
Displaying 251 - 278 of 278 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
251 Violence in the schools, part I
Public Relations News Release 1998:12, p.1
UNI Professor of Education Robert Decker talks about the importance of having a crisis plan in schools before it is needed.
252 Measuring the impact five years after the World Trade Center bombing
Public Relations News Release 1997:233, p.1
Assistant Professor of Political Science Phil Mauceri reports that the five year anniversary of the World Trade Center bombing reminds us of our vulnerability.
253 Swinging by Ted Kaczynski's fruit of the looms
Northern Iowan 94:30, p.7
Columnist comments on Ted Kaczynski being a possible role model.
254 Terrorism in America: Living under a false sense of security
Public Relations News Release 1997:12, p.1
UNI Assistant Professor of Political Science Phil Mauceri says Americans are just as vulnerable to terrorism as other countries around the world.
255 Does McVeigh deserve to die?
Northern Iowan 93:56, p.3
Comments on giving Timothy McVeigh, Oklahoma City bomber, the death penalty.
256 Peruvian government continues to vigorously search out terrorists
Public Relations News Release 1996:442, p.1
Professor Mauceri talks about the Peruvians search for terrorist.
257 The Peru hostage rescue: who are the winners and losers
Public Relations News Release 1996:387, p.1
Professor Mauceri talks about the hostage crisis in the Japanese embassy.
258 The Oklahoma bombing two years later: will the trial bring closure to victims
Public Relations News Release 1996:344, p.1
Professor Jacobsen talks about the Oklahoma City Bombing, and the effects it will have on the survivors.
259 We the people: sad bunch of finger-pointing whiners
Northern Iowan 93:45, p.5
Comments on families of Oklahoma City bombing victims filing suit against government.
260 Printing Unabomber letter ruins journalistic integrity
Northern Iowan 92:8, p.6
Believes newspapers should not give space to terrorists.
261 Fox inaccurately portrays Limbaugh
Northern Iowan 91:59, p.10
Believes columnist had facts wrong on Oklahoma bombing.
262 In memory
Northern Iowan 91:58, p.1
Flag at half staff in memory of Oklahoma bombing; photo.
263 Terrorism caused by infestation of hate in world
Northern Iowan 91:58, p.8
Reacts to Oklahoma bombing.
264 Use political process to throw out purveyors of terrorism
Northern Iowan 91:58, p.8
Urges citizens to use political process.
265 Terrorism more than bombings
Northern Iowan 91:57, p.7
Attempts to understand Oklahoma bombing.
266 "The game of life carries on"
Northern Iowan 91:57, p.13
Oklahoma bombing puts sports in perspective.
267 Americans must react to terrorism
Northern Iowan 86:16, p.2
Believes US needs consistent, strong attitude.
268 UNI education prof selected to attend National Foreign Policy Conference
Public Relations News Release 1986:479, p.1
Judith M. Finkelstein, associate professor of teaching, participates in the National Foreign Policy Conference in Washington D.C. Topics covered include issues like narcotics control, international terrorism, and U.S. Soviet relations.
269 Price Lab is justified
Northern Iowan 82:52, p.2
Urges students to fight any attempt to close PLS; also believes that travel in Europe this summer may be dangerous.
270 Senate supports financial aid amendment
Northern Iowan 82:51, p.6
UNISA Senate decides against supporting a response to the terrorist acts that have been directed towards Americans traveling in Europe.
271 Take It or Leave It
Northern Iowan 82:48, p.2
Offers a solution for dealing with terrorist attacks.
272 'No justification' for terrorism
Northern Iowan 82:48, p.4
Former PLO Ambassador Hatem I. Houssaini and former New York senator John LeBoutiller debate terrorism; photo.
273 Terrorism is political expression
Northern Iowan 82:46, p.3
Former Palestine Liberation Organization ambassador Hatem Hussaini and former New York congressman John LeBoutillier come to UNI to participate in a debate on terrorism.
274 Former PLO ambassador, past U.S. Congressman to debate terrorism April 3 at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1986:327, p.1
The debate topic is "Resolved: Terrorism should be recognized as a legitimate means of political expression;" Grady will be the moderator.
275 Terrorism conference
Northern Iowan 82:35, p.5
Students participate in a terrorism teleconference organized by Pat O'Regan; photo.
276 Terrorism teleconference
Northern Iowan 82:34, p.4
277 'International Terrorism' subject of UNI teleconference Wednesday (Feb. 12)
Public Relations News Release 1986:249, p.1
The title in its entirety is "International Terrorism: Is the U.S. next?" and is sponsored by the Departments of Military Science and Political Science; UNI is only a receiving site for the teleconference.
278 Middle east, terrorism author to speak at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1980:362, p.1
Professor Saleem Quereshi form Alberta, Canada will speak about terrorism and the middle east.