Displaying 451 - 500 of 776 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
451 | Piece of mind Northern Iowan 83:36, p.2 |
Feels condom commercials may be out of place on television. | |
452 | 'Steve Kalb . . . Come on down': UNI student selected for "The Price is Right" Northern Iowan 83:32, p.10 |
Steve Kalb talks about his experience on a television game show; photo. | |
453 | Kwitchersnivlin' Northern Iowan 83:30, p.2 |
Students watch a violent television show. | |
454 | T.V. promotes silence Northern Iowan 83:27, p.3 |
Feels that television urges victims of violent crime to keep quiet. | |
455 | Hi, Mom! Northern Iowan 83:24, p.4 |
Students at a UNI football game wave at a television camera; photo. | |
456 | West side seating urged Northern Iowan 83:22, p.1 |
Filled seats will look better on television. | |
457 | UNI joins national push to educate, entertain via satellite; first of five broadcasts to air Oct. 29 Public Relations News Release 1987:77, p.1 |
The College Satellite Network allowed the university to utilize five live educational programs, which students could view in Maucker Union. Students were able to interact with panelists by phone to ask about politics, culture, and science. | |
458 | ESPN to telecast UNI-Indiana State Nov. 13 Northern Iowan 83:15, p.1 |
459 | No Messin' Around Northern Iowan 83:8, p.2 |
Feels that mass media inaccurately portray life. | |
460 | Survey finds students materialistic Northern Iowan 83:4, p.5 |
A look to see how UNI students compare with national trends. | |
461 | Kwitchersnivlin' Northern Iowan 83:3, p.2 |
Shows a man watching Robin Leach on TV endorsing his new television show. | |
462 | Telecourses offer an alternative way to learn Northern Iowan 83:1, p.13 |
Eight courses will be offered on IPTV. | |
463 | Off-campus learners can take advantage of UNI telecourse offerings Public Relations News Release 1986:501, p.1 |
Telecourses are offered through Office of Continuing Education. Eight courses were broadcast in thirty to sixty minute seminars over Iowa Public Television; covering philosophy, history, psychology, business, writing, sociology, and cultural studies. | |
464 | Research done on area students Northern Iowan 82:55, p.20 |
James Walker reports on research done on television watching in Waterloo and Cedar Falls. | |
465 | There is more to this actor than the ineptness of Frank Burns Northern Iowan 82:55, p.14 |
Lengthy excerpts from speech by Larry Linville; photo. | |
466 | Aggression linked to television violence Northern Iowan 82:54, p.11 |
Rowell Huesmann, Gary Selnow, and Gary Gaddy speak at the McElroy Symposium. | |
467 | Television not all good, not al bad for children Northern Iowan 82:54, p.10 |
Extensive excerpts from presentation of John C. Wright at McElroy Symposium; photo. | |
468 | TV's impact on the child to be addressed Northern Iowan 82:52, p.12 |
Jon Hall talks about highlights of upcoming McElroy Symposium. | |
469 | Frank Burns of television's 'M*A*S*H' to speak at UNI Monday (April 28) Public Relations News Release 1986:381, p.1 |
The man who played Burns, Larry Linville, will speak on how the show both influenced and reflected changes in society during the years it was on the air; he was on the show for five seasons. | |
470 | 'Television and its impact on the child' topic for UNI's McElroy Symposium April 24-46 at UNI Public Relations News Release 1986:377, p.1 |
Nearly a dozen specialists in communication, education and behavioral sciences will come to discuss the topic. | |
471 | Public invited to be audience Northern Iowan 82:51, p.5 |
KWWL will use a live audience in their broadcast of a town meeting on AIDS. | |
472 | 'Television and its impact on the child' topic for UNI's McElroy Symposium April 24-26 at UNI Public Relations News Release 1986:376, p.1 |
The fifth annual symposium is meant to stimulate discussion and provide information that will aid in the understanding of the immediate and long-range effects of television on the child; sponsored by the McElroy Foundation of Waterloo. | |
473 | TV's impact on children looked at Northern Iowan 82:45, p.14 |
McElroy Symposium will be held in the Communication Arts Center. | |
474 | Friday morning . . . Northern Iowan 82:45, p.2 |
Gives suggestions for dealing with upset coaches at sporting events. | |
475 | Telecourses offered this semester Northern Iowan 82:28, p.8 |
Description of the five telecourses offered. | |
476 | UNI to offer five telecourses for college credit Public Relations News Release 1986:198, p.1 |
Iowa Public Television will broadcast classes. Students will have access to a UNI instructor via, telephone, in writing, and personal contact. Examinations will be given close to the student's home and mailed to the university for grading. | |
477 | Tele-evangelism questioned Northern Iowan 82:20, p.10 |
Chuck Quirk and John Folkers talk about television evangelists. | |
478 | Speakers to discuss TV evangelism Northern Iowan 82:18, p.9 |
Charles Quirk and John Folkers will make presentations. | |
479 | UNI to be part of nationwide teleconference Northern Iowan 82:10, p.4 |
Will participate in Beyond War teleconference. | |
480 | S#!*s and giggles Northern Iowan 82:7, p.2 |
Feels television commercials present false image of America. | |
481 | Football team on big screen Northern Iowan 82:6, p.19 |
Football game to be broadcast by the satellite. | |
482 | New cable services Northern Iowan 82:4, p.10 |
Joe Marchesani talks about the installation of service in Sabin Hall and the Union. | |
483 | Slip of the pen Northern Iowan 82:3, p.2 |
Has problems with Jerry Falwell's recent assertions. | |
484 | Panthers on big screen Northern Iowan 82:2, p.21 |
KWWL will broadcast game against Southwest Missouri State. | |
485 | Telecourses offered Northern Iowan 82:1, p.5 |
Jim Bodensteiner notes the courses offered this fall and talks about some of the associated procedures; photo. | |
486 | 1985 Student as Critic Conference: Television called 'inherently boring' Northern Iowan 81:51, p.7 |
Alice Swensen talks about the way that television works. | |
487 | But Seriously Folks Northern Iowan 81:46, p.2 |
Describes the syndicated reruns she watched over spring break. | |
488 | Friday Morning . . . Northern Iowan 81:33, p.2 |
Speaks negatively about the quality of television and television advertising. | |
489 | Attention David Letterman Northern Iowan 81:32, p.2 |
Tries to inform David Letterman that UNI does in fact exist. | |
490 | Non-traditional students welcome Northern Iowan 81:29, p.3 |
Professor Reineke says that non-traditional students are welcome at UNI. | |
491 | Students write Letterman Northern Iowan 81:28, p.4 |
Three UNI students wrote a letter that was read on the Dave Letterman Show. | |
492 | Effects of game show withdrawal Northern Iowan 81:28, p.2 |
A discussion on the new game shows, and why college students are drawn to them. | |
493 | Maxwell, Bailey combine talents to produce Christmas choral concert Alumnus 69:4, p.25 |
Concert taped in Des Moines church; photo. | |
494 | Court ruling hurts UNI revenue Northern Iowan 81:23, p.16 |
The NCAA loss of control over football telecasts decreases the revenue for UNI. | |
495 | UNI game to be televised Northern Iowan 81:14, p.17 |
The men's basketball team makes its first appearance on live, commercial television with the UNI-ISU game in the UNI-Dome. | |
496 | Cablevision rates hike Northern Iowan 81:9, p.10 |
The monthly rates of cable television were raised. | |
497 | What's up Northern Iowan 80:61, p.3 |
Meetings and activities; check cashing service. | |
498 | Swensen: Become a critical viewer Northern Iowan 80:53, p.5 |
Professor Swensen tells how to become a critical television viewer. | |
499 | UNI offers Am. history telecourse Northern Iowan 80:45, p.6 |
Will study George Washington and his times. | |
500 | Computer telecourse offered Northern Iowan 80:38, p.6 |
Telecourse will offer introduction to computers. |