Russell--Myron Edward (Music Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 637 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Newly remodeled Russell Hall has rededication ceremony Northern Iowan 105:9, p.3 |
The School of Music celebrated the reopening of Russell Hall. A large crowd of faculty, staff, students, and alumni packed the auditorium; photo. | |
2 | UNI School of Music rededicates newly renovated Russell Hall, Sept. 26 Public Relations News Release 2008:85, p.1 |
Music is the theme of the weekend as the School of Music rededicates Russell Hall, the newly renovated music hall. The building is named in honor of Myron Russell, former professor for 44 years, and head of the former Department of Music for 21 years. | |
3 | Myron Russell, former School of Music, dies Northern Iowa Today 21:2, p.4 |
Professor Russell dies July 13, 1993; brief biographical sketch; photo. | |
4 | What's in a name--such as campus buildings Northern Iowan 86:3, p.7 |
A brief look at the people for whom campus buildings are named; photo. | |
5 | Fall into Fantasy Alumnus 64:4, p.8 |
Highlights of 1979 Homecoming; Service Award winners announced; photo. |
6 | Russell to head homecoming parade Northern Iowan 76:9, p.7 |
Grand Marshal for the Homecoming parade will be Myron Russell, former head of the School of Music; photo. | |
7 | UNI's music man--Myron Russell Alumnus 64:3, p.4 |
Profile of Professor Myron Russell; talks about his aims and achievements; photo. | |
8 | Russell Hall only part of legacy left by prof UNI Century 1:4, p.7 |
Professor Russell retires; recalls long career as teacher, department head, and active participant in local music scene; photo. |
9 | Former music head retires after 44 years at UNI Northern Iowan 69:61, p.1 |
Tribute to Myron Russell. |
10 | "Musical treats" Northern Iowan 69:34, p.2 |
Applauds great talent in Department of Music. | |
11 | Faces old and new fill posts at UNI Alumnus 57:3, p.10 |
Short sketches of those appointed to administrative positions; photo. | |
12 | Music Building becomes Russell Hall Northern Iowan 68:55, p.7 |
To be named for Professor Myron Russell. | |
13 | Regents appoint department heads, dean Northern Iowan 68:55, p.6 |
Robert Morin will be dean of CBBS; Jerry Smith will head music; James Schnur will head curriculum and instruction; profiles. | |
14 | 'Messiah' to be presented Sunday Northern Iowan 68:23, p.1 |
Now being performed in alternate years; list of groups participating. | |
15 | The "Messiah" to be Performed at UNI Public Relations News Release 1972:196, p.1 |
To be presented in the Men's Gym on Dec. 12 by the department of music. | |
16 | Tallcorn Music Camp to Open at UNI Aug. 8 Public Relations News Release 1971:752, p.1 |
The ninth annual UNI Tallcorn Music Camp opens to 70 Iowa high school students from Aug. 8-14; schedule of events; list of participants | |
17 | Faculty Solo-Ensemble Concert Cancelled Public Relations News Release 1971:722, p.1 |
Dr. Russell has announced the cancellation of a Faculty Solo-Ensemble Concert scheduled for July 20 in Music Hall and also the Summer Band Workshop scheduled for Aug. 2-13. | |
18 | UNI Concert Chorale and Orchestra to Present Oratorio Dec. 13 Public Relations News Release 1970:247, p.1 |
"Good Tidings of Great Joy, An Advent Oratorio" will be presented by the UNI Concert Chorale and Orchestra on Sunday in the Men's Gym. | |
19 | UNI Makes Temporary Change in Marching Band Staff Public Relations News Release 1970:41, p.1 |
Paul Brizzi has been named acting director of the Marching Band for the 1970 season. | |
20 | Solo Ensemble Concert at UNI Public Relations News Release 1969:715, p.1 |
The UNI Music Department will present a solo ensemble recital at 7:30 p.m. July 28th. |
21 | Tallcorn Music Camp to Open at UNI July 26 Public Relations News Release 1969:710, p.1 |
UNI Tallcorn Music Camp being held July 26 through August 1; list of activities | |
22 | Dr. Bock named acting H=head of UNI Music Department Public Relations News Release 1969:382, p.1 |
Professor Bock will replace Professor Holvik as the acting head of the music department. | |
23 | Music service award given to Dr. Russell Northern Iowan 66:30, p.8 |
Receives distinguished service award from state group. | |
24 | Two Air Force Music Groups to Perform at UNI Public Relations News Release 1969:65, p.1 |
Concert by Air Force UNI graduates. | |
25 | New Campanile bells installed Alumnus 53:3, p.3 |
Dedication scheduled for October 19, 1968; Campanile now contains forty-seven bells; new keyboard and practice consoles, steel frame mounting, linkage connectors, and counterbalanced clappers added; photo. | |
26 | Auditoria recommendation includes coliseum, theater Northern Iowan 64:31, p.1 |
Committee recommends coliseum seating ten thousand, auditorium seating two thousand, and a theater seating eight hundred. | |
27 | Committee recommends plan for university departments College Eye 63:27, p.1 |
Recommends four colleges made up of appropriate departments; rationale for college choices and potential for future development. | |
28 | 'Messiah' to be presented Sunday at 3 College Eye 63:23, p.12 |
Several student groups will perform. | |
29 | Music department presents Handel's Messiah Dec. 11 College Eye 63:21, p.1 |
Oratorio Chorus and Symphony Orchestra will perform. | |
30 | Faculty recital 8:30 p. m. Tuesday in Music Hall College Eye 60:64, p.1 |
Performance program. |
31 | Solos, ensembles in faculty recitals College Eye 60:59, p.1 |
Performance program. | |
32 | Tones of contemporary period will echo tonight College Eye 60:47, p.5 |
Concert program. | |
33 | Music Department expands rapidly Alumnus 51:1, p.10 |
Curriculum, personnel, programs, facilities, and opportunities; photo. | |
34 | More bells would add versatility to Campanile Alumnus 50:4, p.3 |
Professor Russell and Milo Lawton outline desirability of adding additional bells. | |
35 | Faculty and students to give recital College Eye 60:10, p.3 |
Will present medieval and Renaissance music. | |
36 | Annual Spring Music Festival concludes with Concert Band College Eye 59:40, p.1 |
Program highlights. | |
37 | Faculty students to give 'Music of Today' program College Eye 59:33, p.3 |
Performance program. | |
38 | Twenty staff members elected to Faculty Senate College Eye 59:31, p.3 |
List of those elected to Faculty Senate, Graduate Council, Committee on the Administration of Faculty Personnel, Educational Policies Commission, Committee on Committees, and the Student Loan Fund. |
39 | Sunday pops concert will salute J. P. Sousa College Eye 59:28, p.8 |
A look at the program. | |
40 | On glaciers, mountains, riverbanks eight staff members pursue rocks College Eye 59:15, p.3 |
Professors talk about the hobby of collecting and polishing rocks and minerals. | |
41 | Russell elected to ethics post College Eye 59:14, p.5 |
Professor Russell elected to national office. | |
42 | 275 students, instructors present 'Messiah' Sunday College Eye 59:13, p.1 |
A look at the performance; list of soloists and choruses; photo. | |
43 | Russell directs SCI Orchestra in concert College Eye 59:8, p.3 |
Performance program. | |
44 | Keefe new Faculty Senate chairman College Eye 59:3, p.3 |
Fred Lott is vice chairman. | |
45 | Band, chorus, orchestra to perform in Tuesday concert College Eye 58:33, p.1 |
Program of performance. | |
46 | Faculty will give concert Monday College Eye 58:32, p.1 |
Performance program. | |
47 | Baroque music recital Monday College Eye 58:12, p.1 |
Performance program. | |
48 | 250 students, faculty sing in 'Messiah,' 'Magnificat' College Eye 58:11, p.1 |
Several choral groups and faculty will make up chorus. | |
49 | Iowa State Education Association convention Alumnus 48:4, p.10 |
Two hundred alumni meet; photo. | |
50 | Faculty Concert Series presents 'Pre-1600 Music' College Eye 58:5, p.1 |
Program for performance. |