
Displaying 1 - 50 of 278 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 From the NI archives: A response toward Sept. 11th terrorist attacks
Northern Iowan 118:5, p.4
The article reprint from a 2001 edition of the paper discusses the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, especially the response from UNI international students; photo.
2 'Acts of cowardice' shake UNI
Northern Iowan 118:5, p.1
A reprint of an article from September 14, 2001 following the events of 9/11.
3 ROTC helicopter landing honors 9/11
Northern Iowan 116:4, p.2
The UNI Reserve Office Training Corps (ROTC) held 9/11 memorial at Lawther Field from 9am to 6pm, including a helicopter landing at 7:15am. Students and other visitors had the opportunity to talk to ROTC members and the flight crew that manned the helicopter; photo.
4 On Christchurch & stochastic terrorism
Northern Iowan 115:45, p.3
In the author's opinion, free speech should be curbed when it amounts to stochastic terrorism - where a political commentator uses mass media to urge their followers to act on a certain ideology, and a small percentage do - resulting in violence. Rawwas writes in response to the terrorist attacks on two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand; photo.
5 Remembering an "Act of Cowardice"
Northern Iowan 114:5, p.2
Two UNI students and a professor recount what they remember from 9/11; photo.
6 Be skeptical of 'rhetoric of terror'
Northern Iowan 112:23, p.3
Moeller discusses terrorism and how it's used in politics following the Paris terrorist attacks; photo.
7 U.S. involvement against ISIS requires allies' aid
Northern Iowan 111:3, p.3
The current U.S. involvement in the Middle East has increased in recent months; photo.
8 We're waiting on the world to change
Northern Iowan 110:21, p.3
The author reminds readers that her generation has been given the tools to change the world. Many people have become hopeless when looking towards the future, but this generation can be the solution. We have the opportunity to change the world; photo.
9 Watch out: this column was leaked
Northern Iowan 110:1, p.4
Author lists multiple examples of government information being leaked to the public. He asks if we should be outraged by the informant or the government featured in these leaked stories.
10 Pipe bomb found in Cedar Falls
Northern Iowan 109:50, p.1
One day after the Boston Marathon attack, employees of the city of Cedar Falls found a pipe bomb in a storm drain in a residential area in Cedar Falls. The Cedar Falls police department, along with the Waterloo bomb squad, secured the scene.
11 Bigelow has given us her masterpiece
Northern Iowan 109:30, p.6
The author feels the film is a recreation of the major events of the War on Terror. It almost plays like a documentary because of how it incorporates the major events of the War on Terror into the storyline; photo.
12 Some are not all: a commentary on the Muslim protests against the West
Northern Iowan 109:8, p.3
Attacks against U. S. embassies on September 11, 2012, resulted in the deaths of four Americans in Libya. One of the causes of the riots is thought to be the release of a film against the Muslim religion; photo.
13 The hot dogs behind Kony 2012
Northern Iowan 108:45, p.6
Kony 2012 is an effort to stop the leader of a Ugandan rebel group. The group has been responsible for the abduction of children and the mutilation of innocent people.
14 Film looks at use of torture in Iraqi prison
Northern Iowan 108:39, p.7
"Ghosts of Abu Ghraib" was shown as part of the Higher Ground: Community after 9/11. Many U. S. government authority figures allowed the torture to continue.
15 Andrew Bacevich to speak at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2011:169, p.1
Visiting speaker Andrew Bacevich will speak on U.S. foreign policies and military affairs.
16 UNI professor works to save lives
Public Relations News Release 2011:157, p.1
Professor Michael Walter is developing new ways to defend against bio-terrorism attacks.
17 UNI's Strayer-Wood Theatre seeks actors for 'Dying City'
Public Relations News Release 2011:90, p.1
Auditions will be held at Strayer-Wood Theater for roles in the upcomig play 'Dying City.'
18 UNI to host founder of 'Beyond the 11th'
Public Relations News Release 2011:76, p.1
Susan Retik, founder of "Beyond the 11th", will give a presentation about how her organization helps Afghanistan widows.
19 Remembering 9/11 in performance
Northern Iowan 108:6, p.5
The Cedar Falls and UNI community packed the Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center for the "Remembrance: 9/11 Ten Years Later". The show included musical performances and student reflections on the day; photo.
20 Ground Zero: then and now
Northern Iowan 108:5, p.1
The area around Ground Zero will have five new skyscrapers , the National September 11 Memorial and Museum, the WTC Transportation Hub and several thousand feet of retail space. Ground Zero will be a memorial to those lost that day.
21 What were your emotions on September 11, 2001?
Northern Iowan 108:5, p.6
Students share their thoughts on the day terrorists attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon; photo.
22 UNI commemorates 9/11 with flag planting ceremony
Northern Iowan 108:5, p.1
Ten years ago terrorists attacked our country. UNI staff, students and community members placed flags in Lawther Field in memory of those killed that day; photo.
23 9/11 warrants critical discussion
Northern Iowan 108:5, p.3
Commentary on the upcoming critical discussions about 9/11 and its consequences. The discussions will not be just "feel good sessions", but interactions aimed at deeper learning.
24 September 11, 2001: By the numbers
Northern Iowan 108:5, p.1
Number killed, number injured, and other numbers of interest from the terrorist attack of ten years ago; photo.
25 Volunteer Center of Cedar Valley commemorating 9/11
Northern Iowan 108:4, p.2
Volunteers will plant trees and shrubs at the Cedar Valley Arboretum in memory of those killed during the 9/11 attack.
26 Reach for higher ground
Northern Iowan 108:4, p.4
Memories of 9/11 recalled. We all know where we were when the towers fell. Violence does lead to violence. Fear must be overcome with trust. Trust is difficult because one must first treat his opponent as a human; photo.
27 9/11 victims to be commemorated with flag planting ceremony
Northern Iowan 108:4, p.1
Lawther Field will be the scene on Sunday, September 11, of memories of the tragic event of ten years ago. Flags will be placed for each person killed during the terrorist attacks. Moments of silence will be observed at the times of the attacks.
28 Reaching for Higher Ground: community after 9/11
Northern Iowa Today 94:3, p.19
Theme will center on terrorist attack of 2001; photo.
29 Reaching for Higher Ground to focus on community after 9/11
Northern Iowan 108:2, p.1
Everyone remembers where they were when the towers fell in New York City on 9/11. Several events on campus will help us remember that fateful day. A flag planting ceremony is planned on the anniversary; photo.
30 Nathanson discusses current debates on market capitalism
Northern Iowan 107:46, p.1
Stephen Nathanson, a professor of philosophy at Northeastern University in Boston, gave two presentations. He talked about socialism and terrorism justification.
31 Don't touch my junk
Northern Iowan 107:25, p.10
New airport security measures taken to task.
32 U. S. issues European travel alert
Northern Iowan 107:16, p.3
Americans traveling to Europe are being warned to be vigilant while in tourist areas. Terrorist chatter has increased lately. It is better to be safe than sorry.
33 Keeping the memory of 9/11 alive
Northern Iowan 106:5, p.7
Expresses surprise and disappointment about the lack of mention of the 9/11/2001 disaster on its eighth anniversary.
34 Extraordinary rendition exports U. S. dirty work
Northern Iowan 105:47, p.8
President Clinton granted permission for the CIA to take suspects and ship them to third party countries in order to be tortured to gain information. This practice seems to be against many of the inalienable rights granted to our citizens.
35 Presentation of book on 9/11 and U. S. foreign policy will be held at UNI, Sept. 22
Public Relations News Release 2008:77, p.1
Derek Chollet will present his new book, "America Between the Wars: From 11/9 to 9/11: The Misunderstood Years Between the Fall of the Berlin Wall and the Start of the War on Terror," in Seerley Hall.
36 Campus communication
Northern Iowan 104:43, p.7
During the potential threat, students kept in touch with each other by using cell phones, Face Book, telephones, and television. Campus should be proud of the community shown this week.
37 Support for the Iraq war
Northern Iowan 104:21, p.8
Commentary on how history might portray George W. Bush; challenges citizens to remember that this war is America's war.
38 Report says war on terror inadvertently aiding Al Qaeda network
Northern Iowan 104:16, p.3
Oxford Research Group states that a "fundamental re-think is required in order to more effectively combat global terrorist networks.
39 Culture Corner: bin Laden beats Bush
Northern Iowan 104:6, p.5
Comparison of the logic used by President Bush and Osama bin Laden; photo.
40 Richardson urges Americans to replace 'ambivalent goals'
Northern Iowan 103:51, p.1
Psychological and social factors behind terrorism were presented by Louise Richardson; photo.
41 Did David Hicks really deserve all this?
Northern Iowan 103:49, p.5
Discussion of David Hick's life, terrorists ties, imprisonment at Guantanamo, and trial; photo.
42 The Culture Corner
Northern Iowan 103:35, p.8
"Man vs. Wild" star suggested as possible terrorism cure; photo.
43 Aqua Teen Hunger (Terrorist?) Force
Northern Iowan 103:35, p.7
Recent advertising gimmick in Boston examined; photo.
44 Terror pushing the limits of the laws
Northern Iowan 103:34, p.5
Public needs to be aware of potential loss of freedoms in the name of the war on terror; photo.
45 British spies uncover more that 30 local terror plots
Northern Iowan 103:25, p.5
British intelligence is looking into terrorist plots involving 200 cells and 1600 suspects.
46 Medical ethics, military and the war on terror to be discussed at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
Biographical profile of Steven Miles, a professor of medicine at University of Minnesota Medical School.
47 Flying flags
Northern Iowan 103:16, p.6
Writer explains the difference between the flag of Hamas and the flag of Saudi Arabia.
48 Conversations in preparation for UNI speaker on Military Medicine and the War on Terror
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
Helen Harton will speak Tuesday, October 17.
49 Congress refuses to fund 9/11 relief
Northern Iowan 103:8, p.5
Senate bill to supply money for medical relief to citizens of New York City due to the World Trade Center disaster blocked before reaching a vote.
50 Administration in the wrong
Northern Iowan 103:8, p.6
Extreme interrogation methods are discussed.