Sigma Alpha Iota

Displaying 201 - 250 of 393 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
201 The Music Box
College Eye 42:27, p.3
Musical events and suggested listening material for Teachers College students.
202 All-Campus Sing set for May 15
College Eye 42:27, p.1
Third annual event scheduled.
203 Women's music group holds initiation service
College Eye 42:25, p.4
Ruth Troeger elected president of Sigma Alpha Iota.
204 Wrestling, track, dance head spring quarter activities list
College Eye 42:23, p.1
A look ahead at the big events of the upcoming quarter.
205 SAI plans initiation
College Eye 42:22, p.3
206 The Music Box
College Eye 42:19, p.7
Musical events and suggested listening material for Teachers College students.
207 Pledging help by SAI
College Eye 42:18, p.6
List of new pledges.
208 SAI to sponsor tea
College Eye 42:16, p.8
209 SAI rushee musicale
College Eye 42:16, p.7
210 College SAI members to attend State Day
College Eye 42:16, p.7
211 Music groups meet
College Eye 42:15, p.5
Will hold dinner.
212 SAI admits nine
College Eye 42:12, p.5
List of those initiated into Sigma Alpha Iota.
213 Music frat pledges nine new members
College Eye 42:8, p.3
List of new pledges for Sigma Alpha Iota.
214 Sweet and Lowdown
College Eye 41:38, p.2
News about musical events on campus.
215 Honor worthy students; confer 25 awards at commencement for outstanding scholarship work
College Eye 41:31, p.1
List of Purple and Old Gold award winners; list of other award winners.
216 Sigma alpha iota
Old Gold 0:0, p.146
Brief description of the group; photo.
217 Entries number 16 for second sing
College Eye 41:29, p.8
The organizations that have entries in the second annual All-Campus Sing are listed.
218 Sigma Alpha Iota has charter day dinner
College Eye 41:26, p.2
The event was held at the Black Hawk Hotel.
219 SAI initiates six
College Eye 41:25, p.6
List of new members.
220 Sweet and Lowdown
College Eye 41:22, p.4
News from the Department of Music.
221 Music fraternities to hold musicale
College Eye 41:21, p.7
The program for the annual Contemporary American Musicale is provided.
222 Sweet and Lowdown
College Eye 41:19, p.7
Events occurring within the Department of Music.
223 Sweet and Lowdown
College Eye 41:17, p.2
Events occurring within the Department of Music.
224 SAI initiate eleven at sunrise ceremony
College Eye 41:10, p.6
List of new members.
225 Sweet and Lowdown
College Eye 41:5, p.6
Happenings within the Department of Music.
226 Original musicians recital is Sunday
College Eye 41:4, p.1
Concert is sponsored by the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia and Sigma Alpha Iota.
227 Sweet and Lowdown
College Eye 41:4, p.6
Events from the Department of Music.
228 Musical Notes
College Eye 41:1, p.8
Informs students of various music programs and activities.
229 Baker Hall wins first sing
Alumnus 33:3, p.8
Nine ensembles perform in first All-Campus Sing.
230 Honorary Organizations
Old Gold 0:0, p.119
Brief description of the group; photo.
231 Baker Hall wins trophy at sing
College Eye 40:30, p.8
232 All campus sing tonight; band to open program; nine groups to enter
College Eye 40:29, p.1
Performance program.
233 All-campus sing trophy attracts ten groups
College Eye 40:28, p.1
234 Entry blanks sent for all-campus sing
College Eye 40:27, p.1
235 Students and faculty will give concert
College Eye 40:25, p.1
Of American music; concert program.
236 Changes in rules for all-campus sing announced
College Eye 40:25, p.3
237 Four members initiated to Sigma Alpha Iota
College Eye 40:25, p.6
List of new members.
238 All Campus Sing to be sponsored by music frats
College Eye 40:22, p.3
Rules for group participation.
239 Sigma Alpha Iota elects officers
College Eye 40:22, p.7
Roster of officers.
240 National chaplain visits local SAI chapter
College Eye 40:16, p.1
Mrs. Cecil C. Hamilton will visit.
241 Sigma Alpha Iota initiates eleven
College Eye 40:10, p.8
List of new members.
242 Students, faculty will present original numbers
Public Relations News Release 40:4, p.1
Recital program.
243 Sigma Alpha Iota
Old Gold 0:0, p.227
Brief description of the group; photo.
244 Who's Who "Big Wheels" on campus
Old Gold 0:0, p.134

Brief biographies of eight more active students on campus; photo.

245 Campus Personalities
Old Gold 0:0, p.128
Students on campus that everyone should know. Brief biographies of students active in outside classroom activities; photo.
246 Old Gold Beauty Parade
Old Gold 0:0, p.120
Coeds selected and sponsored by campus organizations; photo.
247 Musical Notes
College Eye 39:19, p.2
Announces recent and upcoming music-related events on campus.
248 Fraternities will present musicale
College Eye 39:16, p.1
Performance program.
249 Musical Notes
College Eye 39:16, p.2
Comments on recent and upcoming music-related events on campus.
250 Alumni meet for Des Moines reunion
Alumnus 32:1, p.5
240 enjoy dinner and activities.