consolidated schools College Eye 12:22, p.5 |
Will offer practical experience to those who will be superintendents of consolidated schools. | |
267 | Sidelights on Consolidation College Eye 12:20, p.3 |
Professor Campbell believes that money would better be spent on consolidates schools than on small, country schools. | |
268 | Campbell will continue in consultation service College Eye 12:14, p.6 |
Biggest topic in education is rural school consolidation. | |
269 | State Teachers College allowed new service College Eye 12:12, p.5 |
Will send lantern slides about rural education to superintendents of rural schools. | |
270 | Supt. Moeller talks on school laws College Eye 12:7, p.5 |
Iowa Consolidated School Administration Club held meeting. | |
271 | Florence E. Ward Alumni News Letter 4:4, p.2 |
Made survey of "The Farm Women's Problems" and distributed the information in pamphlet form. | |
272 | New bulletin distributed College Eye 12:5, p.3 |
On standardization of rural school music; will be sent to all the rural schools. | |
273 | Administration club to meet College Eye 12:4, p.2 |
Meeting announced. | |
274 | Visitors, May 26, 1920 Alumni News Letter 4:3, p.3 |
U. S. educators inspected college and visited consolidated schools. | |
275 | J. A. Miles Alumni News Letter 4:3, p.3 |
J. A. Miles, Senior Inspector of the Educational Department of Western Australia, spent May 14-21 visiting the college looking into rural teacher training and consolidated schools. | |
276 | Professor Macy Campbell Alumni News Letter 4:2, p.2 |
Macy Campbell is an authority on consolidation and improving rural schools. | |
277 | Campus rural school news items College Eye 11:15, p.5 |
278 | Iowa Club organizes; special research in rural education College Eye 11:12, p.1 |
Statement of purpose of the club; schedule and topics of meetings. | |
279 | The campus rural demonstration school College Eye 11:10, p.5 |
Planning for Thanksgiving. | |
280 | Campus rural school College Eye 11:9, p.7 |
Enjoyed Halloween party. | |
281 | First year advanced rural College Eye 11:8, p.4 |
Elected officers. | |
282 | To Iowa teachers: College Eye 11:6, p.5 |
Asks student opinion on statement from the U. S. Treasury Department; hopes to continue program of distributing modified hand grenades as savings banks. | |
283 | Rural Department College Eye 11:4, p.2 |
News notes from the department. | |
284 | Macy Campbell Alumni News Letter 3:4, p.2 |
Campbell to make report--"What to do with the Village School." | |
285 | C. A. Fullerton Alumni News Letter 3:4, p.3 |
Fullerton member of Touring Committee for surprise inspections of rural schools. | |
286 | Rural school inspection College Eye 11:2, p.1 |
Professors Fullerton and Bender are part of Governor Harding's team. | |
287 | Campus rural school College Eye 11:1, p.6 |
Children from Cedar City are brought to campus for classes. | |
288 | Rural Old Gold 0:0, p.149 |
Illustration of a rural scene. | |
289 | First Year Rural Education Old Gold 0:0, p.153 |
Roster of class officers and students; photo. | |
290 | At the request of the editors of Wallace's Farmer College Eye 10:26, p.1 |
Macy Campbell is writing a series of articles on rural education in Iowa. | |
291 | The Department of Rural Education College Eye 10:26, p.1 |
Department of Rural Education is preparing a bulletin. | |
292 | Campbell presents rural education plan to Chicago N.E.A. College Eye 10:16, p.1 |
Speaks at conference. | |
293 | The First Year Rurals met at Green's store College Eye 10:13, p.4 |
An enjoyable evening of a movie and a party afterwards, sponsored by Professor Goetch. | |
294 | Rural Old Gold 0:0, p.125 |
Roster of advanced, first, and second year students and officers; photos. |
295 | The Iowa Club Old Gold 0:0, p.282 |
Purposes of the Iowa Club. | |
296 | Women's war work College Eye 9:26, p.5 |
Challenges rural schools to set themselves up as a place to discuss war topics and the responsibilities of citizenship. | |
297 | Resolutions drawn up by N. E. A.; war spurs educational endeavors College Eye 9:26, p.1 |
Most pressing item at hand is rural schooling. | |
298 | Rural forward movement; Prof. A. C. Fuller heads new movement College Eye 9:19, p.5 |
Professor Fuller will examine rural schools and offer suggestions for their improvement. | |
299 | Prof. Campbell gives suggestions for thrift talks to teachers College Eye 9:18, p.6 |
Teachers in rural schools are urging their students to save their money to buy War Savings Stamps. | |
300 | W. S. S. campaign in full sway; professors active in work College Eye 9:16, p.1 |
Teachers in Rural Education are encouraging their students to buy War Savings Stamps. |