Rural Education

Displaying 351 - 395 of 395 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
351 True Blue Club notes
College Eye 3:29, p.481
Will explain rural school certificate.
352 Several interesting and important meetings held under auspices of the rural schools extension department
College Eye 3:26, p.429
Explains program to those whose children are in rural school districts that will be supervised by ISTC.
353 True Blue Club meeting
College Eye 3:26, p.429
Professor Hart spoke about "Rural Problems from the Standpoint of the Rural School".
354 Editorial
College Eye 3:26, p.427
Orchestra will perform; believes that rural school extension work is worth study; Iowa Academy of Science will meet on campus.
355 Meeting of True Blue Club
College Eye 3:20, p.334
Will consider woman suffrage.
356 True Blue Club
College Eye 3:19, p.321
Discussed teaching in rural schools as opposed to teaching in town schools.
357 True Blue Club notes
College Eye 3:17, p.285
Will not meet until next week.
358 President Seerley's co-operation proposition received favorably
College Eye 3:17, p.283
Rural schools within a few miles of Cedar Falls will be supervised by ISTC; plan for assisting with rural education.
359 Official Notes
College Eye 3:17, p.286
Study Center schedule; summary of teaching certificates issued; ISTC students will be granted certificate for two year rural education course of study.
360 Official Notes
College Eye 3:15, p.257
News about study centers, Iowa education, and faculty appointments; Professors Hart and Eels will joint faculty sometime this spring.
361 True Blue Club notes
College Eye 3:15, p.254
Membership has increased.
362 Editorial
College Eye 3:14, p.235
Enrollment for winter term is about 1500; Training School Building ready for use; ISTC will assist rural schools.
363 Official Notes
College Eye 3:14, p.238
News about the faculty and curriculum; Professors Hart and Eells to assist in rural education work; Training School Building ready for students.
364 True Blue Club
College Eye 3:12, p.202
Officers elected.
365 Blue Club will hold meeting
College Eye 3:11, p.183
Program for the meeting.
366 First convention was a success
College Eye 3:8, p.136
North Central County Schools Association held first convention at T. C.; hope to raise standard of rural schools; President Seerley proposes Saturday study centers.
367 True Blue Club organized
College Eye 3:7, p.119
Rural school students formed glee club and elected officers.
368 Official Notes
College Eye 3:5, p.88
President Seerley will speak on rural school matters; a new secretary will be appointed; faculty considering changes in academic calendar, meeting rules, and curriculum.
369 Faculty changes
College Eye 3:4, p.73
Chloe Siner is taking Mabel Lodge's position in English; J. O. Perrine and Macy Campbell join staff; photo.
370 Official Notes
College Eye 3:4, p.72
News notes of important faculty and school matters; Professor Loughridge is in Germany; new classes in home economics organized; library crowded; enrollment is over 1300; Professor Campbell studying rural schools.
371 The Country School
College Eye 2:17, p.2
Every country school teacher should read the book by Homer Seerley called "The County School".
372 New department of agriculture
College Eye 2:4, p.1
W. H. Davis joins the faculty; will help prepare students for work in rural education.
373 County superintendents meet here next week; program for annual spring conference is announced will discuss many topics, session will last two days
College Eye 1:24, p.1
Will emphasize rural education.
374 The faculty of the State Teachers' College
College Eye 1:21, p.7
Arrangements for a rural school conference are being made.
375 Diary of a country school teacher
College Eye 1:4, p.65
Article provides excerpts from a country school teacher's diary.
376 Official Notes
Normal Eyte 21:18, p.306
Iowa education news; Professor Page asks for additional leave to allow his ankle to heal; legislators discuss simplified spelling; Margaret Baker now in Oklahoma; Ira Condit publishes regularly.
377 Official Notes
Normal Eyte 21:16, p.272
News of important educators and education-related events; pending legislation in the General Assembly.
378 Official
Normal Eyte 20:16, p.264
John Riggs is investigating rural education; fourteen states represented in college enrollment this year; Normalites at University of Iowa will hold banquet.
379 Editorial
Normal Eyte 20:11, p.183
Until country school teacher salaries are raised, few will want to teach there.
380 Official
Normal Eyte 19:16, p.241
Alumni held reunion at ISTA meeting; planning underway for education legislation in this General Assembly session.
381 Mrs. and Mrs. Macy Campbell
Normal Eyte 18:12, p.191
Brought rural school teachers from the Alden schools.
382 Macy Campbell
Normal Eyte 18:10, p.157
Brought seven rural teachers to observe teaching methods here at the school.
383 Pres. Shelton "deserves praise"; president Seerley of the State Normal College discusses his address
Normal Eyte 13:21, p.327
Letter from President H. H. Seerley discusses rural education..
384 The teacher problem
Normal Eyte 12:17, p.258
Assessment of providing enough high quality teachers for Iowa.
385 Official
Normal Eyte 9:19, p.446
I. J. McDuffie reappointed to Board of Trustees; state considering teacher certification and additional normal schools; hopes that ISNS will be treated favorably by the General Assembly; rural teachers need help.
386 Official
Normal Eyte 9:15, p.350
Summary of Governor Shaw's educational ideas included ideas relating to the Normal School and the millage tax for construction of buildings.
387 Honorable Henry Sabin
Normal Eyte 6:11, p.122
Will speak on rural schools at NEA.
388 One of the greatest needs
Normal Eyte 6:4, p.37
Believes country schools need to be better organized; praises Henry Sabin's efforts.
389 Professor D. S. Wright
Normal Eyte 6:2, p.14
Named chairman of state committee studying rural education.
390 On Friday afternoon
Normal Eyte 3:28, p.224
Description of Shakespearean Society program; present scene from district school.
391 Kranky Kroaks
Normal Eyte 3:7, p.51
The plight of the hard-working school teacher who is expected to play a leading social role in town, too.
392 Josh Billings once said
Normal Eyte 2:18, p.140
Tribute to district school teachers.
393 A protest
Normal Eyte 2:18, p.142
Believes country schools could benefit from better physical facilities such as adequate stoves, desks, and ventilation.
394 County Superintendent Buechele
Normal Eyte 2:9, p.68
Believes that higher pay would attract more and better teachers, especially to rural schools.
395 Reform in the country schools
Students' Offering 4:10, p.6
Offers schedule and curriculum for schools.