Russell--Myron Edward (Music Faculty)

Displaying 401 - 450 of 637 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
401 College Band to give concert
College Eye 30:33, p.1
Performance program.
402 Russell talks in Detroit
College Eye 30:25, p.2
On building a band library.
403 Band's spring concert
College Eye 30:23, p.1
Spring concert will be held at the college auditorium under the direction of Myron Russell.
404 Tenor appears with band in spring concert
College Eye 30:22, p.1
Curtis Mahaffey will perform; concert program.
405 With odds and ends he makes toothpicks in his basement workshop
College Eye 30:22, p.2
Professor Russell has many tools and lots of equipment that he uses to make a variety of products.
406 Bands to honor vets at game this afternoon
College Eye 30:10, p.4
Description of Marching Band routines.
407 Cupid shoots arrow at football game
College Eye 30:8, p.5
Men's Band and Women's Band will perform.
408 Foto Forum selects faculty sponsors
College Eye 30:8, p.5
Student camera group organizes.
409 Bands to imitate Campanile; Dopey at game tomorrow
College Eye 30:7, p.2
Description of Marching Band routines for upcoming game.
410 Bands prepare stunts, formations, and songs
College Eye 30:4, p.6
Description of the routines.
411 Women musicians, four flag twirlers join Marching Band
College Eye 30:3, p.1
Band will feature improved uniforms and new performers.
412 First college sing is this evening
College Eye 30:3, p.3
Will feature Baker, Seerley, and Bartlett Halls.
413 Musicians swing into fall activities
College Eye 30:2, p.1
Seeking members of music groups; women's and men's bands will function as separate units except at football games.
414 Dormitory residents 'sing out'
College Eye 30:2, p.1
Dormitory "sing" will be held at Campanile.
415 Musicians here are plentiful
College Eye 30:1, p.4
Opportunities for students in music; photo.
416 Music department sponsors class movie lesson
College Eye 29:40, p.3
Demonstrates classroom movie projector.
417 One versatile prof
College Eye 29:38, p.3
Profile of Professor Myron Russell.
418 First round in tournament nears finish
College Eye 29:38, p.4
Results from the beginning of the first round.
419 Denny plays in golf tournament
College Eye 29:37, p.4
Several TC faculty and students participated in the Waverly Invitational Golf Tournament; Professor Denny finished second.
420 Concert band
Old Gold 0:0, p.154
Brief description of the group and list of members; photos.
421 Industrial Arts
College Eye 29:22, p.3
Professor Russell speaks.
422 College Band demonstrates novelty number for clinic
College Eye 29:13, p.5
Will give ideas on how to promote local bands.
423 Untitled
College Eye 29:8, p.4
Professor Russell will organize Concert Band; will be comprised of members from College Band and Women's Band.
424 Visiting band to perform
College Eye 29:6, p.6
Band from Eldora Training School will play.
425 Symphony
College Eye 29:5, p.7
Under direction of Professor Kurtz; should be strong group, including members of faculty.
426 Enthusiastic admirers praise band for pep
College Eye 29:5, p.1
Marching Band wins praise for recent performances; photo.
427 Mr. Myron Russell doubles for pep drummer
Alumnus 21:4, p.
Professor Russell plays bass drum with band; photo.
428 Band will play at music hour
College Eye 28:40, p.1
429 Faculty golfers carry on
College Eye 28:40, p.4
Six golfers remain in contention.
430 Helen McMillan
Alumnus 21:3, p.25
Appeared in the fifth annual Good Will Concert at the West High School in Waterloo, Iowa.
431 Summer music
College Eye 28:35, p.2
Many musical organizations will function during the summer session.
432 Women's Band
Old Gold 0:0, p.140
Highlights of the year and members; photo.
433 Music
Old Gold 0:0, p.50
Activities and staff changes; photos.
434 College Band
Old Gold 0:0, p.101
Description and members; Men's Band and Women's Band combine for Concert Band; photos.
435 Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia
Old Gold 0:0, p.148
Purpose, activities, officers, and members; honors men who have distinguished themselves in music; photos.
436 Band, orchestra present concerts
College Eye 28:31, p.1
Quick look at schedule for Spring Music Festival.
437 Musical groups join to present festival May 6-7
College Eye 28:30, p.1
Performance program for Spring Music Festival.
438 Spring finds faculty members busy with lecturers and trips; many attend music convention; Denny and Riebe leave for Wisconsin
College Eye 28:27, p.3
Schedule of upcoming campus meetings.
439 College Band presents program at Charles City
College Eye 28:22, p.1
Will perform at high school ensemble contest; list of members.
440 Winter band concert directed by Russell scheduled next week
College Eye 28:20, p.1
Performance program.
441 College Singers to present fourth annual carol service December 16
College Eye 28:13, p.3
Brief description of the setting and music.
442 The Music Clubs chose members and directors
College Eye 28:4, p.4
List of organization members.
443 Band to entertain
Alumnus 20:4, p.20
Marching Band will play at football games under direction of Myron Russell.
444 Marching Band joins forces with Ames at Saturday game
College Eye 28:3, p.1
Will perform in several formations with the host band.
445 Pep Jamboree tonight will hoist campus folk on social bandwagon
College Eye 28:2, p.3
Calendar of social events.
446 College Band will give concert after sing on Tuesday
College Eye 27:7, p.1
Concert program.
447 Denny and Russell are victorious in first golf title
College Eye 27:6, p.4
Results are announced from this week's faculty men's golf tournament competition.
448 Music
Old Gold 0:0, p.44
Description of activities; photos.
449 Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia
Old Gold 0:0, p.174
Purpose, activities, officers, and members; photos.
450 Women's Band
Old Gold 0:0, p.103
Description, activities, officers, and members; photo.