Russell--Myron Edward (Music Faculty)

Displaying 601 - 637 of 637 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
601 Department of Orchestral Music
Old Gold 0:0, p.39
Department goals; photos.
602 Pi Theta Pi
Old Gold 0:0, p.284
Honorary members, patronesses, and members; photos.
603 The Band
Old Gold 0:0, p.220

Personnel; photos.

604 College Symphony Orchestra
Old Gold 0:0, p.218
Officers and members; photo.
605 Pi Theta Pi
College Eye 21:32, p.5
Roster of guests for Spring Fiesta; roster of pledges.
606 Co-eds at the Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1929:461, p.1
Women's Band performs concert tonight; list of band members.
607 Advanced music students at the Iowa State Teachers college
Public Relations News Release 1929:441, p.1
Music students present an ensemble concert.
608 New band room without equal
Alumnus 14:2, p.18
New music room put together in Central Hall for band and orchestra.
609 New four-year music course established
Alumnus 14:2, p.10
Description of new course and opportunities for group work and study in music; photo.
610 Brief Notes
College Eye 21:22, p.3
Roster of Alpha Chi Epsilon officers; Theta Gamma enjoyed a bridge party; Pi Theta Pi held winter formal; Y. W. C. A. held a meeting.
611 Over eighty young women
Public Relations News Release 1929:268, p.1
Aeolian Glee club will sing; tentative program and roster of preformers.
612 Brief notes
College Eye 21:19, p.4
Pi Theta Pi entertained rushees; Mabel Chew married Edward Griffin; Lambda Gamma Nu basketball went into three-way tie with Y. M. C. A. and Alpha Delta Alpha.
613 College Orchestra practices long hours to prepare concert; symphony has membership roll of sixty-five
College Eye 21:19, p.1
Performance program.
614 Ten organizations competing
Public Relations News Release 1929:176, p.1
Campus organizations are set to perform in Tutor Ticklers; roster of judges and student organizations is provided.
615 Organizations prepare for "Tutor Ticklers"
College Eye 21:15, p.1
Enthusiasm widespread on campus.
616 Myron T. Russell
College Eye 21:14, p.5
Visited relatives in Manhattan, Clay Center, and Stafford, Kansas, during vacation.
617 Greatest Homecoming is colorful event
Alumnus 14:1, p.7
Celebration includes floats and parade; music; football win over Simpson, 7-0; dance in West Gymnasium.
618 Growing demand for teachers
Public Relations News Release 1929:115, p.1
A new four year bachelor's degree in music education is available. A faculty list is given.
619 Students will stage big show, Feb. 6, 7
College Eye 21:13, p.1
Big vaudeville show planned; will benefit Student Loan Fund.
620 Students and faculty members
Public Relations News Release 1929:99, p.1
A student and faculty vaudeville show is planned for February 1930.
621 Phi Sigma Phi
College Eye 21:11, p.5
Formal dance held; roster of representatives.
622 Pi Theta Pi
College Eye 21:11, p.5
Mrs. Myron Russell accepted honorary membership; news about members.
623 Mr. Russell
College Eye 21:10, p.2
Band thanks Grinnell for assistance at game.
624 Men's Faculty Club meeting
College Eye 21:9, p.5
Sixty professors attended the recent luncheon.
625 Varied program features assembly
College Eye 21:8, p.1
Students listen to music; Berg Trophy presented.
626 Alpha Delta Alpha
College Eye 21:7, p.5
Fraternity news.
627 Woodwind quartet gives concert Wed. at Orange Township
College Eye 21:7, p.8
Student-faculty group performs.
628 Co-ed band marched for first time in morning parade
College Eye 21:0, p.1
Roster of members.
629 Band and orchestra supply room is being redecorated
College Eye 21:5, p.3
Music and uniforms will be stored more securely.
630 Co-eds band will march in parade Homecoming day
College Eye 21:5, p.1
About fifty women have been practicing.
631 Coe-T. C. bands unite at first grid game in Cedar Rapids
College Eye 21:4, p.1
Band will travel to Cedar Rapids by car, then march from downtown to Coe for game.
632 Team and band to tackle Coe; will leave here early Saturday for Cedar Rapids
College Eye 21:3, p.1
Band numbers sixty; first time for the band to travel to an away game with the team.
633 Band starts work for football season
College Eye 21:2, p.1
Professor Russell talks about the band work for the year.
634 T. C. faculty will have new members
College Eye 21:1, p.1
Brief profiles of new faculty; notes on those who will be pursuing graduate study.
635 Orchestra concert will be given in auditorium July 29
College Eye 20:42, p.1
Roster of orchestra members.
636 Orchestra bids for greater success
College Eye 20:40, p.1
Profiles of conductors; photo.
637 Mr. Kurtz announces summer appointments
College Eye 20:36, p.1
Profiles of summer faculty.