Student Senate

Displaying 251 - 300 of 485 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
251 SS acts on ABM
Northern Iowan 65:49, p.5
Opposes anti-ballistic missile system.
252 Power of Senate
Northern Iowan 65:49, p.2
Points out conflict between statements on Student Senate.
253 SS opposes ABM
Northern Iowan 65:49, p.1
Oppose proposed anti-ballistic missile system.
254 Senate is non-governing; Johnson
Northern Iowan 65:48, p.2
Outlines plans and philosophies relating to Senate.
255 Johnson takes gavel
Northern Iowan 65:47, p.8
Senate considers measures to create office of executive vice-president and to lower GPA for student office candidates.
256 Faculty sent letter; no skip-day
Northern Iowan 65:47, p.1
Student Senate asks that faculty not penalize students who miss class for Good Friday observance.
257 Previews
Northern Iowan 65:47, p.8
Activities and meetings.
258 Commends Oppleman; Student Senate
Northern Iowan 65:46, p.5
Off-Campus Men and Off-Campus Women join to form Off-Campus Students; results of research on beer on the Hill.
259 Must change Student Senate
Northern Iowan 65:43, p.4
Proposes system to involve more students in government.
260 Praises workers
Northern Iowan 65:39, p.2
Defends those Student Senators who do work hard.
261 Senate appeals for support
Northern Iowan 65:38, p.2
Wants to petition in downtown Cedar Falls on current issues.
262 Legislative approach progresses
Northern Iowan 65:37, p.4
Nine ad hoc committees are working on legislative matters.
263 Apathy shown by student senators
Northern Iowan 65:37, p.2
Urges senators to stay involved.
264 SS concentrates effort on legislative activity
Northern Iowan 65:36, p.4
Suspends other activities to concentrate on matters in General Assembly now.
265 Hovden enters alternatives
Northern Iowan 65:35, p.3
Cyndi Hovden talks about Student Senate progress.
266 SS backs AFT goals
Northern Iowan 65:34, p.5
Also considers beer on College Hill.
267 Previews
Northern Iowan 65:34, p.4
Activities and meetings.
268 ROC will hold hearings
Northern Iowan 65:33, p.3
Will hold platform hearings.
269 Election policies told
Northern Iowan 65:33, p.1
Bob Johnson outlines procedures.
270 Bob Johnson to seek ROC party nomination
Northern Iowan 65:32, p.1
Reality on Campus party also presents AWS slate.
271 Previews
Northern Iowan 65:32, p.8
Activities and meetings.
272 Professor evaluation poll results to be announced
Northern Iowan 65:30, p.1
Will reflect limited response to survey.
273 Student Senate discusses campus traffic problems
Northern Iowan 65:27, p.8
Also considers student representation on Redress Committee and Educational Policies Commission.
274 University interests have common ground; Hovden
Northern Iowan 65:25, p.7
Cyndi Hovden and others address faculty on current Student Senate initiatives.
275 SS committee for student redress
Northern Iowan 65:25, p.3
Outlines procedures for grievances.
276 Previews
Northern Iowan 65:25, p.12
Activities and meetings.
277 SS sends AFT endorsement to committee for study
Northern Iowan 65:24, p.1
Hear arguments against AFT from Professor Keefe; consider yearbook format.
278 SS philosophy on pass-fail
Northern Iowan 65:22, p.3
Believes students retain good options in new system.
279 Six black proposals
Northern Iowan 65:18, p.16
Proposals from Afro-American Society include a culture house, a student recruitment program, naming a building after Dr. King, more African-American faculty, African-American entertainment, and a fund drive for scholarship funds.
280 Appoint Johnson to new Student Senate position
Northern Iowan 65:18, p.1
Bob Johnson will be administrative vice president; also discuss format of yearbook.
281 Hovden defends ROC platform, promises
Northern Iowan 65:16, p.12
Cyndi Hovden talks about the achievements of her party.
282 Local AFT chapter asks Student Senate support
Northern Iowan 65:16, p.8
Professor Crownfield states case.
283 EPC urges SS to begin student policy committee
Northern Iowan 65:14, p.6
James Albrecht urged the Student Senate to establish a student educational policies committee; pass-fail and plus-minus grading were discussed; list of students who attended.
284 Northern Iowa voters endorse beer on Hill
Northern Iowan 65:12, p.8
Students and faculty voted in favor of proposal that the Student Senate approach the Cedar Falls City Council regarding a change in zoning regulations to allow sale of beer on College Hill.
285 Montagu to speak on civil disorders
Northern Iowan 65:12, p.19
Anthropologist Dr. Ashley Montagu will speak today; profile.
286 Express opinion
Northern Iowan 65:11, p.2
Editorial reminds readers to express their opinions concerning beer on the Hill in the Student Senate poll today.
287 Student Senate power
Northern Iowan 65:11, p.2
Letter from Student Senate Vice President describing accomplishments of the Senate and urging students to vote in the "Beer on the Hill" poll.
288 Today--beer on the Hill poll
Northern Iowan 65:11, p.4
Explanation of Student Senate poll of faculty and student opinion regarding sale of beer in College Hill establishments.
289 Beer on the hill
Northern Iowan 65:10, p.6
Announcement of a poll scheduled for October 15, 1968, to determine student and faculty opinion.
290 SS committee conducts poll for beer on Hill
Northern Iowan 65:10, p.12
The Student Affairs Committee of the Student Senate will poll students on October 15 about beer on the Hill.
291 Student Senate forms new Student Affairs Committee
Northern Iowan 65:8, p.1
New committees described, tentative 1968-69 budget detailed, and senatorial and committee appointments listed.
292 Senate announces student internship seminar schedule
Northern Iowan 65:8, p.8
Student Government Internship Committee will present seminars to acquaint new students with Student Senate, Men's Union, A.W.S., Senate committees, and other areas of government.
293 One man, one vote
Northern Iowan 65:7, p.2
Letter argues for proportional representation of different constituencies on Student Senate.
294 Student Senate to compile prof ratings
Northern Iowan 65:7, p.4
Student Senate Committee on Faculty Relations hopes to produce booklet of faculty evaluations in time for spring preregistration, based on questionnaires filed by students last spring.
295 ROC to discuss new constitution '68-'69 agenda
Northern Iowan 65:5, p.8
ROC (Reality on Campus) hopes to pass constitution so it can become a permanent organization on campus; plans for year will be discussed.
296 ROC
Northern Iowan 65:5, p.8
ROC will meet tomorrow to ratify party's constitution and discuss plans for year.
297 Student Senate discusses Book Store prices, beer
Northern Iowan 65:4, p.1
Topics of discussion included book prices, beer on the hill, meal tickets, and overcrowded dormitories.
298 More grades at UNI
Northern Iowan 65:3, p.2
Reprint of editorial from Des Moines Register, September 13, 1968, suggests that UNI's new plus/minus grading system will promote greater grade-consciousness.
299 Previews
Northern Iowan 65:2, p.16
Activities and meetings.
300 Previews
Northern Iowan 64:57, p.20
Activities and meetings.