Sigma Alpha Iota

Displaying 151 - 200 of 393 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
151 Music fraternity elects officers
College Eye 45:29, p.6
Marilyn Russell will head Sigma Alpha Iota; will hold picnic with Phi Mu Alpha; list of officers.
152 All-campus sing postponed; set new date May 18
College Eye 45:28, p.8
153 SAI chorus gives musical program
College Eye 45:13, p.3
To patients at Mental Health Institute.
154 SLB sponsors program at mental health institute in Independence
College Eye 45:7, p.1
Campus groups will sponsor monthly programs.
155 Spaeth, radio's 'tune sleuth' appears in program Tuesday
College Eye 45:4, p.1
Sigmund Spaeth will appear in program sponsored by Phi Mu Alpha and Sigma Alpha Iota.
156 Delegates attend SAI conference
College Eye 45:2, p.7
List of those who attended summer conference.
157 All-College Sing
Old Gold 0:0, p.92
Sigma Alpha Iota, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, and the Social Life Committee co-sponsor the All-College Sing; photo.
158 Sigma alpha iota
Old Gold 0:0, p.161
Roberta Rogers, Carol Froning, Peggy DeBeer, and Lucille Gault serve as officers in the Sigma Alpha Iota; photo.
159 Untitled
College Eye 44:30, p.3
Members of Phi Mu Alpha and Sigma Alpha Iota rehearse; photo.
160 Field vies for Baker sing string
College Eye 44:30, p.1
Competing for All-Campus Sing trophy.
161 College Eye Bulletin Board
College Eye 44:29, p.7

News from campus organizations.

162 Date is set for all-campus sing
College Eye 44:29, p.1

Organizations invited to enter competition.

163 SAI's observe anniversary here
College Eye 44:22, p.3
A look at the history of the group.
164 SAI celebrates 50th anniversary
College Eye 44:21, p.1
Will hold meeting to mark anniversary of national group.
165 Students combine to give musicale
College Eye 44:6, p.3
List of performers for PMA-SAI presentation; photo.
166 Music frats join to give musicale
College Eye 44:5, p.1
PMA and SAI will give concert of music by American composers.
167 Sigma Alpha Iota
Old Gold 0:0, p.182
Description of the national honorary fraternity for women; photo.
168 Music fraternities plan picnic Sunday
College Eye 43:29, p.5
169 Thirteen groups compete for all-campus sing trophy
College Eye 43:29, p.1
170 All college sing scheduled May 13
College Eye 43:28, p.1
Organizations will compete for trophy.
171 Music frat to hold composers recital
College Eye 43:26, p.7
172 The Music Goes Round
College Eye 43:23, p.5
News and reviews from the world of music.
173 Music frat to give program
College Eye 43:14, p.5
174 Special To: Denison Review
Public Relations News Release 1951:256, p.1
Carmen Simmons, Denison, has been initiated into Sigma Alpha Iota, women's national professional music fraternity at the college. Simmons is a sophomore student majoring in music.
175 Special to: Farley Home Press
Public Relations News Release 1951:258, p.1
Marilyn Ross, Epworth, has been initiated into Sigma Alpha Iota, women's national professional music fraternity, at the college. Ross is a senior student majoring in elementary education.
176 Special to: Renwick Times
Public Relations News Release 1951:254, p.1
Beulah Yanney, Renwick, has been initiated into Sigma Alpha Iota, women's national professional music fraternity at the college. Yanney is a sophomore student majoring in music.
177 Special to: Ottumwa Daily Courier
Public Relations News Release 1951:242, p.1
Betty Norris, Ottumwa, has been initiated into Sigma Alpha Iota, women's national professional music fraternity at the college. Norris is a sophomore studet majoring in music.
178 Special to: Garner Leader & Signal & Herald
Public Relations News Release 1951:255, p.1
Jeannette Tisdale, Woden, has been initiated into Sigma Alpha Iota, women's national professional music fraternity, at the college. Tisdale is a sophomore student majoring in music.
179 Special to: Monticello Express
Public Relations News Release 1951:249, p.1
Marileigh Behrends, Monticello, has been initiated into Sigma Alpha Iota, women's national professional music fraternity at the college. Behrends is a junior student majoring in mathematics.
180 Special to: Denison Bulletin
Public Relations News Release 1951:257, p.1
Carmen Simmons, Denison, has been initiated into Sigma Alpha Iota, women's national professional music fraternity at the college. Simmons is a sophomore student majoring in music.
181 Special to: Fairfield Daily Ledger
Public Relations News Release 1951:243, p.1
Pat Lowell, Fairfield, has been initiated into Sigma Alpha Iota, national professional music fraternity at the college. Lowell is a sophomore student majoring in music.
182 Special to: Waterloo Daily Courier
Public Relations News Release 1951:244, p.1
Mary Jane Heisler, Waterloo, has been formally initiated into Sigma Alpha Iota, women's national professional music fraternity, at the college. Heisler is a sophomore student majoring in music.
183 Special To: Moville Record
Public Relations News Release 1951:245, p.1
Charlene Guthridge, Moville, has been initiated into Sigma Alpha Iota, women's national professional music fraternity at the college. Guthridge is a sophomore student majoring in music.
184 Special to: Red Oak Sun
Public Relations News Release 1951:246, p.1
Mary Dutcher, Red Oak, has been initiated into Sigma Alpha Iota, women's national professional music fraternity at the college. Dutcher is a senior student majoring in kindergarten-primary education.
185 Special to Red Oak Express
Public Relations News Release 1951:247, p.1
Mary Dutcher, Red Oak, has been initiated into Sigma Alpha Iota, women's national professional music fraternity at the college. Dutcher is a senior student majoring in kindergarten-primary education.
186 Special to: Washington Evening Journal
Public Relations News Release 1951:248, p.1
Lucille Gault, Crawfordsville, has been initiated into Sigma Alpha Iota, women's national professional music fraternity at the college. Gault is a senior student majoring in home economics.
187 The Music Goes Round & Round
College Eye 43:11, p.2
Discusses music issues on campus.
188 Thirteen are initiated into Sigma Alpha Iota
College Eye 43:11, p.6
List of initiates.
189 The Christmas season will officially open Dec. 6 at the tree lighting ceremony
Public Relations News Release 1951:201, p.1
President J. W. Maucker will light the huge tree south of the Commons at 7 p.m. Don Peter, Marcus, president of the Student League board, will emcee the event.
190 Music groups to present musicale
College Eye 43:10, p.8
Sigma Alpha Iota and Phi Mu Alpha will present American music.
191 Sigma Alpha Iota and Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia will present a contemporary American musicale Sunday (Dec. 2)
Public Relations News Release 1951:191, p.1
The musicale is scheduled for 8 p.m. in the Commons ballroom. The program will feature both vocal and instrumental music. Highlights will include the Sigma Alpha Iota girls chorus and soloists from both organizations.
192 Special To: Spirit Lake Beacon
Public Relations News Release 1951:155, p.1
Beverly Bramblett, Spirit Lake, was one of 21 students accepted for recognition in the 1951-52 edition of "Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges," it was announced today.
193 Special to: La Porte City Progress - Review
Public Relations News Release 1951:154, p.1
Carol Froning, LaPorte City, was one of 21 college students accepted for recognition in the 1951-52 edition of "Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges." Nominations were made by the student welfare committee at the college.
194 Thirteen women pledge honorary music frat
College Eye 43:6, p.7
List of Sigma Alpha Iota pledges.
195 Sigma Alpha Iota
Old Gold 0:0, p.172
Brief description of the group; photo.
196 Thirteen graduates received Purple and Old Gold awards, presented annually for outstanding scholarship and achievement
Public Relations News Release 1950:388, p.1
President J. W. Maucker presented the awards and also presented ten other awards or scholarships, five of them endowed. Students listed.
197 The 75th annual Commencement exercises will be held June 2 at 9:30 a.m. in the Men's gymnasium
Public Relations News Release 1950:367, p.1
President J. W. Maucker will present the traditional Purple and Old Gold awards to graduates outstanding in scholarship and extra-curricular achievement. He'll also name the winners of ten special scholarships.
198 Eighteen organizations will participate in the third annual open air sing Wednesday evening, May 16, at the college
Public Relations News Release 1950:364, p.1
Baker hall, men's residence hall, has twice won the traveling trophy presented to the winning group. If the Baker men win again this year they will keep the trophy permanently.
199 Organizations to vie for sing trophy
College Eye 42:30, p.1
Baker Hall will defend title; photo.
200 Compositions of four faculty members and two students will be performed Sunday night, April 22 at the annual Original Compositions concert
Public Relations News Release 1950:324, p.1

The SAI chorus will sing two songs by Edward Kurtz, retiring head of the music department. Words for both songs were written by Mrs. Kurtz. Pianist Henry Harris will play a piano sonatina by William Latham. Juanita Yearous will sing a song.