UNI Student Association

Displaying 651 - 700 of 1443 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
651 UNISA election - on the minds of many
Northern Iowan 79:37, p.3
Student is upset due to lack of absentee ballot in the UNISA election.
652 UNISA election--on the minds of many
Northern Iowan 79:37, p.3
Students think Jim Hessburg is more sensitive to women's rights.
653 Elections tomorrow
Northern Iowan 79:37, p.1
58 candidates seeking office.
654 UNISA election--on the minds of many
Northern Iowan 79:37, p.3
Student supports Dana Barrer.
655 UNISA election--on the minds of many
Northern Iowan 79:37, p.3
Student supports Dana Barrer.
656 UNISA election--on the minds of many
Northern Iowan 79:37, p.2
Student is against David Meeks.
657 Barrer formulates plan for bookstore
Northern Iowan 79:36, p.2
Student supports Dana L. Barrer for UNISA president.
658 Meeks proposes book rental plan, university bookstore
Northern Iowan 79:36, p.1
David Meeks outlines his platform and position; photo.
659 The rest of the story
Northern Iowan 79:36, p.2
Nicholas wants to know the true intentions of the Women's Action League.
660 Hessburg's honesty attractive to senator
Northern Iowan 79:36, p.3
Student favors James Hessburg.
661 Candidates agree on issues, individual vote still important
Northern Iowan 79:36, p.3
Jim Hessburg has been addressing the issues for a long time; the rest of the candidates are "Johnny come lately's".
662 Candidates speak at forum
Northern Iowan 79:36, p.7
Brief excerpts from remarks.
663 NI: for anyone but Hessburg?
Northern Iowan 79:36, p.2
Student accuses the Northern Iowan of being biased and partial.
664 Increased funding method reported
Northern Iowan 79:36, p.2
Student does not like Dana Barrer.
665 Know your facts
Northern Iowan 79:36, p.3
Student blasts a written letter concerning Dana L. Barrer.
666 Hessburg fights law change
Northern Iowan 79:35, p.1
James Hessburg outlines his platform and positions; photo.
667 Barrer calls for student- run bookstore
Northern Iowan 79:35, p.1
Dana Barrer states his platform and positions; photo.
668 Barrer announces candidacy
Northern Iowan 79:35, p.2
Dana L. Barrer will run for UNISA president again.
669 Where has this 'real' leader been?
Northern Iowan 79:34, p.2
Women students criticize Nicholas for not being involved enough.
670 UNI has need for more than ice cream
Northern Iowan 79:34, p.3
Student is upset with campus politics, on campus vs. off campus.
671 Candidate fighting for alcohol policies
Northern Iowan 79:34, p.3
Student believes his actions will reap rewards for UNI.
672 Controversy over funding
Northern Iowan 79:34, p.6
Debate funding for EMCEC.
673 What issues should UNI Student Association presidential candidates deal with during their campaign?
Northern Iowan 79:33, p.3
Important issues are discussed.
674 Elections draw near
Northern Iowan 79:33, p.2
Student wishes for more information on upcoming UNISA elections.
675 What's up
Northern Iowan 79:31, p.7
Meetings and acivities; Organization and Finance Committee.
676 UNISA opposes no-aid bill, awareness program to begin
Northern Iowan 79:30, p.6
Will nominate member to presidential search group.
677 UNISA applications still available
Northern Iowan 79:30, p.5
Candidates must file applications.
678 UNISA battles change
Northern Iowan 79:29, p.7
Attempting to prevent change in drinking age.
679 McIlrath elected speaker; Hessburg to seek presidency
Northern Iowan 79:28, p.3
UNISA seeks seats on presidential search committee; considering move to raise drinking age.
680 UNISA elections set
Northern Iowan 79:27, p.4
Applications now accepted.
681 Need defense against 'trampling invaders'
Northern Iowan 79:25, p.2
Student tired of the Rusty Martin controversy.
682 Martin needs 'fair show'
Northern Iowan 79:24, p.3
Student believes that UNISA president Rusty Martin has not been given a fair chance.
683 UNISA president speaks at union meeting
Northern Iowan 79:24, p.1
Rusty Martin speaks at ICLU meeting; photo.
684 Senate Scene
Northern Iowan 79:24, p.13
Allocate money to student organizations; consider opposition to missile development.
685 What's up
Northern Iowan 79:21, p.3
Meetings and activities; Citizens for Peace; "The Guatemalan Tragedy" Conference.
686 UNISA registration drive nets 6,017 new voters
Northern Iowan 79:16, p.5
687 Senate Scene
Northern Iowan 79:15, p.4
Bill SS-2, passed by UNISA, calls for the opposition to the indictments of draft registers.
688 Viewpoint
Northern Iowan 79:15, p.2
Criticizes Rusty Martin for his stand on the draft issue.
689 Proud of president
Northern Iowan 79:13, p.2
Author feels that students should be proud of their UNISA President Rusty Martin for opposing draft registration.
690 Concerned about student action
Northern Iowan 79:13, p.2
Believes students do not understand draft resistance.
691 Supporters respond to Martin indictment
Northern Iowan 79:13, p.2
Four letters of support for the anti-draft ideals of the UNISA president.
692 Applications available
Northern Iowan 79:10, p.4
UNISA committee being formed.
693 Voter drive to end
Northern Iowan 79:9, p.4
Claim 4700 students are registered.
694 UNISA to hold voter blitz
Northern Iowan 79:7, p.5
Hope to register 1000 students in 6 days.
695 UNISA positions explained
Northern Iowan 79:7, p.4
Description of UNISA governance system.
696 Senate Scene
Northern Iowan 79:6, p.5
Two positions were filled, voter registration continues, two bills are going through the system.
697 Committee positions available
Northern Iowan 79:6, p.5
698 Student reflects on liberals
Northern Iowan 79:6, p.2
Student feels that Republican politics have been given an unfair slighting.
699 Registration checked
Northern Iowan 79:5, p.2
Author comments that the voter registration process is coming along, but it takes a large amount of time.
700 Viewpoint
Northern Iowan 79:5, p.2
Author feels that many books at UBS cost double the published price, and he calls for student support of a University operated store.