
Displaying 501 - 550 of 776 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
501 Science series in third season
Northern Iowan 80:14, p.15
Joan Duea talks about her association with a television science program; photo.
502 Telecourses: Learn by watching television
Northern Iowan 80:2, p.5
Will offer five courses via television.
503 Fagen: versatility, experience keys in broadcasting
Northern Iowan 79:44, p.7
Mary Fagen talks about her work to a broadcasting class.
504 M*A*S*H to bid farewell
Northern Iowan 79:38, p.7
Union will have party in conjunction with last episode.
505 Watch those Kids!
Northern Iowan 79:38, p.11
Students enjoy watching the soap opera "All My Children"; photo.
506 Lutheran Student Center
Northern Iowan 79:38, p.7
Farewell to M*A*S*H party.
507 KWWL-TV offers working experience
Northern Iowan 79:29, p.3
Television station hires interns from UNI.
508 TV jobs program
Northern Iowan 79:27, p.14
509 Telecourse offered
Northern Iowan 79:18, p.6
Course on Civil War offered.
510 TV debates scheduled
Northern Iowan 79:10, p.6
511 Students watch the soaps
Northern Iowan 79:7, p.10
512 IPBN offers telecourses to be viewed at home
Northern Iowan 79:1, p.11
Four courses will be available.
513 Scherzo
Northern Iowan 78:61, p.2
Cable television plane is hijacked.
514 Scherzo
Northern Iowan 78:60, p.2
UNI is a wasteland for not having cable television.
515 'Wavelength'--low budget video of class acts
Northern Iowan 78:51, p.7
Dave Maricle and LaVerne Kreklau produce local cable show about local music; photo.
516 Alternative video--wave of the future
Northern Iowan 78:45, p.13
John Ciampa talks about future telecommunications.
517 Regents raise room rates
Northern Iowan 78:44, p.1
Rates will increase about 8%; smoke detectors will be installed in all campus residences; cable TV hook-up being considered for Hillside Courts and College Courts; promotion and tenure list announced.
518 Telecourse deals with humanism
Northern Iowan 78:42, p.11
John Eiklor talks about the televised humanities course.
519 Video services aid in learning
Northern Iowan 78:30, p.6
Faculty comment on the ways that they use television services.
520 Cable TV coming to UNI, but not to dorms
Northern Iowan 78:26, p.1
Will be hooked up for instructional purposes.
521 Luke and Laura tie the knot
Northern Iowan 78:22, p.7
Students watch soap opera wedding; photo.
522 People depend on TV, says Price
Northern Iowan 78:21, p.15
Grant Price speaks at Alpha Epsilon Rho meeting.
523 Earn English credit with Shakespeare on IPBN
Northern Iowan 77:30, p.3
Schedule of films.
524 Cable tabled for awhile for residence hall: university determines when to install it
Northern Iowan 77:27, p.7
A look at the present television situation in the community and predictions about the future.
525 Joan Duea debuts as public television adviser for 3-2-1 Contact
Alumnus 65:4, p.24
Profile of Professor Duea; photo.
526 Television services aids education
Public Relations News Release 77:5, p.3
TV Services provides taping of classes and many other services as well.
527 Watch TV critically
Public Relations News Release 77:5, p.3
A conference will be held on the critical viewing of television.
528 It may take awhile to settle strike; technology improved; laws did not
Northern Iowan 77:4, p.8
According to Jim Waterbury, program director of KWWL-TV, the actors strike has come about because actors get only a small share of the money being made from reruns being shown on cable and home distribution systems.
529 If reruns are too much, try one of these
Northern Iowan 77:4, p.8
Gives alternative of watching public television, attending theatrical productions, and listening to the radio.
530 UNI to host Conference on 'Televiewing'
Public Relations News Release 1980:55, p.1
Several speakers will be present during the critical viewing of television conference.
531 Fire trauma lives on
Northern Iowan 76:60, p.2
KWWL-TV made some thoughtless remarks about the fire in Dancer.
532 Dorms may receive cable TV
Northern Iowan 76:50, p.
Barbara Lounsberry discusses the possibility of UNI dorms having access to cable TV.
533 How about them Hawkeyes . . .
Northern Iowan 76:44, p.1
Residents of tenth floor Bender enjoy watching the Iowa Hawkeyes play basketball.
534 Cable television featured in debate
Northern Iowan 76:40, p.12
Two UNI students will debate with students from the University of Iowa on government regulation of cable television.
535 'Project: Universe' now offered
Northern Iowan 76:39, p.11
A televised astronomy course is now being offered through the Division of Extension and Continuing Education.
536 T.V. show could help children weak in science background
Northern Iowan 76:37, p.9
Joan Duea spoke about the educational science television program entitled "3-2-1-Contact".
537 Earn credit by watching television
Northern Iowan 76:34, p.3
The three-hour course "The Shakespeare Plays II" will be made available on public television stations.
538 Professor to perform on IPBN
Northern Iowan 76:21, p.7
The recorded performance of Howard Aibel at Sejong Hall in Seoul, Korea, will be shown on IPBN.
539 Duea to advise children's TV series
Northern Iowan 76:18, p.4
Joan Duea will become an advisor for the television series, "Children's Television Workshop"; photo.
540 Disagree with NI review of "Friendly Fire"
Northern Iowan 75:52, p.2
UNI student believes that a review of the TV movie "Friendly Fire", a story about the Vietnam war, was wrong.
541 "Friendly Fire": part of TV's sudden interest in the Vietnam era
Northern Iowan 75:51, p.4
Review of the TV movie "Friendly Fire" starring Carol Burnett and Ned Beatty.
542 Anyone may study, see all of Shakespeare's plays
UNI Century 7:2, p.7
UNI will offer courses to complement BBC productions on IPBN.
543 Tele-course: TV and study
Northern Iowan 75:39, p.5
Elaine Kalmar will teach course associated with broadcasts of Shakespeare plays; photo.
544 What television does to us and for us
UNI Century 7:1, p.6
Alumnus Robert A. Davis talks about effects of television; photo.
545 Cable TV offered
Northern Iowan 75:24, p.15
Cedar Falls vote was 6164-2050 in favor of cable television; description of services.
546 TV: A US dope habit?
Northern Iowan 75:24, p.6
Professor Lash offers harsh criticism of television in NAR article.
547 Vote on cable T. V. could benefit UNI; hook-ups to library, dorms, classes
Northern Iowan 75:19, p.9
A look at the benefits of cable television.
548 Encourages support for cable T. V.
Northern Iowan 75:18, p.2
Two members of the UNI faculty believe that cable television in Cedar Falls would be beneficial to UNI.
549 UNI band marches daily on NBC
Northern Iowan 75:10, p.1
Marching Band performance is part of KWWL promotional spot.
550 Observations on UNI's first T.V. game
Northern Iowan 75:4, p.16
Discussion of the UNI versus Youngstown State game; photo.