UNI Student Association

Displaying 851 - 900 of 1443 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
851 Contradictions at UNI
Northern Iowan 77:30, p.2
Questions arise about senator's attendance.
852 UNI ROTC unit considered
Alumnus 66:1, p.20
Lt. Col. Barthelme presents proposal for unit.
853 Senate Scene
Northern Iowan 77:29, p.3
Considering problem of inadequate funding for UNI.
854 'Join a political party'
Northern Iowan 77:29, p.2
Encourages voters to join a political party for the upcoming UNISA elections.
855 Ex-captain reveals ROTC's faults
Northern Iowan 77:29, p.1
James Olberding talks about ROTC during informational meeting sponsored by UNISA.
856 UNISA gives election rules
Northern Iowan 77:28, p.3
857 Senate Scene
Northern Iowan 77:27, p.3
Because of a hike in tuition, the Senate voted to put more money into the UNI Student Emergency Loan Fund.
858 City Council approves stricter housing codes
Northern Iowan 77:25, p.1
Cedar Falls adopts Uniform Housing Code; rents may rise, but conditions should improve.
859 Senate Scene
Northern Iowan 77:24, p.5
UNISA voted to send Senator Mike Moore to the Cedar Falls City Council committee to represent the Senate's support of a stringent building code.
860 After 10 years, say happy birthday, UNISA!
Northern Iowan 77:23, p.3
861 Senate Scene
Public Relations News Release 77:22, p.5
A bill was proposed to UNISA to help the Office Education Association play for trip costs.
862 New guide includes CATE
Public Relations News Release 77:22, p.5
UNISA and ISPIRG publish student survival guide.
863 Is ROTC coming to UNI?
Public Relations News Release 77:22, p.1
Proposal will be presented to UNISA and Faculty Senate.
864 UNISA releases $3,850 in funds
Northern Iowan 77:19, p.3
Available for student organizations.
865 Senate scene
Northern Iowan 77:18, p.3
Considers proposed changes in book return policy at UBS.
866 Committee members needed
Northern Iowan 77:17, p.9
List of committee vacancies.
867 CATE to be published
Northern Iowan 77:16, p.8
868 Senate scene
Northern Iowan 77:14, p.5
Would like to support EOP programs which have been hurt by hiring freeze.
869 UNISA election results
Northern Iowan 77:12, p.1
Vote tallies for vacant offices.
870 Senate explores SIIF
Public Relations News Release 77:6, p.1
A recommendation to look at the handling of the Student Interest Investment Foundation was one of the items covered at the meeting of the UNI Student Association.
871 14 vacancies exist in UNISA election
Northern Iowan 77:4, p.6
Fall election will be held to fill vacancies within UNISA.
872 Gammack urges interest
Northern Iowan 77:4, p.1
UNISA President Chris Gammack spoke on the role of student involvement in student government.
873 Bill proposes library to be named after Fox
Northern Iowan 77:2, p.5
A bill to propose the renaming of the library, the establishment of an election commission and the inquiry of hiring a secretary for the UNISA office were all items covered in the first UNISA meeting of the year.
874 What's up
Northern Iowan 77:1, p.15
Meetings and activities; Folk Music Club.
875 UNISA revises laws
Northern Iowan 77:1, p.3
UNISA to operate under updated bylaws.
876 Gammack plans revision of by-laws
Northern Iowan 76:61, p.3
UNISA president Chris Gammack plans a revision of the by-laws, as well as changes for the student activity fee; photo.
877 UNISA builds new committees
Northern Iowan 76:57, p.3
The UNISA summer session began by voting on by-laws and looking for students to help in dean selection.
878 Student leader wants consistent policies
UNI Century 8:3, p.2
UNISA president Chris Gammack outlines goals; photo.
879 Gratitude to Senate
Northern Iowan 76:54, p.2
Special thanks to the UNISA for sponsoring the art print exhibition and sale this past week at the Union.
880 UNISA passes cut in salary for executive board
Northern Iowan 76:54, p.1
UNISA passed a bill that would cut board members' salaries.
881 UNISA president proposes cutting salaries of paid officers
Northern Iowan 76:53, p.1
UNISA president Chris Gammack is proposing a 20% salary reduction for the seven paid UNISA officer positions.
882 UNISA gives two scholarships
Northern Iowan 76:51, p.3
UNI students Michele McKeon and Brent Black were awarded scholarships through UNISA.
883 Course and Teacher Evaluation handbooks are now available
Northern Iowan 76:49, p.1
Jackie Mackin discusses the CATE handbooks that will soon be available.
884 Scholarships awarded
Northern Iowan 76:48, p.2
The UNI Student Association has awarded scholarships to two students.
885 Senate Scene
Northern Iowan 76:45, p.4
A recent senate meeting brought changes in the student activities budget. IaPIRG, the Ethnic Minorities Cultural and Educational Center, and Black History Week were affected by the changes.
886 UNISA recommends allocations
Northern Iowan 76:43, p.9
UNISA has finished allocating the funds collected from the student activity fee; list of groups that received funds.
887 Senate Scene
Northern Iowan 76:43, p.4
Recent moves by UNISA, including reallocation of funds to IaPIRG.
888 The Way given UNISA recognition
Northern Iowan 76:42, p.9
889 Spend spring break basking in Florida sun
Northern Iowan 76:41, p.13
UNISA and Dietz Travel are offering two packages for spring break travel.
890 Senate Scene
Northern Iowan 76:41, p.5
UNISA will be offering scholarships, as well as distributing the CATE handbooks.
891 UNISA president Lathrop reviews year
Northern Iowan 76:41, p.4
UNISA president Craig Lathrop recaps last year's accomplishments, including the establishment of the Course and Teacher Evaluations (CATE), and sponsoring Homecoming events; photo.
892 Gammack defeats Thomas in run-off
Northern Iowan 76:41, p.1
J. Chris Gammack defeated Kyle Thomas, 57%-43%, in a run-off for UNISA president; photo.
893 Election tomorrow
Northern Iowan 76:40, p.1
A run-off between UNISA presidential candidates Thomas Kyle and Chris Gammack will be held tomorrow.
894 Well?
Northern Iowan 76:40, p.5
Colleen Brennan and Lezlie Fredericksen examine the plants at the UNISA Plant Sale this past week; photo.
895 UNI pushes for grad stipend
Northern Iowan 76:39, p.15
Dean Ray Hoops is working to increase the stipend received by graduate students. The amount of money UNI graduate students receive is about half the stipend of other Iowa public universities.
896 Plant sale at Commons
Northern Iowan 76:39, p.9
A plant sale sponsored by the UNISA will be held today in the Commons.
897 UNISA results inconclusive; run-off election Wednesday
Northern Iowan 76:39, p.1
A run-off election will be held between Chris Gammack and Kyle Thomas for UNISA president; tabulation of votes cast.
898 Election day
Northern Iowan 76:39, p.4
UNISA elections were held last Wednesday; photo.
899 UNISA candidates favor change in system
Northern Iowan 76:39, p.5
UNISA candidates explain their positions before the upcoming elections.
900 'Alleged play on student sentiments are low and unnecessary'
Northern Iowan 76:38, p.3
Feels that the responses from the UNISA and RHA presidents to his previous letter showed the two groups can work together.