Teacher Education

Displaying 1 - 50 of 1020 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Teacher Convocation returns to campus
Northern Iowan 118:47, p.1
The Teacher Convocation and Celebration event returns to the McLeod Center after a two-year absence; photo.
2 Teacher Education seeks input
Northern Iowan 112:49, p.1

The Teacher Education Strategic Initiative (TESI) seeks input to develop a strategic plan for training teachers at UNI; photo.

3 UNI to induct students into Teacher Education Program
Public Relations News Release 2014:217, p.1
UNI College of Education will host its biannual Teacher Education Induction Convocation, March 30, in the Great Hall of the Gallagher Bluedorn Performing Arts Center. A reception will follow in the lobby afterwards.
4 UNI and Stanford form partnership to assess teacher effectiveness
Public Relations News Release 2014:195, p.1
UNI's Teacher Education program has partnered with Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE) to develop and implement a multiple-measures assessment system for teacher education.
5 Future teaches make the next step
Northern Iowan 110:48, p.1
The College of Education inducted 200 students into its teacher education program. Over sixty students attended the induction ceremony. After the ceremony, students and their families were invited to a reception in the lobby of the GBPAC; photo.
6 Induction of future teachers at UNI is April 2
Public Relations News Release 2013:218, p.1
More than 200 students will be inducted into the UNI Teacher Education Program and are invited to participate in the induction ceremony. There will be a reception in the lobby following induction for the students and their families.
7 UNI to induct students into Teacher Education Program on April 2
Public Relations News Release 2012:251, p.1
250 students will be inducted into the teacher education program at the Teacher Education Induction Convocation. This is the 45th group of candidates inducted into the Teacher Education program since formal ceremonies began in 1991.
8 University of Northern Iowa presents education experts during American Education Week
Public Relations News Release 2012:138, p.1
College of Education faculty honored for American Education Week at UNI.
9 University of Northern Iowa to induct students into Teacher Education program Nov. 1
Public Relations News Release 2012:122, p.1
UNI College of Education inducts new students to Teacher Education Program, 44th group. Three hundred and eighty students to be inducted at ceremony.
10 UNI discusses education reform
Public Relations News Release 2012:105, p.1
College of Education to host community meeting to discuss education reform. Meeting will engage legislators in conversation, and highlight UNI's leadership role in education.
11 University of Northern Iowa to induct students into teacher education program
Public Relations News Release 2011:261, p.1
The College of Education will induct teaching students into the UNI Teacher Education program.
12 Proposed budget cuts
Northern Iowan 108:40, p.5
Questions asked concerning UNI's future role in teacher education and public safety.
13 University of Northern Iowa to induct students into Teacher Education program.
Public Relations News Release 2010:288, p.1
Teacher Education Induction Convocation will confer three-hundred students who have satisfied requirements for admission to the UNI Teacher Education program, which marks the official induction into that field of study.
14 University of Northern Iowa to induct students into Teacher Education program November 4
Public Relations News Release 2010:124, p.1
All 394 students who have satisfied requirements for admission into the Teacher Education program are invited to participate in the official induction into this field of study at the biannual Teacher Education Induction Convocation.
15 UNI receives grant from U. S. Department of Education
Public Relations News Release 2010:111, p.1
The Department of Special Education received $260,413 from a grant aimed at helping states provide personnel for students with special needs. A new teacher preparation program will improve services and learning for children with disabilities.
16 University of Northern Iowa to induct students in Teacher Education Program April 6
Public Relations News Release 2009:369, p.1
This will be the 39th group of candidates inducted into the teacher education program since formal ceremonies began in 1991. Three hundred and twenty-four students have satisfied requirements for admission into the Teacher Education program.
17 UNI's teacher education students learn violence prevention strategies
Public Relations News Release 2009:251, p.1
More than 300 students will participate in sessions during the spring semester. The first session, "Just a Matter of Teaching: From teasing to Torment," focuses on the escalation of bullying behavior in elementary through high school grades.
18 About Sienkiewicz
Public Relations News Release 2009:246, p.1
A Ph. D. candidate at the University of Wisconsin, Sienkiewicz received his B. A. in philosophy and film studies from Wesleyan University in Connecticut. His academic research focuses on western involvement in Middle Eastern broadcasting.
19 University of Northern Iowa to induct students into Teacher Education Program Nov. 3
Public Relations News Release 2009:143, p.1
The College of Education will host its bi-annual Teacher Education Induction Convocation in the Great Hall of the Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center. Three hundred sixty-three students have satisfied requirements for admission in the the program.
20 UNI faculty, staff receive 2009 Regents Excellence Awards
Public Relations News Release 2009:125, p.1
Nine faculty and staff members received 2009 Faculty or Staff Excellence Awards, given by the Board of Regents, State of Iowa. The recipients were honored at Convocation in September. Recipients and nominators are listed.
21 Long-standing UNI-community college partnerships continue B. A. degree programs
Public Relations News Release 2009:122, p.1
Since 1995 UNI's 2+2 program has provided access to higher education for Iowans who are location-bound with family priorities and fixed job schedules and cannot move to the UNI campus. To date, UNI has graduated 190 2+2 students.
22 U. S. Secretary of Education visits UNI and speaks about education reform
Duncan: Great teachers make the difference in student learning

Public Relations News Release 2008:497, p.1
Duncan's top priorities focus on strong teaching and student learning through student data systems, teacher and administrator evaluation systems and identifying underperforming schools.
23 U. S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan to visit University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 2008:451, p.1
Duncan will deliver a policy address. Dr. Ben. Allen states, "Our country is facing difficult challenges. Ensuring strong education systems is vital to preparing our students for the global economy."
24 UNI students inducted into teacher education program
Public Relations News Release 2008:443, p.1
Two hundred and forty students who had satisfied requirements for admission into the program were inducted during the formal ceremony. Cynthia Herndon, delivered the convocation address. Candidates were presented by Melissa Heston. Students listed.
25 UNI faculty named to National Education Advisory Committee
Public Relations News Release 2008:427, p.1
Nadene Davidson, interim head and assistant professor in the Department of Teaching, at the college, has been appointed to the committee. The committee will meet four times during the next 12 months to address 21st century teaching.
26 University of Northern Iowa inducts students into Teacher Education Program
Public Relations News Release 2008:275, p.1
Some 320 students fulfilled the requirements for admission into the Teacher Education Program, and were invited to participate in the formal ceremony, the official induction of students into that field of study. Students listed.
27 UNI to graduate 500 students in teacher education; UNI teacher grads enter workforce prepared to lead the classroom
Public Relations News Release 2007:649, p.1
UNI has the largest teacher education program in the state with more than 2,600 undergraduates enrolled each year and graduates approximately 500 new teachers each year.
28 Teachers at Malcolm Price Lab School share expertise
Public Relations News Release 2007:585, p.1
A "Rigor and Relevance" workshop for middle and high school teachers will be held April 14 at Center Point/Urbana Middle School.
29 Teachers at Malcolm Price Lab School share expertise
Public Relations News Release 2007:564, p.1
A "Rigor and Relevance" workshop for teachers will be held April 10 by University of Northern Iowa faculty.
30 University of Northern Iowa to induct students into Teacher Education
Public Relations News Release 2007:508, p.1
The College of Education's biannual Teacher Education Induction Convocation will be held March 27.
31 Passion and talent needed to fill math and science teacher shortage
Public Relations News Release 2007:356, p.1
More math and science teachers are needed to overcome the shortage.
32 Burmese teacher training program
Northern Iowa Today 92:1, p.5
A look at the work of Professors Jeannie Steele and Kurt Meredith in training teachers in other countries; photo.
33 University of Northern Iowa to induct students into Teacher Education
Public Relations News Release 2007:220, p.1
The Teacher Education Induction Convocation will take place October 23.
34 Greetings!
Northern Iowa Today 91:2, p.
President Allen greets alumni and talks about the work at hand; photo.
35 2 + 2 Program graduates 23 from UNI
Public Relations News Release 2007:36, p.1
Twenty-three students graduated from the 2 + 2 program through UNI and DMACC. List of graduates.
36 UNI president to speak to Waterloo Exchange Club April 30
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
Benjamin Allen will be speaking to the Waterloo Exchange Club about UNI's role in addressing challenges facing pre-K through 12th grade education in Iowa.
37 UNI Teacher Education students inducted into program
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
Teacher education students were formally accepted into the teacher education April 9; list of students.
38 UNI's Price Laboratory School offers Teacher Institute
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
More than fifty sessions on many topics will be offered Friday, February 16.
39 Attention education majors
Northern Iowan 103:11, p.2
The speech and hearing evaluation is no longer necessary for admission to the teacher education program.
40 UNI 2 + 2 program gets positive rating
Northern Iowan 102:60, p.3
Results of survey of graduates and faculty involved with the 2 + 2 teacher education program.
41 Iowa paying a pittance
Northern Iowan 102:51, p.8
Iowa State Senator, Frank B. Dowd, examines the pay disparity for Iowa teachers from a parent's point of view.
42 Teacher Institute at UNI's Price Laboratory School, Feb. 17
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Professional teacher-education conference will take place at Price Laboratory.
43 UNI receives national award for community-college collaboration
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
UNI's 2 + 2 Program is being recognized with the 2006 Best Practice Award for Collaboration with Community Colleges from the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.
44 University of Northern Iowa inducts hundreds into the teacher education program
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
UNI hosted its bi-annual Teacher Education Convocation, added nearly 317 students, list, organized by town name, provided.
45 Learning to make things better for others
Northern Iowa Today 89:2, p.
Tina Buhrman works in 2 + 2 program; Nancy Aossey works in Somalia; photo.
46 2 + 2 makes dreams come true
Northern Iowa Today 89:2, p.12
A look at the 2 + 2 Program and some of those who have been in the program; photo.
47 UNI graduating 23 students in Carroll 2 + 2 program in western Iowa
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
This is fifth group to graduate from the program.
48 UNI's Price Laboratory School to hold Spring Teacher Institute for teacher education majors
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
The institute is designed to enrich student learning in the teacher education program.
49 Elementary, special education classes
Northern Iowan 101:31, p.2
A program at UNI that combines elementary education with special education will be discussed at Northeast Iowa Community College on January 26 and 27, 2005.
50 Untitled
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Meetings to discuss teacher preparation program will be held.