Student Senate

Displaying 401 - 450 of 485 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
401 Senator says academics a concern of SS
College Eye 63:47, p.2
Argues that students don't want control over academic requirements, only uniformity.
402 Upchurch says SS philosophy changing
College Eye 63:47, p.3
Summarizes the committee changes in the organization.
403 SS should begin work on free university now
College Eye 63:45, p.2
Asks the SS to begin investigating the possibilities.
404 Platform planks in elections 'absurd'
College Eye 63:44, p.2
Considers the current student government to be a pathetic, powerless waste.
405 Upchurch: progress based on questions and answers
College Eye 63:44, p.2
Student Senate president declares the vital importance of student government.
406 Says alligator has right to keep SS seat
College Eye 63:44, p.3
Gives several reasons why the elected senator should retain his seat.
407 Aid available to student organizations
College Eye 63:43, p.8
408 Student Senate endorses expanding counsel service
College Eye 63:43, p.7
409 If Upchurch is to succeed . . . .
College Eye 63:43, p.2
Gives advice to the newly-elected Student Senate.
410 Need to define student power
College Eye 63:42, p.2
Advocates a more defined role of power for student government.
411 Says students won't vote
College Eye 63:42, p.3
Questions why the editor would encourage students not to vote when many already don't.
412 Free legal aide explanation Monday at SS
College Eye 63:41, p.4
413 Starts alligator fund
College Eye 63:40, p.3
Announces fund raising to better the living quarters of the greenhouse alligator.
414 Why vote against
College Eye 63:40, p.3
Questions candidates about their voting against the speaking engagement of the ISU student body president.
415 SS discusses elections and voting polls
College Eye 63:39, p.5
416 SS rejects proposal to house alligator
College Eye 63:39, p.5
Terry Knapp believes alligator should have better living conditions; photo.
417 Skeptical of SS review
College Eye 63:35, p.2
Contends that current student government problems lie chiefly in the members.
418 Student Senate probes use of student funds
College Eye 63:35, p.8
Considering legality of hiring a private attorney.
419 Student Senate plans to bring ISU's Smith
College Eye 63:35, p.8
Want Don Smith to speak here.
420 Reid: SS will reconsider action for equal comps
College Eye 63:35, p.6
Not necessarily against the concept of comprehensive examinations, but does have objections to the way that they are administered at SCI.
421 SS receives plan for pop, artist, chamber music series
College Eye 63:35, p.1
Committee presents plans for the Artists Series to expand to include a Chamber Music Series and for a Pop Concert Series to be established.
422 Crownfield has questions
College Eye 63:33, p.3
Scolds the paper and the Student Senate for the way they both have dealt with the comprehensive examinations.
423 SS remiss
College Eye 63:33, p.2
Declares that the Student Senate has had far too little involvement in the examination issue.
424 Untitled
College Eye 63:33, p.2
An enormous likeness of ISU's Student Body President compared with a very tiny SCI Student Senate President.
425 Comprehensive questioned--then action taken by SS
College Eye 63:32, p.4
Vote to oppose comprehensive examinations.
426 Remind victors of moral responsibility
College Eye 63:31, p.2
Believes that elected student positions should be based on qualifications, not just popularity.
427 Student senator asks vote on Mrs. E. Winier
College Eye 63:31, p.1
Asks for vote of confidence on acting director of student union.
428 Student Senate considers hiring lawyer as adviser
College Eye 63:31, p.1
Also considers grading of student teachers, telephone system, entertainment series, Union director, and column on homosexuality in Courier.
429 Controversial speakers gains $1,000 from SS
College Eye 63:28, p.1
430 Open Senator committee positions in SS
College Eye 63:27, p.1
431 SS requests sponsor for book exchange
College Eye 63:26, p.8
432 Faculty Senate, SS favor student responsibility
College Eye 63:25, p.4
Discuss academic advising.
433 J. W. Maucker announces Saturday dismissal
College Eye 63:25, p.1
Classes will be dismissed early for Christmas break; photo.
434 AWS leaders false prophets
College Eye 63:24, p.2
Argues that AWS doesn't provide a stable argument against the Student Bill of Rights or it's court.
435 SS supports Grinnell's rationale behind protests
College Eye 63:23, p.1
Support intentional violation of parietal rule at Grinnell; Gary Reid offers suggestions for improving Student Senate.
436 SS moves to challenge advance registration fee
College Eye 63:19, p.1
Oppose $50 fee; library service may be extended Saturday nights; consider other matters.
437 Students will vote on SS proposed Bill of Rights
College Eye 63:18, p.1
Text of proposed changes to the Student Constitution.
438 SS submits prospective future titles
College Eye 63:18, p.8
Three possible university names were chosen by the Student Senate.
439 Students will vote on SS proposed bill of rights
College Eye 63:17, p.1
Copy of the Proposed Bill of Rights to be added to the Student Constitution.
440 SS discussed speakers exams, laundromat
College Eye 63:15, p.1
Summary of items discusses at the Student Senate meeting.
441 Requisition is approved for duplicator
College Eye 63:13, p.1
Misunderstanding almost costs the Student Senate their duplicator machine.
442 SS should be able to decide on office heads
College Eye 63:12, p.2
Believes that the Student Senate should not be controlled by the administration.
443 Student Senate passes student Bill of Rights
College Eye 63:11, p.1
Student Senate appoints Wayne Justman as its vice-president.
444 SS discusses SCI status, football tickets, library
College Eye 63:7, p.1
Summary of a recent Student Senate meeting.
445 Library will add service when needed
College Eye 63:6, p.2
Mr. Rod talks at length about library hours of service.
446 Communication bridge is problem on campus
College Eye 63:4, p.5
Faculty and Student Senates hope to improve the communication between the students and the faculty.
447 Reid announces nine S S positions are vacant
College Eye 63:3, p.10
Student Senate discusses solutions for student complaints.
448 SS launches two major projects this past year
College Eye 60:57, p.5
Begin student discard card program and controversial speakers program; will consider faculty evaluation further.
449 SS votes to refuse trial for evaluation survey
College Eye 60:56, p.4
Votes to stop evaluation process before it gets underway.
450 New SS discusses the student faculty evaluation
College Eye 60:55, p.4