
Displaying 201 - 250 of 350 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
201 Intramural volleyball rules and schedule announced
College Eye 57:20, p.4
Another new intramural season opens.
202 Phi Sigs win school intramural volleyball
College Eye 56:27, p.7
203 Volleyball tourney will end Monday
College Eye 56:26, p.7
Winner of house tournament will play the Phi Sigs; photo.
204 WRA to sponsor volleyball
College Eye 56:17, p.8
205 Intramurals
College Eye 50:25, p.4
Announces sign-ups.
206 WRA notices
College Eye 50:18, p.6
Announces upcoming events.
207 Activities for women's intramurals are explained
College Eye 50:13, p.7
Lists the activities, the teams, and the captains.
208 Co-ed volleyball meets
College Eye 49:26, p.2
Teams will be composed of four men and four women.
209 Girls intramurals
College Eye 49:23, p.4
Holding volleyball tournament.
210 WRA results
College Eye 49:23, p.6
Will organize co-ed volleyball.
211 Intramural standings
College Eye 49:20, p.4
In volleyball.
212 WRA volleyball teams still being organized
College Eye 49:17, p.4
213 Indoor volleyball set
College Eye 49:15, p.4
For women.
214 Enlarge intramural program
College Eye 49:4, p.4
Hope to add track, tennis, and volleyball.
215 Intramural volleyball teams practice
College Eye 48:18, p.5
280 women will participate in women's intramural volleyball competitions.
216 Women Have Well-Rounded Intramural Program
Old Gold 0:0, p.172
Description of the activities in the women's intramural program; photos.
217 Intramural Athletics
Old Gold 0:0, p.154
Brief description of the activities; photo.
218 Intramurals
College Eye 45:23, p.4
Members of the men's all-intramural teams are announced; intramural volleyball will begin soon.
219 Postpone intramurals until end of quarter
College Eye 45:22, p.8
For women's volleyball.
220 WRA sponsors intramurals
Old Gold 0:0, p.250
Women's intramural sports were sponsored by the Women's Recreation Association, with assistance from Women's Physical Education faculty; photo.
221 New intramural program set up
Old Gold 0:0, p.251
Coach Starbeck supervised the expansion of the men's intramural sports program. The expanded program includes basketball, volleyball, badminton, swimming, handball, wrestling, indoor track, golf, tennis, and diamond-ball; photo.
222 Senior women win volleyball tournament
College Eye 43:30, p.4
Gives the results of the recent tournament
223 PE majors schedule volleyball tournament
College Eye 43:28, p.7
224 Girls volleyball
College Eye 43:24, p.4
Gives this weekend's results.
225 Girls' playoffs in volley ball
College Eye 43:22, p.4
Recent results.
226 Volleyball intramurals started yesterday
College Eye 43:20, p.8
227 Volleyball organization meeting held Thursday
College Eye 43:19, p.3
The meeting is for all those interested.
228 Three hundred twenty-seven girls from 14 Iowa high schools attended the annual play day today (Saturday, Feb. 16)
Public Relations News Release 1952:425, p.1
The play day is sponsored by the junior theory class of the college department of physical education for women. Activities for the day include basketball games, volley ball, roller skating, swimming, recreational games, and a campus tour.
229 Volleyball intramurals
College Eye 42:24, p.7
230 Wed. Play Night offers games, square dancing
College Eye 41:17, p.5
After Play Night badminton practice will begin.
231 Volleyball players and square dancers needed
College Eye 41:4, p.5
Will be participating in Play Night.
232 Players are needed for volleyball teams
College Eye 41:3, p.5
233 Volleyball
College Eye 40:22, p.5
Women and men are encouraged to play; games held on each Wednesday night.
234 P. E. Doings
College Eye 40:21, p.5
Orchesis practicing; intramural volleyball organized.
235 P. E. Doings
College Eye 40:20, p.4
Physical education news.
236 Sports schedule is announced for women students
College Eye 39:24, p.5
Softball, volleyball, tennis, and golf will be available for interested women starting in April.
237 Intramural volleyball for women will start
College Eye 39:22, p.4
Clubs and sororities are encouraged to put together teams for the intramural volleyball season.
238 Summer/winter sports
Old Gold 0:0, p.248
Brief description of the activities; photo.
239 Men's volleyball meeting Friday
College Eye 37:16, p.5
Men interested in intramural volleyball should attend the upcoming meeting.
240 Theta Gams volley champs
College Eye 35:26, p.4
Volleyball champions, Theta Gams.
241 Theta Gams victorious over V-8's in tourney
College Eye 35:24, p.5
Intramural volleyball teams compete.
242 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 35:24, p.2
Events and meetings scheduled; student recital; life saving corps; singing; art exhibits; choir rehearsals; playnight; fireside meditations.
243 Volleyball tournament open to more teams
College Eye 35:23, p.6
Encourages more students to play volleyball.
244 Volleyball intramurals provide spring sports entertainment for coeds
College Eye 35:22, p.3
Intramural volleyball planned for spring.
245 List badminton schedule
College Eye 34:16, p.2
Schedules for badminton and the Intersorority volleyball teams are posted in the Women's gym.
246 Arrange for tourney
College Eye 34:15, p.4
Plans are being made for an intersorority volleyball tournament.
College Eye 31:16, p.5
Mixed volleyball tournament will take place.
248 Baker-Seerley game, aquatic exhibition, are play night's highlights
College Eye 31:15, p.3
249 Intramurals
College Eye 31:13, p.6
Winter intramurals begin action after Christmas holidays.
250 Around the School
College Eye 30:25, p.4
There are two new sports added to the winter program; handball and volleyball. Students wanted a larger intramural sports program.