Theatre UNI
Displaying 951 - 1000 of 1002 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
951 | This was 1972-1973--remember; Northern Iowan pictorial panorama Northern Iowan 69:55, p.5 |
Picture essay on the school year. | |
952 | Buffet gives 'Tartuffe' French touch Northern Iowan 69:53, p.6 |
Buffet available in Union; play preview. | |
953 | Tartuffe opens; Theatre UNI's final production Northern Iowan 69:53, p.1 |
Brief history of the play; photo. | |
954 | Untitled Northern Iowan 69:52, p.12 |
Theatre UNI prepares to open "Tartuffe"; photo. | |
955 | Untitled Northern Iowan 69:51, p.1 |
Theatre UNI to present Moliere's "Tartuffe"; photo. | |
956 | Sexism and racism Northern Iowan 69:44, p.2 |
Points out instances of racism and sexism at UNI. | |
957 | Untitled Northern Iowan 69:40, p.8 |
Theatre UNI presents "The Good Person of Szechwan" by Bertolt Brecht; photo. | |
958 | Standing room only at production UNI Century 1:1, p.3 |
Six performances of "West Side Story" draw over four thousand people. | |
959 | Untitled Northern Iowan 69:10, p.4 |
Mike Sedore and Charles Bowman practice for Theatre UNI's fall production "Indians"; photo. | |
960 | Untitled Northern Iowan 69:9, p.4 |
Students practice for Theatre UNI's "Indians"; photo. | |
961 | "Catch 22"--"The sense of swirling madness" Northern Iowan 68:55, p.12 |
Review of the play. | |
962 | Untitled Northern Iowan 68:54, p.5 |
Scene from "Catch-22"; photo. | |
963 | 'Catch 22' opens tomorrow Northern Iowan 68:53, p.6 |
Play preview. | |
964 | Untitled Northern Iowan 68:53, p.4 |
Theatre UNI will present "Catch-22". | |
965 | Untitled Northern Iowan 68:52, p.6 |
Cast for "Catch-22" before haircuts; photo. | |
966 | "Catch-22" set differs from Heller's setting Northern Iowan 68:51, p.6 |
Description of set. | |
967 | Cast for "Catch 22" announced Northern Iowan 68:46, p.8 |
Jay Edelnant announces list of cast members. | |
968 | Major Barbara UNI Quarterly 3:3, p.128 |
Review of UNI's 1971 Winter play, "Major Barbara"; photo. | |
969 | Romeo and Juliet: "the fearful passage of their death-mark'd love" UNI Quarterly 3:2, p.54 |
Extended review of UNI's production of Romeo and Juliet; photo. | |
970 | Organizational News Northern Iowan 68:19, p.12 |
Activities and meetings. | |
971 | Wherry finds 'Romeo' both charming and relevant Northern Iowan 68:15, p.4 |
Review of "Romeo and Juliet". | |
972 | Stage set for year's premier play Northern Iowan 68:14, p.1 |
Professor Williams talks about his adaptation of "Romeo and Juliet". | |
973 | Cutline Public Relations News Release 1972:114, p.1 |
"Romeo and Juliet" is being presented Nov. 3-6. Michael F. Morrison (right) and Paul Duey are shown in this scene. | |
974 | Cutline Public Relations News Release 1972:114, p.1 |
Sara Moser (right) and Katie Harrenstein share a moment in "Romeo and Juliet" being presented by Theatre UNI Nov. 3-6. | |
975 | Benefit Nets UNI Day Care Center over $1700 Public Relations News Release 1972:64, p.1 |
The money was raised from six special performances of "The Doctor in Spite of Himself" put on from Theatre UNI. | |
976 | 'Romeo and Juliet' cast announced Northern Iowan 68:6, p.8 |
List of cast. | |
977 | "Marat/Sade" to be Presented by Theatre-UNI Public Relations News Release 1971:605, p.1 |
"Marat/Sade" will be presented May 11-15 in the UNI Auditorium. | |
978 | Cast for "Marat/Sade" Announcement Public Relations News Release 1971:540, p.1 |
List of cast for the upcoming play "The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat," is being directed by D. Terry Williams and is scheduled for presentation May 12-15. | |
979 | Cutline No. 1 Public Relations News Release 1971:455, p.1 |
Socrates (left), Mark Cervantes, casts a spell on Strepsiades, James Cada. This scene is from the UNI Theatre production of "The Clouds." | |
980 | Cutline No. 2 Public Relations News Release 1971:455, p.1 |
Strepsiades (left), James Cada tells Xanthias (standing), Mike Morrison, to wake his lazy son Pheideppides (right), Marv Hippen, while a slave, Mark Miller, sleeps on the floor. This scene is from the UNI Theatre production of "The Clouds." | |
981 | Cutline No. 3 Public Relations News Release 1971:455, p.1 |
Strepsiades (James Cada) begs the Clouds to help him find a way to cheat his creditors. This scene comes from the UNI play "The Clouds." | |
982 | Tickets Now on Sale for UNI Play "The Clouds" Public Relations News Release 1971:443, p.1 |
Performances will be presented in the UNI Auditorium from March 17 to March 20. | |
983 | Greek Buffet to be Served Before Performances of "The Clouds" at UNI Public Relations News Release 1971:430, p.1 |
Theatre UNI will present "The Clouds" - a classical Greek drama March 17-20. Before the show, patrons will be able to feast on exotic Greek food. | |
984 | Joe Egg soon Northern Iowan 67:30, p.5 |
Detailed preview; photo. | |
985 | Cast for "The Clouds" Announced Public Relations News Release 1971:380, p.1 |
Aristophanes' "The Clouds" will be presented by Theatre UNI March 17-20; cast list | |
986 | "Joe Egg" Scheduled to Open Feb. 17 at UNI Public Relations News Release 1971:374, p.1 |
"A Day in the Death of Joe Egg," will be presented at 8 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday, Feb. 17-20 and 24-27, by Theatre UNI. | |
987 | Cutline #7 Public Relations News Release 1970:149, p.1 |
Scene from "The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail." Henry David Thoreau (Tim Joy) meets Ralph Waldo Emerson's son (Sal Gordon) whle the Emerons (Steve Stabenow and Martha Walker) look on. | |
988 | Theatre UNI provides provocative entertainment Northern Iowan 66:57, p.7 |
Year end review of dramatic productions; photo. | |
989 | Theatre UNI presents Shakespeare's 'King John' Northern Iowan 66:54, p.5 |
Play preview. | |
990 | Organizational News Northern Iowan 66:41, p.8 |
Activities and meetings. | |
991 | UNI Theatre presents 19th century American theatre this week Public Relations News Release 1969:392, p.1 |
"An Evening of Ninteenth Century American Theatre" is scheduled to be presented next week by Theatre-UNI. The winter [lay will be presented in the Auditorium. | |
992 | UNI Winter Theatre to present 'An Evening of 19th Century American Theatre' Public Relations News Release 1969:344, p.1 |
"Secret Service" and "The Kentuckian, or, the Lion of the West" will be presented at the UNI Winter Theatre. | |
993 | Theatre UNI to Present Brecht's 'Galileo' Public Relations News Release 1969:50, p.1 |
Theatrical play. | |
994 | "Sign of the Times;" winter play Northern Iowan 65:44, p.8 |
Review of play: "The Sign in Sidney Brustein's Window." | |
995 | Play opens Tuesday Northern Iowan 65:42, p.5 |
Preview of "The Sign in Sidney Brustein's Window". | |
996 | Play cast announced Northern Iowan 65:35, p.5 |
List of cast members for "The Sign in Sidney Brustein's Window". | |
997 | Theatre UNI to present 'Merry Wives of Windsor' Northern Iowan 65:15, p.1 |
Performances will be October 30 to November 2; plot synopsis; photo. | |
998 | Theatre UNI packs 'em in Northern Iowan 64:57, p.13 |
Highlights of dramatic productions for 1967-1968. | |
999 | Previews Northern Iowan 64:55, p.12 |
Activities and meetings. | |
1000 | Previews Northern Iowan 64:54, p.8 |
Activities and meetings. |